(18) Verbs and their Formal and Semantic Properties

(Finite, Non-finite; Auxiliaries, Modals, Lexical Verbs; Verbo-nominal Groups; Phrasal Verbs, Verbs of Perception, Causative Verbs)

(18.1) Morphological Properties of Verbs

(18.1.1) Derivational Morphology

-verbal suffixes: -ise (recognise), -ify (magnify)

-some verbs homonymous with nouns: act, challenge, flood

-some verbs homonymous with adjectives: clean, secure, etc.

(18.1.2) Inflectional Morphology

(a)finite verb forms: reflect the subject-verb agreement in person and number

(b)non-finite verb forms (infinitive, gerund, participle)

(1)regular flexion > productive / open class: 4 verbal forms

(2)irregular flexion > unproductive / closed class: 4 or 5 verbal forms

-irregular means of flexion manifested only in the past participle / passive participle forms

-bare form: null suffix

-3rd per. SG present tense form: -(e)s suffix > homonymous with the regular plural of N, observes the same rules for pronunciation / spelling x no change of the word-final <y>

-present participle / gerund form: -ing suffix > the same rules for pronunciation / spelling as the grading of ADJ / ADV

-past simple / past participle / passive participle: -ed suffix > pronounced [id] after [t, d], pronounced [t] after voiceless consonants, pronounced [d] after voiced consonants and vowels

(18.2) Verb Classes

(1)lexical verbs: an open system

(2)primary auxiliaries: be, have, do

(3)central modals: can / could, may / might, shall / should, will / would, must

(4)marginal modals: used to, need, dare, ought to, etc.

(5)modal idioms: had better, would rather, be to, have got to, etc.

(6)semi-auxiliaries: have to, be about to, be going to, etc.

(18.2.1) Specification of Lexical Verbs

-form all the four flexion forms, either regularly or irregularly (past / passive participle)

-manifest all verbal grammatical categories (tense, aspect, mood, voice; person, number)

-need do-support (question, negation)

(18.2.2) Specification of Auxiliaries

-allow contractions (x modals to a lesser extend x lexicals not at all)

-take the negative particle not (like modals x unlike lexicals)

-invert in questions, do not need do-support

-occur in question tags, questions of surprise, short answers

-require a verbal complement (when not used as lexicals)

-have no independent thematic frame, do not influence valency

(18.2.3) Specification of Modals

-inert elements = lack of inflectional morphology: no 3rd per. SG present form / no gerund / no participle / no to infinitive

-do not form passive / imperative

-suppletive forms for infinitive: can > be able to; may > be allowed to; must > have to, etc.

(18.3) Auxiliaries – Be / Have / Do

(18.3.1) Be


(a)= to exist (typically with the existential there phrase): there’s no smoke without fire

(b)= to be situated (+ adverbial): the key is under the mat

(c)= to take place (+ adverbial): the farewell party was yesterday


(a)+ adjective as the other part of the predicate: the different is negligible

(b)+ predicative noun: the whole thing is a fraud


(a)progressive aspect

(b)passive voice


-+ infinitive: he says we are to start at once

(18.3.2) Have


(a)BrE: AUX (have you got a book? I haven’t got a book)

(b)AmE: LEX (do you have a book? I don’t have a book)

(2)perfect (aspect): AUX (have you written a letter? I haven’t written a letter)

(3)agent (verbo-nominal structures): LEX (do you have a look around / shower / lunch?)

(4)modal: LEX (there has to be some means)

(5)causative (+ past participle): LEX (where do you have your car serviced?)

(6)conditional (had + better): AUX (you’d better be going)

(18.3.3) Do



(a)formation of negation

(b)of question

(c)of negative imperative (don’t hesitate)

(d)means of emphasis (do sit down!)


(e)pro-form of the predicate in question tags, questions of surprise, short answers

(18.4) Modals

(18.4.1) Can / Could

-ability: he can play piano

-permission: could I smoke in here?

-possibility: anyone can make mistakes

(18.4.2) May / Might

-permission: you may borrow my car

-possibility: the road might be blocked

(18.4.3) Shall / Should


-intention: we shall overcome

-insistence: he shall be punished


-obligation: you should do as he says

-distant possibility: if you should change your mind, let me know

-1st per. conditional: we should love to go abroad if we had the chance

(18.4.5) Will / Would


-willingness: he’ll help you if you ask him

-polite request: will you open the window

-future: I’ll write as soon as I can

-prediction (future continuous): he will be still reading his paper

-prediction (future perfect): the guests will have arrived by now


-polite request: would you open the window

-characteristic activity in past: every morning he would go for a long walk

-present conditional: he would smoke too much if I didn’t stop him

-probability: that would be his mother

(18.4.6) Must

-obligation: you must be back by ten

-logical necessity: there must be a mistake

(18.5) Verb Classes – Semantic Criteria

(1)action verbs

(a)human activities: move, hurry, walk, carry, laugh, play

(b)mental processes: think, wonder, puzzle, guess, count, calculate

(c)changes of state: develop, grow, increase, improve, change, mature

(d)momentary actions (individual actions of short duration): hop, jump, stab, prick, tap, knock

