KRHA Board of Directors Meeting

Conference Call Minutes

January 15, 2015

Board Members Present: Brent Wright, Sheri Erwin, Denise Bingham, Melody Nall, Andrew Bledsoe, David Bolt, Elizabeth Cobb, Debbie Duff, Bryant Hileman, Jan Hurst, Kelcey Rutledge, and Tina McCormick, Executive Director

Meeting called to order at 11:03 am by Dr. Wright. Kelcey Rutledge made the motion to approve the minutes as written and David Bolt seconded. After a vote, the motion passed and minutes were approved.

Committee Reports:

Public information: Andrew Bledsoe reported that the committee has determined that updating the website will be this year’s project. Members of the committee are looking at other organizations website designs that use Wild Apricot. They are hoping it can be redesigned without a graphic designer. Dr. Wright shared that if the technical assistance grant comes through there will money in that for the website.

Education/Programs: Tina reported for Ernie Scott, who was unable to be on the call. The annual conference will be September 17th and 18th at the Knicely Center in Bowling Green, KY. A hotel room rate has been negotiated for $83 per night. The conference committee is working on a tract format to better meet needs and interests of attendees. Someone from the Studer Group will be the keynote speaker as well as someone from NRHA. Two items that Ernie needs to know from the board is 1) need a decision about when to send out save the date messages and 2) will there be a board meeting at the event (that he will need to make arrangements for a room). Dr. Wright said we would take these two items under advisement and decide at a later date.

Finance: Dale Skaggs was unable to be on the call and no treasurer’s report was shared.

Legislative: Denise Bingham reported that the committee would meet the following day to finalize agenda for Legislative Day at the Capitol on February 19th. Room 125 is reserved beginning at 8:30 am and box lunches will be served at a cost of $8 per person. Last year they served 375 lunches. A representative of AHEC will offer a welcome following Dr. Brent Wright, President of KRHA. Confirmed speakers are Regan Hunt with KY Voices for Health and Betsy Jaynes with Smoke Free KY. Rep. Rocky Adkins and Sen. Robert Stivers have been asked to speak. Denise will ask Sen. Alvarado (a new senator and physician) to attend the day as well.

Student Chapter: Paula Arnett was not on the call. Dr. Wright shared that this committee has requested to become a standing committee and no longer an ad hoc committee. It will take a change in the bylaws. Dave Bolt made a motion to pursue adding the committee with the appropriate procedure needed to change the bylaws. Jan Hurst seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Governance Committee: Dr. Wright gave the report that Steve Fisher would like to have a co-chair for this committee and in all likelihood would not serve without that assistance. Brent asked the board for volunteers or for ideas about who to approach to serve as chair of this committee. The search will continue.

Executive Director Update: Tina McCormick provided an activity report with the agenda to expedite the meeting. (It is attached at the end of the minutes.) Tina added that she has emailed NRHA this week about the technical assistance grant, but she has not received a reply at this time.

KRHA Fees/Pricing: At the request of Dr. Wright and the Ex. Committee, Tina prepared a pricing comparison sheet of our current fees compared to other organizations and conference fees too. After a lengthy discussion, Dr. Wright suggested we revisit this and not rush this decision, wanting everyone to give it thoughtful consideration before a decision is made.

NRHA Policy Institute – Washington DC – Tina asked the board, on behalf of Ernie Scott, if anyone would be attending the Policy Institute this year. Elizabeth Cobb, Susan Starling, Kayla Combs and Ernie Scott are signed up as of this date. The big hospital issues that will be covered, according to Elizabeth, are cuts in payment with Medicare, DSH changed in ACA and is declining , policy changes with shortage area designations (with new process and new data) gives concern that KY could lose additional HPSA’s in the state. Dave Bolt asked if Chris Workman has reported on the proposed rational service area and it was determined that he has not. IF anyone wants to attend, please register and let Ernie know to allow him to arrange Hill visits.

Executive Member at Large: Andrew Bledsoe has been added to the Ex. Committee. It is stated in the bylaws that an at large member should be on this committee and Dr. Wright thanked Andrew for his willingness to serve and welcomed him to the committee.

U of L Rural Health Day Plans: Dr. Wright and Tina reported that Tina is working with Paloma Thacker at ULSOM Office of Community Engagement to plan a day for medical and other health professions students focusing on rural health. This will be housed at the school and offered to all years – primarily will be for 1st and 2nd year students.

Upcoming meeting dates:

February 26, 2015 Full Board Meeting 11 am CST

March 19, 2015 Executive Committee Meeting 11 am CST

April 16, 2015 Full Board Meeting 11 am CST

May 14, 2015 Executive Committee Meeting 11 am CST

June 18, 2015 Full Board Meeting 11 am CST

Dr. Wright would have liked to have face to face meetings but this proved impossible. He strongly encourages having a face-to-face strategic planning meeting in late summer (as we did in Louisville last year) to allow the incoming President the opportunity to plan prior to the annual conference in September.

New Items: Jan Hurst asked for a report on the luncheon at the Capitol in December that KRHA paid for lunch. Tina reported that contacts were made with the Office of Rural Health Policy and that several KRHA members attended. The lunch cost $1375 and KRHA provided at goody bag to each participant with KRHA materials and applications.

Jan Hurst motioned to adjourn, Sheri Erwin seconded the motion, motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 11:54 am (CST).

Respectfully submitted,

Melody Nall, KRHA Secretary