Union, New Jersey

Fall, 2009


Course Number: EMSE 5342

Semester Hours: 3

Prerequisite: New Jersey teacher certification

Limitation on Enrollment: 25

Required: For completion of projected certificate program in

Teaching the Holocaust

Catalog Description

This course is designed to prepare K-12 teachers in New Jersey to teach the Holocaust in accordance with the mandate of the State Legislature in 1994.

N.B. In order to insure full class participation, any student with a disability condition requiring special accommodations (e.g., tape recorder, special adaptive equipment, special note taking or test taking procedures) is strongly encouraged to contact the professor at the beginning of the course.


Union, New Jersey

I. Course Objectives

Students will achieve growth toward becoming informed dynamic professionals as evidenced by demonstration of comprehension (K), dispositions (D), and skill application (S). Each student will:

A.  demonstrate knowledge of key concepts involved in Holocaust history (K,S,D)

B.  develop curriculum based on the historical background and current status of Holocaust education (K,S,D)

C.  plan and implement teaching strategies in their classrooms which relate the

lessons of the Holocaust to students’ lives today and in future years


II. Course Content

A. Holocaust History

1. Review highlights of pre-Holocaust history (K)

2. Prejudice and anti-Semitism (K,S,D)

3. Responsibility of individuals - perpetrators, victims, bystanders (K,S,D)

B. Curriculum Development

1.  Goals and objectives (K,S,D)

2.  Relationship to entire curriculum, e.g., history, literature, values (K,S,D)

3.  Print and non-print materials (K,S)

C. Curriculum Implementation

1.  Role of teacher (K,S,D)

2.  Responsibilities of students (K,S,D)

3.  Discussion of issues as appropriate for class e.g., anti-semitism, obedience,

testimonies of survivors and liberators (K,S,D)

III. Methods of Instruction

A. Whole class lectures and discussions (K,S,D)

B. Small group discussions (K,S,D)

C.  Presentations of projects (K,S,D)

IV. Methods of Evaluation

A. Students' written reactions to readings and class experiences (K,S,D)

B. Self, peer, and instructor evaluations (K,S,D)

V. Recommended Texts

Berenbaum, M. (2006). The world must know. New York: Little, Brown & Co.

Friedlander, S. (2007). The years of extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews,

1939-1945. New York: Harper Collins.

Glassner, M. (Ed.). (2006) And life is changed forever: Holocaust childhoods

remembered. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.

Totten, S., Parsons, W., & Charny, I. (Eds.) (2004). Century of genocide. New

York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.


A. Print - Current

Bankier, D., (Ed). (2005). The Jews are coming back - the return of the

Jews to their country of origin after world war II. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem.

Baumel, J. (2004). Double Jeopardy: Gender and the holocaust. London:

Vallentine Mitchell.

Black, E. (2009). Nazi nexus: America’s corporate connections to Hitler’s

holocaust. Washington, DC: Dialog Press.

Browning, C. (2004). The origins of the final solution: The evolution of Nazi

Jewish policy, September 1939-March 1942. Nebraska: University of

Nebraska Press.

Cohen, B. (2007). Case closed: Holocaust survivors in post war America. New

Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

Desbois, P. (2008). The holocaust by bullets. London: Palgrave Macmillian.

Dodd, C. (2007). Letters from Nuremberg. New York: Crown Publishing.

Dwork, D., & Van Pelt, R. (2009). Flight from the reich: Refugee Jews, 1933-

1946. New York: WW Norton and Co.

Dumbach, A, & Newborn, J. (2007). Sophie Scholl and the white rose. Oxford:

One World Press.

Ehrenfreund, N. (2007). The Nuremberg legacy. New York: Palgrave


Filipovic, Z., & Challenger, M. (Eds.). (2006). Stolen voices: Young people’s war

diaries from world war I to Iraq. New York: Penguin Books.

Gross, J. (2006). Fear: Anti-semitism in Poland after Auschwitz. New York:

Random House.

Heschel, S. (2008). The aryan Jesus. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Horowitz, G. (2008). Ghettostadt: Lodz and the making of a Nazi city. Cambridge:

Belknap Press.

Hutton, C. (2005). Race and the third reich. Malden, MA: Polity Press.

Kaplan, M. (2008). Dominican haven. New York: Museum of Jewish Heritage.

Kassow, S (2007). Who will write our history? Bloomington: Indiana University


Katz, E. (2006). Death by design: Science, technology, and engineering in Nazi

Germany. New York: Pearson.

