Exam 5 Review
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Matt
Course: / Biol 211 (1)
Instructor: / Raich
Date: / 11/9/16

1). Which of the following statements is false about genetic drift?

a) Genetic drift is one cause of microevolution

b) Genetic drift is the random change in allele frequencies in a population

c) Genetic drift has a stronger effect on really small populations

d) Genetic drift can predict allelic frequencies of each generation

e) All statements are false

2). ______isolation is an example of a prezygotic barrier where two species of trout

breed at different seasons.

a) Gametic

b) Temporal

c) Behavioral

d) Habitat

e) Mechanical

3.) Individuals from two lizard species can mate but the offspring are sterile. This is an example of a

A) pre-zygotic reproductive barrier

B) anatomical incompatibility

C) geographic isolation

4.) The formation of a land bridge between North and South America about three million years

ago should have resulted in which of the following?

I. allopatry of marine populations that were previously sympatric

II. sympatry of marine populations that were previously allopatric

III. sympatry of terrestrial populations that were previously allopatric

a) I

b) II

c) III

d) I, II

e) I, III

5.) In the Hardy-Weinberg equation, 2pq refers to the frequency

A) of individual that are homozygous for one of the alleles

B) of individual that are heterozygous

C) of all the alleles in the population

D) of all the genotypes in the population

6.) Which type of species concept would you NOT use to determine if a newly discovered population of an asexually reproducing plant was a distinct species?

A) Biological Species Concept

B) Morphological Species Concept

C) Ecological Species Concept

D) Genetic Species Concept

E) Physiological Species Concept

Evolution:Define it in less than 10 words.

Darwin's Theory:

Explain the two components of Darwin’s Theory.

Idea 1: / Idea 2:
What evidence supports idea 1? / What is necessary for idea 2 to occur?
How does artificial selection differ?

Evolution acts on______. Natural Selection Acts on______.

Microevolution: Hardy-Weinberg (Measuring Evolution):

What is a population? What is a gene pool?

  • What equations are helpful for measurement? What does each variable stand for?
  • What are the conditions for Hardy Weinberg?

-How do we know when evolution is occurring? Why is this equation useful?

-What type of population is most likely to be in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium?

Problem: If 48 out of one hundred individuals are homozygous dominant (AA). What is q?

Causes of Evolution:Explain BRIEFLY. Which are the most important? Which occur by chance?

1. Genetic Drift / 2. Natural Selection / 3. Migration / 4. Mutation
Founder Effect- / Directional Selection-
Disruptive Selection-
Bottleneck Effect-
Stabilizing Selection-


Speciation: What are the 3 steps?

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:

How do allopatric and sympatric speciation differ?

Defining a species:

What is the biological species concept?

What are some advantages and disadvantages to this concept?

Types of isolation:







Hybrid viability:

Hybrid sterility: