Memorandum of Information (MOI)

Mental Health Commissioning Leadership Project

NHS England

OJEU Reference Number - Insert OJEU Reference Number

Oct 2013

Table of Contents


1.1 Purpose of this document 3

1.2 Organisation of this document 3

1.3 Next Steps for Bidders 4


2.1 Background and Context to the MENTAL HEALTH COMMISSIONING LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME for Insert CCG Organisation 5

2.2 Objectives of the Procurement 5

2.3 Scope of Services 6

2.4 Scope exclusions 7

2.5 Bidder Pool 7

2.6 Critical Success Factors (CSFs) 7


3.1 Procurement Timeline 9

3.2 Advert, MOI & EOI 9

3.3 Bidder Information Event (IF REQUIRED) 10

3.4 Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) 10

3.5 Competitive Dialogue (if required) Error! Bookmark not defined.

3.6 Invitation to Tender 11

3.7 Contract Award 11

3.8 Service Commencement 11


4.1 Contract 12

4.2 Contract Duration 12

4.3 Clinical 12

4.4 Workforce (if applicable) 12

4.5 Training 13

4.6 Facilities Management & Equipment (IF APPLICABLE) 13

4.7 IM&T 13

4.8 Payment Mechanism 13

4.9 Financial Standing 13

4.10 Performance Security 14

4.11 Insurance 14


5.1 Requirements 15



Annex B – Format for Submitting an Expression of Interest 23

Annex C - Bidder Information Event for Insert CCG Organisation (if required) 24

Annex D: Government Actuary’s Department Fair Deal for Staff Pensions Guidance (IF APPLICABLE) 25


1.1  Purpose of this document

This Memorandum of Information (MOI) covers the requirement for the Mental Health Commissioning Leadership Programme Project and an overview of the procurement and details of the:

§  Procurement and its objectives;

§  The Scheme service requirements;

§  Procurement process;

§  Procurement commercial framework; and

§  Procurement governance and administration requirements.

The purpose of this MOI is to provide potential Bidders with sufficient information of the Mental Health Commissioning Leadership Project for NHS England to enable them to:

§  To make an informed decision about whether they wish to participate; and

§  To submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) if not already done so.

1.2  Organisation of this document

This MOI is organised into the following sections:

Section 1: Purpose, Structure and Next Steps for Bidders

Detailing the purpose and organisation of the MOI and the next steps for potential Bidders.

Section 2: Introduction and Overview

Details the background and objectives for the Mental Health Commissioning Leadership programme for NHS England, the scope of services to be procured and the factors critical to the success of this procurement.

Section 3: Participating organisations

Details of the participating organisations

Section 4: Procurement Process Overview

Detailing the steps involved in this procurement.

Section 5: Commercial Framework

Detailing the key commercial terms and other legal and contractual arrangements for this procurement

Section 6: Governance and Administration

Detailing key governance and administration requirements for the Mental Health Commissioning Leadership Programme Project for NHS England.

Section 7: Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

Providing a glossary of the terms used in the MOI.

Annexes: Annex A

Detailing specific summary information for this Scheme.

Annex B

Copy of the notice for potential Bidders to submitting an EOI.

Annex C

Bidder Information Event Form

Annex D

Governments Actuary Department Fair Deal for Staff Pensions

1.3  Next Steps for Bidders

Potential parties wishing to participate in this procurement must submit an Expression of Interest via the e-Procurement System Tactica portal

EOI and completed PQQ should arrive no later than Noon 14th Nov 2013

All Bidders that have submitted an EOI will be invited to take part in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ).


2.1  Background and Context to the Mental Health Commissioning Leadership Programme Project for NHS England

2.1.1 Across England, the profile of mental health need and services in each area will be influenced by the diverse social and cultural contexts, historical patterns of resourcing and service configuration, and local advocacy and leadership.

2..1.2 GPs, both as commissioners and providers, play the pivotal role in earlier identification of mental health and substance misuse problems, in integrating the physical and mental health care of patients, and in reducing health inequalities, particularly the 15-25 year premature mortality of patients with psychosis, depression, and those with long term comorbid conditions.

