AQA Knowledge test Unit 1 Chemistry C1

C1.1 The fundamental Ideas in Chemistry

C1.1.1 Atoms

1.  What is an atom?

2.  What is an element?

3.  Match the name of the element with the symbol

Element / Symbol

4.  Draw and label the structure of an atom. Ensure that you include the following key words:

Nucleus Protons Neutrons Electrons

5.  Complete the table below

Name of Particle / Charge / Mass

6.  Why do atoms have no overall electrical charge?

7.  What does the atomic number tell you?

8.  What does the mass number tell you?

9.  Copy and complete the table

Element / Symbol / Atomic Number / Mass Number / Number of Protons / Number of Neutrons / Number of Electrons

10.  Draw diagrams to show the electronic structure of the elements above.

C1.1.2 The Periodic Table

1.  Complete the table

Group Number / Number of Electrons in Outer Energy Level (Shell)

2.  What is a period?

3.  Why do elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar properties?

4.  Describe the reaction of alkali metals with water.

5.  What happens to the reactivity of group 1 metals as you go down the group?

6.  Label each of the group of the periodic table below.

7.  Why are the elements in group 0 (the noble gases) are very unreactive?

C1.1.3 Chemical Reactions

For the chemical reaction:

Write the word equation

1.  Identify how many of each element there is in each compound

CaCO3 CaO + CO2

2.  What is an ion?

3.  What type of bonding occurs between:

a.  Metal and non-metals?

b.  Two non-metals?

4.  Complete the table about forming ions:

Metal/Non-metal / Gain/Loose Electrons? / Positive/Negative Ion?

5.  Draw a diagram showing the bonding between sodium and chlorine to form sodium chloride.

6.  Draw a diagram to show how hydrogen and oxygen bond together to form H2O.

C1.2 Limestone and Building Materials

C1.2.1 Calcium Carbonate

1.  What is limestone made from?

2.  How do you get limestone out of the ground?

3.  What is limestone used for?

4.  What is thermal decomposition?

5.  Write the word and symbol equations for the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate.

6.  What happens to magnesium carbonate, copper carbonate, zinc carbonate when they are heated?

7.  Write word and symbol equations to show what happens when calcium oxide reacts with water. What can the product be used for?