Kendrick, D., & Puxon, G. (2009). Gypsies Under the swastika. Hertfordshire:

University of Hertfordshire Press.

Kramer, C. (2008). Clara’s war. United Kingdom: Ebury Press.

Langer, L. (2006). Using and abusing the holocaust. Bloomington: Indiana

University Press.

Marton, K. (2006). The Great escape: Nine Jews who escaped Hitler and changed

the World. New York: Simon and Schuster.

Medoff, R. (2009). Blowing the whistle on genocide. West Lafayette, Ind.:

Purdue University Press.

Penton, M. (2004). Jehovah’s Witnesses and the third reich. Toronto:

University of Toronto Press.

Roth, J. (2004). Ethics during and after the holocaust. New York: Macmillan.

Saidel, R. (2004). The Jewish women of Ravensbruck concentration camp.

Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

Spicer, K. (2008). Hitler’s priests: Catholic clergy and national socialism.

Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press.

Steinweis, A. (2006). Studying the Jew: Scholarly antisemitism in Nazi Germany.

Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


Vromen, S. (2008). Belgian nuns and their daring rescue of young Jews from the

nazis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

B. Print - Seminal

Brown, J., Stephens, E., & Rubin, Janet. (Eds.). (1997). Images from the holocaust:

A Literature anthology. Lincolnwood, Illinois. NTC Publishing Group, 1997.

Browning, C. (1992). Ordinary men: Reserve police battalion 101 and the final

solution in Poland. New York: Harper Collins.

Des Pres, T. (1980). The Survivor: An anatomy of life in the death camps.

New York: Oxford University Press.

Gilbert, M. (1985). The holocaust: a history of the Jews of Europe during the

second world war. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Gutmann, I. (Ed.). (1995). Encyclopedia of the holocaust. New York:


Hay, M. (1981). The Roots of christian anti-semitism. New York: Anti-

Defamation League.

Hilberg, R. (1985). The destruction of the European Jews. New York: Holmes

and Meier.

Levi, P. (1987). Survival in Auschwitz. New York: Macmillan.

Milgram, S. (1974). Obedience to authority. New York: Harper& Row.

Parsons, W., & Totten, S. (Eds.) (1994). Guidelines for teaching the

holocaust. Washington, DC: United States Holocaust Museum.

Preil, J. (Ed.). (2001). Holocaust testimonies: European survivors and American

liberators in New Jersey. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.

Totten, S., & Feinberg, S. (Eds). (2001). Teaching and studying the holocaust.

Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. (2001). Teaching about the

holocaust. Washington, DC: United States Holocaust Memorial


Wiesel, E. (1982). Night. New York: Bantam.

Wyman, D. (1986). The abandonment of the Jews. New York: Pantheon.

VII.  Journals

Dimensions: A journal of holocaust studies. Anti-Defamation League.

Holocaust and genocide studies. Oxford University Press.

Journal of holocaust education. Frank Cass and Co.

VIII. Non-Print Resources (Videotapes/ DVDs)

A walk through the 20th century with Bill Moyers: The Democrat and the Dictator.


Anti-semitism in the 21st century: The resurgence. Two Cats Production.

Armenian genocide: 90 Years Later. PBS.

Assignment rescue: The story of Varian Fry and the emergency rescue

committee. Varian Fry Foundation.

Auschwitz: Inside the nazi state. Films for the Humanities.

Beyond hate. PBS.

Blood money: Switzerland’s nazi gold. Crisman Films.

Camera of my family. Anti-Defamation League.

Choosing one’s way: Resistance in Auschwitz and Birkenau. Ergo Media.

The Cross and the star: Jews, christians and the holocaust. First Run Features.

Daniel's story. USHMM.

Darfur diaries: Message from home. USHMM.

Eichmann: The nazi fugitive. Alden Films.

Facing hate. Mystic Fire Video.

For the living. USHMM.

Genocide: The story of man's inhumanity to man. Simon Wiesenthal Center.

The hangman. McGraw-Hill.

Heil Hitler: Confessions of a Hitler youth. Ambrose Video.

Holocaust hero: A tree for Sugihara. Chip Taylor Communication.

Holocaust on trial. Nova.

The holocaust: In memory of millions. Discovery Channel.

Into the arms of strangers: Stories of the kindertransport. Sabine Films.

Joseph Schultz. Wombat Productions.

