The Workload Allocation Framework 2009/10

1) Background

This paper describes the Workload Allocation Framework for 2009/10.All Schools will be required to implement the framework for work allocations for the Academic Year 2009/10. The Deputy Deans of Faculties, in consultation with their Heads of School and Subject Group Leaders, are the owners of the system and are responsible for the allowances for particular activities in their Faculty. The scheme builds on the experience with the prototype framework in 2007-2009. All allocations shall be made in 2009/10 using the Workload Allocation software. The system will be used to complete the TRAC returns for 2009/10.

2) Workload Allocation role in 2009/10

The Workload Allocation Frameworkwhich is below shall operate as a common framework for Subject Group Leaders. The Workload software shall be used with the 20Credit Framework for allocations in 2009/10.It should inform the PDR discussions of future workload and appropriate personal development. The Workload Allocation Framework has to be used in conjunction with the Framework Agreement to ensure that individuals have workloads which reflect their contracts.It embodies the agreed Research and Knowledge Transfer policies on the limitation of the transfer of staff time from Teaching to Edinburgh Napier University funded research.For the coming year the 10% allocation will remain in place and will be allocated in accordance with Research and KT priorities, a high level adjustment will be made to transfer the appropriate percentage of research to scholarship for TRAC purposes. Subject group leaders should consult with their Associate Dean/ School Research Director to establish the appropriate allowances for individuals in their subject groups.

The Workload Allocation Framework is designed to promote fairness and equity in the allocation of work between individuals and has identified the normal allowance appropriate to most commonly occurring elements of academic work. It recognises that in some work assignments an individual agreement with local managers, as to both agreed milestones and outcomes, is more appropriate than fixed allowances. Subject Group Leaders must be free to justify their actual allowances, and, in most commonly occurring duties the principle of equal treatment will involve conformity to the normal allowances.Variations of up to 10% may be viewed as unexceptional but Faculties must review allowances in the light operating experience and ensure that variations are justified by the work involved. Heads of School are responsible to the Dean, and on a day to day basis the Deputy Dean, for the implementation of appropriate work load allocations through their Subject Group Leaders. Normally all staff shall be allocated 1300 units and the PDR process should ensure that the individual member of staff has the skills and knowledge set to carry a full workload. Normally staff shall not work more than 1300 units. Where staff allocated duties amount to more than 1300 units PDR should address how the duties can be adequately performed within the recognised allowance. The normal day to day management responsibility for detailed implementation rests with Subject Group Leader who shall be responsible for sending overall work allocations to staff in their subject groups. The formal requirements for 2009/10 are in the action points at the end of this paper. In exceptional circumstances there may be some year to year smoothing of workload.

3) Work Allocation in 2009/10

Allocations for the next academic year,planning for which starts from February 2009, should be guided by the Workload Allocation framework. The Workload software should be used for this process. Subject Group Leaders shall be responsible for using the Workload software, implementing the Workload Allocation Framework, and ensuring that their staff members make the necessary time returns to confirm or agree the modification of their time allocation to activities. SGL shall embody any Head of School allocations of administrative duties,Head of School or Faculty development allowances, and Faculty determined research and scholarship allowances in the allocations which they construct for members of their Subject Group.

4) Allowances for Development of Teaching Materials

The costs of mounting a module can be thought of as occurring in two ways: firstly,activities which are necessary to the routine delivery of the module( Preparation is seen as meeting the ongoing needs to support the current delivery of the module); secondly, those costs associated with creating and sustaining a module and its associated materials. Module and Programme Development(Activity 1.8) allows SGLs to allocate time to cover this task. If you are making allowances for module/programme development under 1.8 you will need to think about where the resources to cover the allowance are to come from.

5) Week One

Week one work allocation is to be seen as part of Programme and School Teaching Administration (Activity 1.7). If not already reflected in teaching administrative duties an appropriate allowance can be made here.

6) Co -curricular modules

Co-curriculum modules owned by subject groups will be treated as any other module owned by the group. Where module ownership lies at School level the facility for School based modules can be used in Workload allocation software to record the work and transmit servicing requests to Subject Groups to ensure that work allocations are attributed to individuals appropriately.

7) Differential Allowances for non standard modules.

It has been agreed that there will again be a single normal workload which balances contact and preparation. There is an element of swings and roundabouts, but for most workloads it is felt that there will be an averaging out across teaching and the norm will yield reasonably equitable allocations. With part time contracts it may be appropriate to vary the balance between contact and preparation to reflect the actual work assignment. In principle, however, part time workloads should be governed by the principles of workload allocation and appropriate recognition given for activities beyond than direct module delivery.

It is recognised that some modules have extended contact and the balance between contact and preparation may take this into account. The Workload Allocation software allows subject group leaders to change the allocations to Contact, Preparation and Assessment. Schools where these forms of Module delivery are widespread are responsible for ensuring that comparable allowances are made within all Subject Groups in the School.

8) Action Requirements

Subject Group Leaders and Heads of School University wide are expected to use the Workload Allocation Framework to inform PDR and Activities plans for 2008/9 and for all allocations of work for 2009/10 using the University Workload Software.

Faculties are required to produce a summary reportfor the Workload Allocation Framework Review Group by June 1st 2010, after consultation with the Heads of School and SGLs, for consideration which:

a)Demonstrates how the Workload Allocation Framework has informed their PDR and Activity Plans

b)Identifies any problems or anomalies encountered.

c)Shows,if possible, the average projected Workload by Subject Group for 2009/10:

  1. Teaching by Module Type
  2. Teaching Contact
  3. Teaching Preparation
  4. Assessment
  5. Support for Teaching
  6. All other teaching related work
  7. Scholarship
  8. Research
  9. Napier Funded Research
  10. PGR Supervision
  11. Funded Research
  12. Commercial and Other Activities
  13. University Support

9) The unit of work allocation

It is proposed that 1300 unitsshall be the basis for workload allocation and the principles of the system shall be to promote transparency and equity across the University, Schools and Subject groups. Staff on fractional contracts will have allocations based on the appropriate fraction of 1300. Part time staff employed on a contractual hourly base (between 8-300 paid hours) will be allocated work on the basis of the principles of the workload allocation framework but their pay will reflect adjustments to recognize holiday entitlement and the nature of their individual work allocations.

10) Areas of Work

There are three main areas of work which bring income to the University and are appropriate to its academic mission and therefore form the basis of the work of academic staff. These are: teaching, research and commercial activities.

10.1) Teaching

Teaching covers delivery, preparation for delivery, and support for delivery, including assessment, and administration of programmes and modules. Direct contact hours would include the basic allowances for the delivery of courses delivered by web or other technologies. It is suggested that 500 contact hours/units be the normal maximum for annual class contact hours.

Not all modules require the same inputs, so it is inappropriate at this stage to move mechanically from student module numbers to teaching input units. (See Jon Kerridge paper for suggested new module typology)


10.2) Research

Research now falls into two categories: Napier Funded and Externally funded Research. Edinburgh Napier University funded research is now managed within a framework of 10% of Academic Staff time and Head of School agreement with the Associate Deans for Research and KT. The Associate Deans also advise on the use of the QR monies and their appropriate use. This 10% quantum shall be used to administer and promote Research but shall be justified inter alia in terms of its contribution to the development of the teaching portfolio. TRAC and Research Council guidance on fEC(Full Economic cost) guidance is clear that funded research should be aimed at pump priming funded research and is not sustainable in the longer run if funded from by transfer from Publicly Funded Teaching. Externally funded Research should now be based on fEC principles and staff should be entitled to count any hours identified in accepted research bids. Funded research hours will be formally re-calibrated to the Napier 1300 unit system by multiplying by 1300/1650. In normal circumstances the only constraint on allocation of time to funded Research is that itan individual academic member not on a research contractshould contribute at least 20% of their time to teaching.

Postgraduate Research Supervision is defined for monitoring purposes as a distinct form of Research and needs to be allocated within the Research area under the Research Supervision category.

10.3) Commercial Activities

Commercial Activities largely are handledthrough NUVL outwith the normal Contract. However such activities can be brought within Contract and, if so, staff can be allocated these activities as part of their normal Contracts. Any allowances for commercial work within standard contracts shall be agreed by the Associate Dean Research and KT and approved by the Deputy Dean.

10.4) Allowances for administrative and managerial roles

All allowances are calibrated in terms of the 1300 units. Location within the bands for the allocation of allowances may vary according to the size of the cohort, the size of the subject group, or the range and complexity of activities. Certain tasks are appropriately identified with specific grades within the Framework agreement and SGLs must ensure that allocations are appropriate to grade.

