Wisconsin Environmental Education Board

WEEB 2 (Rev. 9/07)Use reverse or additional sheet, if necessary.

Administering Organization
SitkaSchool District / Project Director
Sue McWilliams / Telephone Area/No.
Budget Category Expense / Project Activity / GrantRequest
Round each item to whole dollars / Match
Round each item to whole dollars / Match Type (i.e., monetary,
service, or supplies) &
Source of Match
(Name or Position)(Rate & time period)
9 school forest committee members at $25/hour 1 hour each (July 2009)
5 school forest education plan task force members (includes project director) at $25/hour – meetings outside of district contract time
4 hours each(July 19, 2009)
4 hours each(July 19, 2009)
12 hours each(July 20-21, 2009)
8 hours each(August – November 2009)
2 hours each(December 3, 2009)
2 hours each(December 2009– January 2010)
4 hours each(February 5, 2010)
2 hours each (March 11, 2010)
2 hours each (August 2010) /
Select school forest education plan task force members – meeting on district contract time
Overview of school forest education plan outline and example, review existing school forest related documents and resources
Conduct site visit with resource manager and Wis. School Forest Ed Specialist
First drafting session
Information and data collection done independently by task force members
Second drafting session
Independent information and data collection
Final editing, writing, and review
Plan district in-service/school forest education plan feedback workshop
Complete education plan utilizing input from staff and SF committee and prepare for presentation to the school board / $500
$250 / $225 / Service –District
Project Director during district contracted time at $25/hour
4 hours (April 9, 2010)
45 District staff (including task force members except project director) during contracted time at $20/hour
4 hours each (April 9, 2010)
9 SchoolForest Committee Members at $25/hr
1 hour (August 2010)
Wisconsin School Forest Education Specialist at $20/hour
6 hours (July 19, 2009)
2 hours (July 2009 – December 2010)
Natural Resources Manager at $20/hour
4 hours (July 19, 2009) / Conduct district in-service
Participate in district in-service, provide feedback on school forest educationplan
Review and adopt the education plan
Provide overview of school forest education plan and conduct site visit with school forest education plan task force members
Consultation on data/information collection and plan requirements
Conduct site visit with school forest education plan task force members / $100
$80 / Service –District
Service –District
Service – committee members
Service – LEAF Program
Service – LEAF Program
Service – DNR
Fringe Benefits
(Name or Position)(Rate & Percentage of salary) /
Travel (mileage, lodging, meals)
(Name or no. of people)(Rate & distance, charge)
WisconsinSchoolForest Education Specialist
150 miles roundtrip X $0.42/mile
Natural Resource Manager
25 miles roundtrip X $0.42/mile / Activity
Overview of education plan and school forest site visit
School forest site visit / $63
$11 / Service – LEAF Program
Service – DNR
(Be specific. Identify & quantify items.)
Non-Capital Items:
Printing of draft education plan
20 pages X $0.05/page X 50 copies
Printing of final education plan
20 pages X $0.05/page X 70 copies
Capital Items: /
District in-service
Distributed to district staff, school board, school libraries, school forest committee / $50
$70 / Supply – District
Supply – District
Other / Activity
TOTAL / Total Request
$5000.00 / Total Match