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Bachelor in Social Studies
1.Programme name (it’s an opening or ‘About’ section of the programme which includes a brief description of the programme, why it’s unique,what are the target students for this programme,etc).

Bachelor in Social Studies

Trinity College set up its first social work training course, the Diploma in Social Studies, in 1934. Since then, social work education has developed greatly and the School currently provides both undergraduate (Bachelor in Social Studies) and postgraduate (Masters in Social Work) degree routes to full social qualification.

The undergraduate route is the Bachelor in Social Studies (BSS) - TR 084

This four-year full-time undergraduate programme combines an honours degree in the social sciences (BSS) with professional education in social work. Graduates from this programme are eligible to apply for registration with the Irish Social Work Registration Board (

BSS is an intensive programme. Though spanning four years, it makes use of some vacation time over the four years to add the equivalent of a fifth year. The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) rating for this degree is 300 credits. BSS is also a highly integrated programme, which aims from year one to develop reflective and pro-active social workers who can make a significant contribution in any area of the social services.

The BSS is a professional degree designed for students who wish to become social workers and who believe they have the personal attributes and motivation for social work. The programme is committed to inclusiveness and diversity in its student group. Overseas, mature and non-traditional students are welcomed.

2. Programme Structure & Content (this section should include course details on the calendar and delivery / modules, work placements (if applicable), assessment, course handbooks, etc).

The degree is designed as a pyramid, introducing a range of social science subjects as well as social work in first year, increasing the ratio of social work to social science subjects in second and third years, and concentrating on social work subjects in final year. Social work placements also become longer each year. This progressive structure enables students to become academically and professionally confident in their social work identity over a period of time. Teaching methods and forms of assessment are varied and aim to develop a wide range of skills.

Year One: Introductions to: Social Work, Psychology, Social Policy, Sociology and Economic Policy. Also Politics and Irish Society. An optional course is available in French or German.

Year Two: Social Work Theory and Practice, Law for Social Workers, Social Policy, Psychology, Social Research and one elective course selected from Sociology / Politics / Economics / French or German / Broad Curriculum.

Year Three: Social Work Theory and Practice, Family and Child Care Studies, Social Policy, Mental Health, and Sociology.

Year Four: Social Work Practice, Mental Health, Groupwork, Contemporary and Human Rights Perspectives on Social Work, Social Work Organisation & Systems, Child Care, Equality Issues. Professional Practice.

In each of the four years, students undertake a placement in a different social service agency under the supervision of an experienced practitioner. These placements provide practice experience and an opportunity to develop and apply the skills and knowledge acquired in college. Placements in the first two years take place in the summer vacation. Placements in the final two years run in the first semester of each year. See Fieldwork[A1]

Module Outlines 2015–16 are available in Student Handbooks

2015/16 Year One Handbook is available here[A2]

2015/16 Year Two Handbook is available here

2015/16 Year Three Handbook is available here

2015/16 Year Four Handbook is available here

Bachelor in Social Studies Examination Regulations and Conventions

The BSS Examination Regulations and Conventions Booklet 2015 - 2016 contains information about the regulations governing examinations, as well as the conventions determining the award of grades in examinations, in the Bachelor in Social Studies degree programme.

Tutorial Support

Social Work students are supported in their professional development by social work course tutors on a one-to-one basis from year three onwards. Tutors visit students on placement and act as mentors.

3. Programme Staff(names and details of teaching staff).

The BSS course is taught by members of the School of Social Work and Social Policy, and of other departments in the University. Practitioners and lecturers with special expertise also contribute to teaching.

For more information on Course Staff, see School Staff Members page.

Link to Staff Page on main website [A3]

4. Entry Requirements & How to Apply(any relevant information on required documentation, submitting applications, selection criteria, etc).


Two main groups of students are admitted within the annual quota of 45 places:

  • School-leavers: School leavers who reach the CAO points (or equivalent) needed for entry. School Leaver applicants should enter BSS (TR 084) on their CAO application form.
  • Mature Students: Mature students with relevant practice experience who are selected by interview. Mature Student applicants should apply to the Admissions Office, Trinity College and complete a CAO application by the end of January.
  • Applications are also accepted from students on the Trinity Access Programme and through the DARE and HEAR schemes.

Apply here

5. Fees(fees for EU and non-EU students, information on application or other additional fees).


The annual fees for the BSS in 2015/16 academic year are:

Total Fees (€)
EU Students / €8,499
Non – EU Students / €22,298

For details on Trinity College admission fees, please consult the Academic Registry website

6. Careers & Alumni(this section shouldoutline some potential future /career opportunities, testimonials from former students, etc.)

Career Opportunities

For information on social work as a career please see the following links:

  • Social Worker Job Profile
  • "Its not just a thankless task" (Article on working as a Social Worker)
  • "Managing to cope with lives in crisis" (Article on working as a Social Worker)[A4]

7. Contact Us(contact details).

Executive Officer,Bachelor in Social Studies:

Mairead Pascoe


Phone: +353-1-8962347

Course Director, Bachelor in Social Studies:

Assistant Professor Maeve Foreman



Director of Teaching & Learning (Undergraduate):

Professor Robbie Gilligan



Postal Address:

School of Social Work and Social Policy,

Room 3063, Arts Building,

Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin,

Dublin 2

[A1] Link to Fieldwork.

[A2]Dovile, do you need me to send you PDF versions of the Hasndbooks?

[A3]Dovile, will there be a Staff page just like the current?

[A4]Dovile, this section needs to include some up to date testimonials and profiles and I will work on this with Maeve on her return. For now we can include the older links.