Administration should be categorized according to the activity coordinated. So, for example, activity administering Programme, Module, Student Support, and Quality should be recorded as teaching. Only activities which involve all three of the primary activities, and the balancing of resourcesbetween them, should be recorded as Support. Time spent as Subject Group leader should be recorded as Support as it involves balancing all three direct activities in individual workloads. It will then be allocated for TRAC purposes in proportion to the Teaching/Research/Other balance.

11) The basic framework

At this stage the allowances are presented as norms and Faculties have discretion to vary allowances. There should, however, be some defensible reason for variations not simply a justification based on past practice or the availability of staff resources.

Summary of allowances by activities

Area of Work / Activity / Sub-activities / Proposed allowance / Comments

1 Teaching

(Teaching includes
CPD delivery)
The amount of teaching on a module or programme is set by module numbers and the programme document.
The allocation of Projects to the Project banding shall be based on the learning objectives and methods of support identified in the programme documentation. / 1.1 Contact / Lectures / Normally 1 unit per taught hour
Labs, Seminars and tutorials
Workshops/clinics/non standard delivery / Normally 1 unit per taught hour
SGLs have the discretion, within School policy, to combine contact, preparation and assessment for modules with extended contact time.
Honours Project Supervision
(includes assessment) and
MSc Project Supervision
(includes assessment) / Projectswill be designated as requiring one of three bands of input of supervision. The units allocated should cover all the work of the supervisory team.
Band One: ten units
Band Two: twenty units
Band Three thirty units
Group Projects
(includes assessment) / A one semester 20credit group project shall have 20 units per project group
Flexible Module Delivery / 1 unit plus 1.75 unit per 20 students per week per 20credit module (Review )
/ Contact Hours to be 500 maximum and staff shall be strongly discouraged from scheduling more than 24 contact hours in any week.
(A full allocation of the Link lecturer role in Nursing and Midwifery shall be recognised to amount to 130units.This shall cover both the approval and monitoring of placements and the ongoing supporting of the student in placement.)
A Band One Project might be a 20credit Project involving a taught methods component followed by a literature based piece of research. A Band Three Project might be a 60credit module with Laboratory based practical work.
The initial preparation of distance or blended modules shall be recognised in 1.8
1.2 Preparation and support / Normally 0.75 unit per contact hour( a contact hour equals one unit) / Team teaching of skills work is seen as changing the balance between contact time, preparation, teaching and module management. Work Allocations to members of teams delivering modules can be spread according to the inputs of the staff group. The total work to be allocated being determined as if one person had delivered the whole module.
Includes all Programme and Module administrative meetings.
1.3 Assessment / The allowance shall be 1 unit per student per 20 credits.(The same allowance should be made to assessment on flexible learning modules.) The total units of assessment on a module shall then be allocated to staff in proportion to their input to the module’s marking load. / Includes all Examination Boards.
(This change reflects the 5000 word assessment norms for 20credit modules)
1.4 Module leadership / 15 units plus 0.1 unit per student
1.5Personal Development Tutorials / 2 units per student
1.6 Placement visits / Normally 5 units per placement student / Based on non co-located students.
1.7 Programme or School Teaching Admin / 650 units
150 units
according to size of cohort and complexity of task. / Schools differ in their organisation structures
(Large Programme
Leaders might normally be 325 units.)
Posts which are effectively 100% academic administrative should be subject to appropriate evaluation and creation of appropriate role description.
1.8 Module and Programme Development / Subject to negotiation with HOD and the degree of innovation required. / Allowances for Flexible Module development should be covered here. The periodic renewal of any module should involve the explicit allocation of units to the individual or team developing or revising the material.
1.9 Non Edinburgh Napier University based Teaching and Programme moderation including Overseas Delivery / Staff delivering or moderating courses as part of their Contract shall have allowances agreed by HOS to appropriately reflect the work involved
1.10 Scholarship / 65units (5%) / Entitlement
1.11 Professional Teaching Development/Professional Competency Development / 0-130units (10%) / Staff in their first two years may have an additional development allowance of up to 390 units in year one and 130 in year 2
Where staff are asked to take on work outwith their current expertise, and it could reasonably be seen as retraining, an allowance should be made against 1.11. Similarly where staff are asked to develop new teaching skills, for example involving new delivery technologies, this may be recognised here. This is appropriate where it is primarily an investment in the skill set of the staff member rather than in the delivery of a particular module.