8.  What can you use to rest for Carbon Dioxide? What would a positive test be?

9.  What happens to limestone statues when exposed to acid rain?

10.  Complete the following:

11.  Limestone + Heat + Clay = ……………………..

12.  Cement + Sand = …………………..

13.  Cement + Sand + Aggregate = ……………………………..

14.  List the advantages of a limestone quarry.

15.  List the disadvantages of a limestone quarry.

C1.3 Metals and Their Uses

C1.3.1 Extracting Metals

1.  What is an ore?

2.  Explain why it is possible to find gold in the Earth as a metal.

3.  What does the reactivity series show us?

4.  List the metals in the reactivity series.

5.  Where is carbon in the reactivity series?

6.  Describe the two ways carbon is extracted from copper rich ores.

7.  What is electrolysis?

8.  What is phytomining?

9.  What is bioleaching?

10.  Why are these processes important?

11.  How can carbon be used to extract a metal from its ore?

12.  What method do we use to extract more reactive metals such as aluminium?

13.  What methods do we use to extract less reactive metals that carbon?

14.  List some properties and uses of Aluminium.

15.  Why is aluminium expensive?

16.  List some properties of uses of Titanium.

17.  Why is titanium expensive?

18.  Why is it important that we recycle metals?

C1.3.2 Alloys

1.  What impact do impurities have on the properties of iron when it comes from the blast furnace?

2.  What is steel?

3.  What are the properties of high carbon steel?

4.  What are the properties of low carbon steel?

5.  What are the properties of stainless steel?

6.  Why do we convert copper, gold, iron and aluminium into alloys?

C1.3.3 Properties and uses of metals

1.  Where in the periodic table are the transition metals?

2.  What is malleable?

3.  What properties of copper make it good for electrical wiring?

4.  What properties of copper make it good for plumbing?

C1.4 Crude Oil and Fuels

C1.4.1 Crude Oil

1.  What is crude oil?

2.  What is a hydrocarbon?

3.  What is an alkane?

4.  Give the general formula of an alkane.

C1.4.2 Hydrocarbons

Complete the following table

Alkane / Number of Carbons / Number of Hydrogens / Formula / Structure

1.  What is fractional distillation?

2.  What is a boiling point?

3.  Where do substances with high boiling points condense in the fractionating column?

4.  Where do substances with low boiling points condense in the fractionating column?

5.  How does the length of the carbon chain affect the following:

6.  Boiling point

7.  Viscosity (how it flows)

8.  Flammability

C1.4.3 Hydrocarbon Fuels

1.  Complete the following equation for the combustion of hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbon + ……………. = ………………………+………………………

2.  What gas is produced when there is not enough oxygen for a fuel to burn?

3.  Name 3 impurities produced when fossil fuels burn and state why they are harmful.

4.  Describe the causes and effects of global warming

5.  Describe the causes and effects of global dimming

6.  How are biofuels produced?

7.  How does sulfur in fuel cause acid rain?

8.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of biodiesel as a fuel?

9.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of ethanol as a fuel?

C1.5 Other Useful Substances from Crude Oil

C1.5.1 Obtaining useful substances from crude oil

1.  What is cracking and why is it necessary?

2.  Describe the process of cracking.

3.  What is an alkene?

4.  What is the general formula for an alkene?

5.  What happens when alkenes react with bromine water?

6.  Complete the table.

Alkene / Number of Carbons / Number of Hydrogens / Formula / Structure

C1.5.2 Polymers

1.  Draw a diagram representing the process of polymerisation of ethene. Label the following:

Monomer Polymer Ethene Poly(ethene)

2.  Describe the process of polymerisation.

3.  What uses do we have for polymers?

4.  Why is it important to recycle polymers?

5.  What are biodegradable plastics?

6.  Name and describe 3 smart polymers.

C1.5.3 Ethanol

1.  What are the two methods of producing ethanol?

2.  Write the word equations for each method.

3.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

4.  List some uses of ethanol.

C1.6 Plant Oils and Their Uses

C1.6.1 Vegetable Oils

1.  What steps are required to extract oils from fruits, seeds and nuts?

2.  How is lavender oil extracted?

3.  Why are vegetable oils important foods?

C1.6.3 Emulsions

1.  What is an emulsifier?

2.  What is an emulsion?

3.  Why are emulsions useful?

4.  Higher Tier – What is meant by hydrophobic and hydrophilic?

C1.6.3 Saturated and Unsaturated Oils

1.  How do you test for the presence of a double bond?

2.  The presence of a double bond means that oil is Saturated or unsaturated?

Higher Tier – How can unsaturated oils be hardened? Describe the properties of the product.

C1.7 Changes in the Earth and its Atmosphere

C1.7.1 The Earth’s Crust

1.  Label a copy of the diagram above to show the atmosphere, core, mantle and crust.

2.  Where do earthquakes and volcanoes occur?

3.  What are tectonic plates?

4.  What is a plate boundary?

5.  What was Wegener’s theory?

6.  What evidence did he have?

7.  What is Pangea?

Higher Tier – Describe why we do not know how life was first formed?

C1.7.2 The Earth’s Atmosphere

1.  Draw a table to show the proportions of Oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

2.  What was responsible for the formation of the Earth’s early atmosphere and provided the water that formed the oceans?

3.  What process produced the oxygen that is now in the atmosphere?

4.  What happened to a lot of the carbon dioxide that was in the air?

5.  What human activities have caused a change in our atmosphere?

6.  Higher Tier – What process could be used to separate the mixture of gases that makes up air?

7.  What did Miller-Ureys experiment find out?

8.  What is a primodial soup?

9.  What are 3 other theories for the beginning of life on earth?

PiXL AQA Knowledge Test Unit 1 Chemistry 1: C1 GCSE Science A for certification June 2014 onwards