The Village of Weston Council

January 20, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Jason Worthen at 7:00pm, followed by the pledge of allegiance.

Roll Call: Mrs. Danelle Langley, Mrs. Tammy McClellan, Mr. Jeremy Schroeder, Mr. Shad Kendall, Mr. Gregory Stevens, and Mrs. Dawn Blandy were all present.

The minutes from the previous meeting (1/5/15) were reviewed and approved as read.


Visitor(s): Keith Leady attended the meeting to check on the progress of the street light installation on Center Street. He also wanted to let council know that he thought Mr. T Schroeder was doing a great job.


The payment register (chk #’s 46344 and 46352-46370, totaling $16,714.36) was presented to council. Mr. Kendall moved to pay the bills, seconded by Mrs. McClellan, all were in favor; passed.

Ordinance 2015-1, to increase the temporary appropriations in the EMS Fund (2901) by $20,000, was read, declaring an emergency. Mrs. McClellan moved to suspend the rules, Mrs. Langley seconded; roll call vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays. Mr. Stevens moved for passage, Mrs. Langley seconded, all were in favor; passed.

The Fiscal Officer went over the plans and estimate from Toledo Edison for the new light on Center Street. The cost will be $1,432.67. The Mayor signed the agreement, so the project should start as soon as they receive this back.

The Fiscal Officer also presented the notice from the Sheriff’s office (dated 1/13/15) indicating that they are issuing a 3% rate increase of $1.69/hour, effective 1/1/15. They issued an increase last year as well, and we did not receive notice until after the fact then either. This will cost us an extra $3,407.04 per year, based on 168 hours of patrol time per month. It was suggested that we drop 8 hours per month (down to 160) in order to re-coup the cost difference. Council agreed that this was the best option. The Mayor will contact Sheriff Wasylyshyn to discuss this.


Council/Committee Business:

·  Mrs. Langley made note of a stop sign down at the end of an alley for Mr. Schroeder to put back up.

·  Mrs. McClellan asked about an issue involving an individual that was pushing snow onto the property of another. She was informed that this is not an issue if they are putting the snow in the right of way.

·  Mr. J Schroeder is still working on the sign, and will have something for the next meeting.

·  Mr. J Schroeder informed council that the next Rec Board meeting will be on the second Monday in February. He’d like to work on a plan for a kids’ art day, an astronomy night, a “Friends of the Parks” program, etc with some type of marketing in place.

·  Mr. J Schroeder also reported on the Master Plan meeting held on 1/14/15. They’re still in the initial planning phase, and are identifying the exact dimensions of the area so they can try to plug in the list of top ideas to the space we have available. One of the first things they want to do is put in more trees and foliage, which Dean Babcock is helping with (he has a contact that could act as our consultant). They plan to meet again on 2/4/15 at 6pm.

·  Mr. Kendall asked where we were at with the zoning request from Lawndale. We requested input from Dave Steiner at the Planning Commission, and he sent back an email with his thoughts. This was forwarded to council and they all had the chance to review it. At this point, however, we are still waiting for Lawndale to officially put their request in writing, which they had not yet done.

·  Mr. Stevens stated that the Safety Committee will meet next on 1/27/15, with several items to review.

·  Mr. Stevens also reported that the personnel/hiring committee should have the final candidates for the PT Maint position to present to council at the next meeting.

·  Mrs. Blandy reported on the 1/8/15 Cemetery Board meeting, stating that Jodie was re-appointed as Clerk, and Cindy Sheffer was re-appointed as Chairman. They meet again on 2/5/15.


Mr. T Schroeder informed council of the request he received from George Baty’s attorney to split his lot on Oak Street. He will call the lawyer in the morning for further clarification. Sarah will call the County to see what all is required on the Village’s part to complete the process.

Sidewalk snow removal was discussed. Last year, our ordinance was updated to include a provision stating that we will post notice (door-hanger) 24 hours before the Village clears the snow.


The Milton Center EMS Contract has still not been returned. The Fiscal Officer was advised to draft a letter (to be sent via certified mail) on the Monday following the 30 day grace period (2/2/15) if it has not been received back by that time.

Mr. T Schroeder stated that the EMS Dept was approached by Jackson Township, wanting to contract with us. They’re currently paying an extravagant amount of money and are looking for other options. At this point, it doesn’t look like this would be a good option for us, as it could put us out of service for a longer amount of time if the patients were to want to go to the Blanchard Valley Hospital.


No further business was brought before council. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm.

Sarah Schroeder, Jason Worthen,

Fiscal Officer Mayor