2 Research

2.1 Research Support / According to complexity of the task and degree of external funding.
Normally outwith Research Centres, research support posts
would be 325 or
150 units.
Allowances for Research support will be part of the 10% framework / In agreement with Associate Dean and HoS
2.2 Edinburgh Napier University Funded Research / Allowances should be agreed within the 10% framework within Schools. The underpinning of teaching is one criteria for the allocation of this 10%.
Normally no individual should have more than 325units of Edinburgh Napier University funded research / In agreement with Associate Dean and HoS
2.3 PGR Supervision / 60 units per student /75units lab based / PhD/MPhil Programme students only. Other Masters projects are Teaching not Research and covered under 1.1
2.4 Funded Research / 1300/1650 times hours funded by Grant / Existing Research Projects should be mapped against new fEC rubric to establish appropriate hours.
Staff must contribute at least 20% of their time to teaching
2.5 KTP Research / 130units (KTP 1/2day) / This is a stipulation of the KTP directorate: any further allowance would have to be seen as personal development/Napier Funded Research/Scholarship

3 Commercial or Other

3.1 Commercial Support / According to extent of the task and degree to which the post is self funded. / If an allowance of above 325units is proposed there should be a clear role specification.
3.2 Commercial Delivery / Where commercial work is performed as part of the basic contract, the units should reflect the basis used in pricing the contract. / Essentially, therefore, this would be by individual negotiation and depend on the needs of the client.

4 Support

4.1 Cross activity Management Roles and special allocations for School management projects. / This category will include the time allocated to Deans, Deputy Deans andHoS, Associate Deans and Subject Group leaders.
Subject Group Leader allowances should reflect the size of their subject group and the complexity of the tasks assigned but shall normally be between 400 and 650 units. The allowance shall be agreed between the SGL and their Head of School.
Work as mentors would be recognised in this category
4.2 University Committee work / 10units for Chairing and 5 units for membership / Formal committees at the University and Faculty Level where not defined as part of the management role of the individual.
4.3 Personal Allowances / Normally no more than 75units / Registration for approved PT higher degrees/professional qualifications may have an allowance of up to 130units for the normal period of registration for the award.
The five days personal development (30.5 units) would be included here.
  1. Notes:
  2. The framework above is a set of guidelines. Allowances should not arbitrarily differ between individuals for similar activities as this is inequitable.
  3. The framework is capable of accommodating the current Union agreed contracts and nothing in it is intended to increase workload beyond those embodied in existing Contracts.
  4. Normally means that there should be a considered and justified reason for exception. The authority that makes the variation from normal is expected to keep a record of the justification. Deputy Deans shall have the responsibility for agreeing exceptions within their Faculty.
  5. There may be differences between total module workloads where the pedagogy or position of a module in a Programme give it particular importance in achieving Programme learning outcomes. Equality of NESH does not imply exact equivalence of inputs.
  6. Undergraduate and Masters Projects differ in their intended learning outcomes and the needs of different disciplines/skills. Skill based projects may require more staff input that conventional subject based dissertations. Judgments as to appropriate inputs to projects/dissertations are Programme level decisions. However infinite variation is not necessary and a banded approach with appropriate guideline units has been developed
  7. Faculties are free to set guidelines for the proportion of time that staff will normally commit to development activities: in Module/Programme development (1.7), Edinburgh Napier University Funded Research(2.2), and Support for Commercial development (3.1) and personal development. (1.8 and 4.2).
  8. The proposed format does allow for a teaching academic to perform a full workload allocation by the performance of teaching and teaching support duties alone.
  9. The workload allocation framework recognizes that some staff undertake direct student contact in all three trimesters but total workload remains 1300units and total contact time, as identified in Activity 1.1 above, shall not amount to more than 500 units.
  10. Team teaching of skills work is seen as changing the balance between contact time, preparation, teaching and module management. Work Allocations to members of teams delivering modules can be spread according to the overall inputs required of the staff group. The total work allocation will be determined by student hours.
  11. The demands of delivering flexible/e-learning are currently proving to require as much if not more input as conventional delivery and are recognized for the prototype as equivalent to direct delivery.
  12. The five personal development days must be allocated under Professional Teaching Development/Professional Competency Development or Personal Allowances.
  13. Although Workload Allocation software allocates work associated with modules in the trimester the contact occurs, workload is actually spread over the third trimester. Assessment, preparation, scholarship and administration all occur on slightly offset timetables to contact. Notwithstanding this no semester should normally have a workload of more than 550 units.

Further Guidance and Feedback on Workload Allocation Framework