2.1.3 The focus of healthcare is now on delivering outcomes: reduction of premature mortality, improvements in rates of recovery with care in safe therapeutic settings, better quality of life for those with long term conditions, and improved patient safety and experience (NHS Outcomes Framework 2013-14).

2.1.4 People today want their health and social care providers to help them become true partners in their own care, provided with the information they need to make informed life and treatment choices with the aims of achieving personal, as well as clinical, recovery.

2.1.5 There is a recognition that this new vision of care, and focus on outcomes, is best improved by an integrated approach to physical and mental health, the harnessing of the role of public health and Health and Wellbeing Boards, and integrated health and social care commissioning, redesign and delivery.

2.1.6 A Mental Health Leadership Programme is to be commissioned for Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) General Practitioner leads for mental health, for delivery in 2013-14.

2.1.7 This programme is funded by NHS England, and sponsored by the National Clinical Director for Mental Health. It will provide focused, skills-based training for CCG GP Mental Health Leads in England.

2.1.8 The programme will link with the National Mental Health Intelligence Network initiative which aims to accelerate CCG and Health and Wellbeing Boards’ access to data and mental health intelligence to inform local planning and service redesign.

2.2  Objectives of the Procurement

The objectives of this procurement it to appoint a suitably qualified provider(s) to deliver the following:

·  establish a regional/sub regional expert network(s) with access to quality improvement implementation resources;

·  as far as possible, accommodate the limited availability and varied work patterns of Clinical Commissioning Group GP leads for mental health and dementia, supporting learning using a range of media and technologies;

·  employ a range of adult learning modalities and methods, including action learning methods, work-based projects/assignments, case studies, master classes, contributions from topic and subject specialists, case studies, seminars, talks, personal leadership assessment and development opportunities, group and individual coaching and mentoring;

·  develop and accelerate mental health intelligence literacy, working with the National Mental Health Intelligence Network;

·  enhance learning about the provision of evidence-based interventions and commissioning of services to meet the needs of local populations;

·  raise awareness of the clinical and economic outcomes of mental ill health and the commissioning and provision solutions to improving these outcomes;

·  increase compliance with quality and safety standards, including NICE guidance and CQC Essential Standards;

·  increase the uptake of improvement levers and mechanisms including the primary care Quality Outcomes Framework, Local Enhanced Service agreements, Directed Enhanced Service agreements, CQUINs, and Quality Accounts to deliver better outcomes.

2.3  Scope of Services

2.3.1  The Mental Health Commissioning Leadership Programme will build on learning from a 9-day course delivered by NHS London in 2012-13, in which 32 CCG GP leads for mental health participated.

2.3.2  It is also expected that, whereas programme aim, objectives and learning outcomes are specified, local adaptation may be appropriate where CCG GP mental health leads’ networks have benefited from prior learning and development in leadership for mental health.

2.3.3  It is proposed that programme groups are derived from clusters of CCGs in the following NHS England regions, assuming one GP mental health lead per CCG:

·  North of England - 68 CCGs (Lot 1)

·  Midlands and East of England - 62 CCGs (Lot 2)

·  South of England - 50 CCGs (Lot 3)

Engagement will local CCG GP mental health leads will be facilitated by Strategic Clinical Networks in the NHS England regions. Programmes are expected to commence no later than 1st April 201

2.4  Scope exclusions

The 32 CCG GP mental health leads in NHS England (London) will be offered a follow-up programme in 2013-14, having completed the Mental Health Commissioning Leadership Programme in 2012-13. The follow-up programme will be commissioned separately.

2.5  Bidder Pool

NHS England through the South West CSU Procurement Team wish to receive responses to the Pre-QualificationQuestionnaire(PQQ) from suitably qualified providers with the necessary capacity and capability (or a demonstrable ability to provide the necessary capacity and capability within the requisite timescale, which shall be notified to Bidders in the PQQ) to provide the services as set out in AnnexA, in a safe and effective manner and to meet the requirements of section 2.6 below. Potential Bidders must be eligible to enter into an Agreement with NHS England. Potential Bidders may bid in conjunction with other organisations provided that the contracting body is eligible to enter into an Agreement. Similarly, some of the service requirements may be a delivered by a different person / organisation to the potential Bidder, subject to compliance with the terms as to clinical sub-contracting contained within the Agreement and any requirements as to the sub-contracting of clinical services specified in the Regulations.