(2)state verbs

(a)physical states: feel, hurt, ache, itch

(b)perceptions: see, hear, smell, taste, feel

(c)mental states: know, understand, believe, doubt, hope, think

(d)emotions: like, love, detest, envy, hate, prefer, wish, want

(e)human external relations: contain, involve, concern, measure, cost, resemble

(f)having and being: belong, own, depend, seem, appear, need

(18.6) Verb Classes – Morphological Criteria

(1)one-word verbs

(2)phrasal verbs composed by verb + adverbial particle

-V + adverbial only: out

-V + adverbial homonymous with PREP: in, off, on

-V + adverbial homonymous with other word class: back

-distribution of the adverbial particle within a phrasal verb: optionally follows either the verb or the nominal object / obligatorily follows the pronominal object (she couldn’t get off her ring or she couldn’t get her ring off / she couldn’t get it off)

-distribution of the preposition within a V + PREP collocation: obligatorily follows both the nominal or the pronominal object (she got off her bike / she got off it)

(a)idioms: the phrasal verb produces a new lexical item with a meaning different from the sum of the meaning of the verb and the respective adverbial particle (make up [invent], put off [= postpone], put out [= extinguish])

(b)collocations: the verb and the respective adverbial particle retain its individual meanings (turn over, put back, look out)

(c)intensifying collocations: fasten up [= fasten], drink up [= drink], break up [= break]

(d)+ often the verb and the respective adverbial particle have both the idiomatic and the literary meaning

(3)phrasal verbs composed by verb + preposition

-idioms: look after (a baby), look for (one’s glasses), take after (one’s mother)

(4)phrasal verbs composed by verb + adverbial particle + preposition

-do away with (sth unpleasant), go in for (a hobby), look forward to, etc.

(18.7) Verb Classes – Syntactic Criteria

-criterion: whether and what kind of complementation the verb requires to form a grammatical structure

-E: verbs formally unmarked for transitivity

-CZ: transitive verbs unmarked x intransitive verbs most often marked by the particle se (bend x ohnout / ohnout se; heal x hojit / hojit se)

(1)modal verbs + VP (the boy can come)

(2)copula verbs + NP / AP

(a)the type be

-incl. verbs of perception: look, feel, smell, taste, sound

-incl. verbs of modal meaning: seem, appear, prove, turn out

-incl. state verbs: remain, stay, keep, continue, stand, rest

(b)the type have

-complemented by a noun with an active meaning

-incl. have, make, take, get, put, pay, etc. (have a rest, give a chuckle, make a fuss)

(c)the type become

-incl. turn, grow, get, go, come, fall, etc.

(3)intransitive verbs + 0 (laugh, cough, groan, shudder, die)

(4)monotransitive verbs + NP / AP / PP

(a)V + NP (she read a diary)

(b)verbs of movement + AP / PP (the tramp leaned towards the girl; he arrived tired)

(c)reflexive verbs: the subject co-referential with the object (distinguish / disguise / content oneself)

(5)ditransitive verbs + NP NP / NP AP / NP PP (he told the girl a story; the music drives me mad; he wrote a letter to her)

(18.8) Verbo-nominal Groups

(18.8.1) Formation and Use

-verbs: have; do / make; give / take; get, put, pay, tell, bear, draw

-a ‘weak’ verb complemented by a nominal object with an active meaning

-a verbo-nominal predicate can be expressed by a verbal predicate by using the same verb from which the nominal part of the construction was derived: to have a wash > to wash

-verbo-nominal predicate: points out an individual occurence of the action concerned

-verbal predicate: describes the action as a whole, as a process in general

-E: verbo-nominal groups

(a)+ allow a modification not possible with a verbal predicate: have a good look at sth, have a nice swim, have a long run [in the theatre]

(b)+ avoid the use of object necessary with transitive verbs: do the cleaning, make inquiries, make arrangements

(c)+ form a perfect meaning (point out a single occurence of the action)

(d)– restriction: cannot be passivised

-CZ: constructions of equivalent meaning formed by affixation of the respective verb

(18.8.2) Types

(a)the nominal part of the construction formed by conversion

-verb converts into noun

-some of such converted nouns restricted to use in the verbo-nominal predicates only

-have a wash / a shave / a chat

-give a kick / a polish / a push

-take a look / a walk / a glance

-make a fuss / a guess / a search

-get a move on / a jump on sb

(b)the nominal part of the construction formed by derivation

-to do reviewing, to make a conclusion, to bear resemblance

(18.9) Causative Verbs

-OE: intransitive x causative Vdistinguished by their morphology

-some remains: lie / lay, sit / set, fall / fell, rise / raise, drink / drench

-ME: periphrastic forms with the causative meaning

-make / have / let / get / force / induce / compel / impel sb. to do sth

-structure: causative V + theagent of the following infinitive [different from the subject of the preceding V] +to infinitive (the wind caused the fire to spread to the adjacent buildings)

(18.10) Verbs of Perception

-see, watch, observe, notice, witness, hear, feel

-structure1: Vof perception +bare infinitive = the action as a whole > perfect aspect (I saw it happen = ... how it happened)

-structure2: Vof perception +-ing form = the action in its process > continuous aspect (I heard the outer door banging in the wind)

-restrictions: in their primary meaning of sense perception do not form the continuous –ing form x the continuous aspect expressed by the use of can (I can’t hear you, speak up)

-x the continuous –ing form used to express a gradual change: I am hearing it better now / I am seeing it more clearly now

-x the continuous –ing also used with the action meaning: I am seeing him to the door / the cook is tasting the soup [ochutnávat] /I am feeling the surface [ohmatávat]