CHS Band & Color Guard General Booster Club Meeting
February 13, 2017
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Deb Hernandez
Members present: Deb Hernandez, Renee Mock, Daniel Galloway, Marissa Groeneveld, Angela Upthegrove, Rosa Viasana, Ellen Meinen, Sally Roden, Jon Beach, and Karen Burgos.
Approval of the January Minutes- Motion was made by Rosa Viasana to approve the minutes and seconded by Marissa Groeneveld. Unanimous vote was cast; motion carried. Minutes were approved as written.
Director’s Report- Galloway
Band is in UIL mode and Winter Guard is in competition season.
Mega Band went well- 89% of the 8th grade band students attended. Approximately 100 parents
Marching show for next year has been finalized and will be revealed next week.
Contests for next year have been scheduled, but could change due to football schedule.
Small Fall Band trip planned for 2017
Large Out of State Spring Band trip planned for 2018
March percussion concert
Drum Majors will be announced 2/20. There were 23 applicants for the 3 positions.
2/15 Color Guard Showcase at Hobson Stadium
Working on recruitment for next year
Pre-UIL will be combined with Showcase 3/31
5/23 Spring Concert at HBU at 7:15pm
Parent volunteers will be needed to help hang framed band pictures/certificates/awards in the
Band hall area. Action: Sally Roden to send out a sign up for volunteers.
Officer Reports-
President’s Report- Deb Hernandez
We made $2400 on the mattress fundraiser. We were close to the next level that would increase our money earned. Additional sales can still be accrued through other school’s fundraiser locations. The sales person will need to be told at point of sale that the fundraising proceeds should go to CHS. Action: Deb Hernandez to contact the sales rep to find out upcoming locations in the area and send info to Sally Roden to email out.
Vice-President(s)- Sally Roden and Marissa Groeneveld
Showcase donation letter will be emailed out to all Band/Guard parents.
Volunteers will be needed for Showcase. Action: Sally Roden to send out signup for volunteers.
Color Guard/Winter Guard- Rosa Viasana and Ellen Meinen
Winter Guard competitions have been going well. They have made it to finals at each contest they have participated in. Action: Rosa Viasana to post photos and videos of the competitions.
2/15 Winter Guard Showcase at Hobson. CHS performs last at 7:20pm.
2/18 Competition in Dallas
3/4 Competition in Magnolia
3/25 Competition in Pflugerville (possibly changing to Pearland)
4/1 Competition at Texas A & M
Action: Galloway is currently working on recruitment for next year and volunteers. Big concern that parents are not stepping up to help. All work is falling on the Rosa/Jon/Ellen/Galloway.
Treasurer-No Report
Committee Reports-
Deb Hernandez has made an official 2nd call for Committee Chair volunteers for next year.
March meeting the Board needs to be slated for next year including Committee Chairs. Action: Sallly Roden to send out a list of all open positions for next year to all Band/Guard parents.
Showcase- Angela Upthegrove
The letter explaining Showcase and donation items needed has been drafted in English and Chinese and has been approved to send out. Action: Galloway will make hard copies and give out to Band/Guard students. Students are asked to donate $3.00- $5.00 for committee members to assemble a raffle basket for each band. Money is to be placed in envelopes provided in the Band Hall and dropped in the white box located in the Band Hall. Section leaders will be told to help get the word out and remind their sections to make their donation. Action: Johnson to send out a “Save the Date” (3/31) remind text to Band/Guard parents. Pre-sale meals will be sold to the students. The Showcase committee will meet again to discuss more details.
Spirit Night- Deb Hernandez reported
Upcoming Spirit Nights will be Double Dave’s and Buffalo Wild Wings
Tabled Items- None
New Business-None
Upcoming Events/Dates
- Color Guard Showcase – 2/15
- Percussion Concert – 3/7
- Pre UIL/Showcase- 3/31
- Day of Percussion- City Wide- March
The next booster meeting will be March 8 at 7:00 pm
Deb Hernandez asked that a motion be made to adjourn. Rosa Viasana made a motion to adjourn. Karen Burgos seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm.