14 Day Rule: After 14 days, there will be NO CREDIT given for any late work, missed tests, or test re-takes.

Late Work:Late work may be turned in for 60% credit within 14 days of the due date. Absolutely no late work will be accepted for one week prior to final exams.

Assignments and Assignment Sheets:Assignments are due at the beginning of class the day they are completely stamped. Assignment sheets must be turned in with a parent signature within two days of the deadline, otherwise the late work penalty goes into effect.

Planned Absences:All work must be submitted ON TIME or EARLY in the case of a planned absence (such as a field trip or school activity).

Absences:When a student is absent, s/he is responsible for all work missed. This includes all information, notes, quizzes, tests, and assignments. Each day of excused absence receives a one day grace period on assignments missed due to the absence.

For example, a student who is absent 3 days may turn in work or make-up a test within 3 days for full credit.

Make-Up Tests: Immediately following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to request amake-up test and schedule a time to complete itin one sitting.When the bell rings at the end of class or lunch, the testing period is over.

Test Re-Takes: Occasionally a test retake is offered for students scoring below 50% on a test. The re-take time and date will be scheduled by the teacher. The student may earn up to 50% credit on the retake test, NOT the better of the two test scores. It is strongly recommended that students wishing to re-test receive at least three hours of tutoring prior to re-testing.

Tutoring: Peer tutoring is available every Monday through Friday at lunchtime in the library (on days that the library is open).

I understand the late work policy for Mrs. Hernandez’ mathematics class.

Please go online to acknowledge that you have read the LATE WORK POLICY.

Go to to complete an 8-itemform.

Student Signature: ______Date______

Parent Signature: ______Date______