Kitty-return to Auschwitz. Thorn Video.

Memory of the camps. PBS.

More than broken glass: Memories of kristallnacht. WNYC.

Nicholas Winton-the power of good. Matej Minac.

Night and fog. Argos Films and Contemporary Films.

Nuremburg: Tyranny on trial. History Channel.

One Survivor Remembers. Direct Cinema.

Paragraph 175. Claus Nuller.

Persecuted and forgotten: Gypsies of Auschwitz. Ergo Media.

Raoul Wallenberg: Between the lines. Jethro Media.

Resistance: Untold stories of jewish partisans. PBS.

Shoah. Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Schindler. Thames TV.

Sister Rose’s passion. Storyville Films.

Sophie Scholl: The final days. Veitgeist Films.

The Lodz ghetto. Adelson Films.

The Longest hatred: The history of anti-semitism. Thames TV.

The Twisted cross. Warner Home Video.

The Wannsee conference. Infa Film.

The Warsaw ghetto. BBC.

The world of Anne Frank. Ergo Media.

Triumph of the will. Museum of Modern Art.

Weapons of the spirit. Anti-Defamation League


SISTER ROSE THERING, afternoon, April 19,1983
FRANKLIN LITTLEL, afternoon, November 19,1983
YAFFA ELIACH, afternoon, May 1, 1984
ROBERT CLARY, afternoon and evening, November, 1984
DAVID WYMAN, evening, October 21, 1985
ELIE WIESEL, afternoon, December 3, 1986
ELIE WIESEL, evening, December 3, 1986
YAFFA ELIACH, afternoon, December 2,1987
YAFFA ELIACH, evening, December 2,1987
ROBERT CLARY, afternoon, April 12, 1988
JAN KARSKI, afternoon, November 29, 1988
JAN KARSKI, evening, November 29, 1988
LEON BASS, afternoon, May 2, 1989
YEHUDA BAUER, afternoon, October 31, 1989
YEHUDA BAUER, evening, October 31, 1989
YEHUDA BAUER, November 1, 1989
SISTER ROSE THERING, afternoon, April 24, 1990
GERDA WEISSMAN KLEIN, afternoon, October 30, 1990
RABBI ISRAEL M. LAU, afternoon, November 20, 1990
RABBI ISRAEL M. LAU, evening, November 20,1 990
YAFFA ELIACH, afternoon, April 9,1991
DR. MICHAEL BERENBAUM, afternoon, December 4, 1991
DR. MICHAEL BERENBAUM, evening, December 4, 1991
MR. SIGGI B. WILZIG, afternoon, April 29, 1992
RAUL HILBERG, afternoon, December 1, 1992
RAUL HILBERG, evening, December 1, 1992
DEBORAH LIPSTADT, afternoon, December 6,1993
DEBORAH LIPSTADT, evening, December 6,1993
CHRISTOPHER BROWNING, evening, December 5,1994
CHRISTOPHER BROWNING, afternoon, December 6,1994
LEON BASS, afternoon, April 27,1993
LAWRENCE LANGER, evening, December 4,1995
LAWRENCE LANGER, afternoon, December 5,1995
YAFFA ELIACH, morning, December 2, 1997
PETER HAYES, evening, November 30, 1998
PETER HAYES, morning, December 1, 1998
DR. LAWRENCE LANGER, evening, November 29, 1999
DR. LAWRENCE LANGER, afternoon, November 30, 1999
SIR MARTIN GILBERT, evening, November 13, 2000
IAN KERSHAW, evening, December 3, 2001
DR. MICHAEL BERENBAUM, evening, December, 1, 2003
NESSE GODIN, morning, December 2, 2003
DR. ROBERT JAN VAN PELT, evening, November 29, 2004
NESSE GODIN, morning, November 28, 2005
DR. CHRISTOPHER BROWNING, evening, November 30, 2005
PROF. HARRY REICHER, morning, November 27, 2006
DR.DEBORAH DWORK, evening, November 26, 2007
DR. JAN GROSS, evening, NOVEMBER 30, 2008

IX. Web Sites

United States

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum http://www. ushmm. org

Simon Wiesenthal Center

Anti-Defamatiion League On-Line

Facing History and Ourselves

Scholastic Magazine and Educational Materials

Social Studies School Service Catalogue of Holocaust Resources and Materials


Yad Vashem: The Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Authority

The Ghetto Fighters' House: Museum of the Holocaust and Resistance