2.6  Critical Success Factors (CSFs)

NHS England requires the Provider to meet the following CSFs throughout the life of the Contract (further details will be provided in the ITT):

The provider should be able to demonstrate evidence that they are able to deliver the following outcomes:

·  strong engagement with Clinical Commissioning Group mental health GP commissioning leads;;

·  for participants, personal leadership development to deliver individuals’ roles in the short and medium term;

·  creating leaders who are well-informed about new policies, support tools, innovations and best practice that supports need to support the commissioning role;

·  developing mental health intelligence literacy to support evidence-based care pathway commissioning, manage performance (quality, safety, effectiveness an finance) of services with confidence, and improve Joint Strategic Needs Assessments;

·  supporting improvements in the provision, quality and return on investment (ROI) of evidence based-interventions and commissioning of services to meet the needs of local populations;

·  participants’ competency in using outcome tools and related outcome measures and indicators;

·  real progress in the integration of physical and mental health;

·  improving workforce planning and new models of training and dissemination of skills;

·  increasing compliance with value-based, person-centred care pathway commissioning and provision;

·  strengthened clinical leadership within primary care for mental health;

·  raised understanding of mental health policies and the new NHS system and how to access resources for the benefit of mental health care, from primary prevention through to specialist services;

·  increased knowledge about using mental health to inform the work of Clinical Commissioning Groups, development of local Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and information transparency

·  improved local workforce planning for primary care mental health and specialist mental health services.

It is expected that the programme’s delivery should be characterised by,

·  a values-based approach:

-  holding the experience of people using services, and their carers/families at the heart of individual and group learning and development;

-  contributions from people with lived experience, practitioners and clinicians;

-  ensuring that diversity and equalities are reflected in all aspects of the programme;

·  individual assessments of learning and development needs, building on previous learning and development opportunities;

·  promoting and providing practical applications of knowledge and skills

·  a reflective practice approach

·  use of social media to support learning, for example via the knowledge portal

·  a modular approach, including an intensive residential component covering key topics, the epidemiology of conditions and implications; NICE-concordant treatment options and positive practice; defining ‘good outcomes’; using real-time case studies of commissioning and delivery solutions; learning from the lived experience of others and with honest appraisal of what has not worked

·  completion of a project or assignment to tackle a local service commissioning or delivery issue, completing it with the support of the programme team and follow participants.


The procurement timeline is summarised in section 3.1 and further detailed in sections 3.2 to 3.8 below.

3.1  Procurement Timeline

The timeline for the Mental Health Commissioning Leadership Programme for NHS England is set out in Table 1 below. It should be noted that the dates are expected dates at the time of issuing this MOI and may be subject to change.

Milestones / Date
Advert published and Expressions of Interest invited / 15th Oct 2013
MOI Published / 15th Oct 2013
Bidder Information Web based / 29th Oct 2013
Deadline for receipt of Expressions of Interest / 14th Nov 2013
PQQ Published / 15th Oct 2013
Deadline for receipt of PQQ / 14th Nov 2013
Completion of PQQ evaluation / 20th Nov 2013
Invitation to Tender issued to Bidders / 20th Nov 2013
Deadline for receipt of bids / 20th Dec 2013
Bidder Presentation / 10th Jan 2014
Notification to Preferred Bidder / 16th Jan 2014
Contract Award / 27th Jan 2014
Contract commencement / 1st April 2014

Table 1: Mental Health Commissioning Leadership Programme Timelines

Each milestone from the above table is explained in further detail below.

3.2  Advert, MOI & EOI

3.2.1  Advert

Adverts have been published describing, in general terms, the Mental Health Commissioning Leadership Programme being procured for NHS England and the location where the services are required. Adverts have been placed in OJEU and on the Tactica e-Procurement portal to encourage responses from as wide a range of organisations as possible. Potential Bidders must register their interest by submitting an EOI in accordance with the requirements of section 3.2.3.