Minutes of the
General’s Highway Athletic Association
November 12, 2003
Meeting held in the media center of Rolling Knolls Elementary School @ 7:30 PM
Present: Dave Blaha, Donna Bryant, Debi Gehring, Anne Harmon, Shawn Harmon, Ed Kalb, John Kinney, Theresa Kinney, Mike Love, Jim Maltese, Donna Murphy, Cindy O’Neill, Peggy Pratt, John Mays, Jeanne Ward, Joe Weiss
Meeting Called to Order by Secretary, Jeanne Ward at 7:37 PM in the absence of the President.
Minutes for the October 15, 2003 meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: John Kinney reports that we are still approximately $3000 in the hole. We anticipate a check for @ $1,200 for soccer. The county grant is still not accounted for.
New Business:
Basketball: The Basketball commissioner, Bob Pratt, was not present but his season appears to be underway.
LaCrosse: John Mays says the county will be requiring goggles for all players next year. He is also resigning as commissioner and has asked Joe Weiss to take over.
Soccer: Dave Blaha reports that we had a good season. We had between 120 and 130 players with 50 to 55 in clinic. He says that we face a challenge in forming relatively large, single age teams in that the teams for younger players barely had enough players this year. We they move up and are playing with 11 on the field instead of 7 we may not be able to field teams.
Dave also presented his resignation as Soccer Commissioner although he will coach one more year until his youngest daughter goes to high school. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank him for his service. He has approached Dave Bastion (sp?) about taking the commissioner position for next year.
Baseball: Bill Conner not present. No report.
Elections: At the October meeting it was reported by Joe Weiss that only one person had agreed to run for office. Jeanne Ward agreed to run for the office of President. Theresa Kinney agreed to run for the office of Treasurer.
Ballots were distributed and members present were instructed to vote for all four offices, President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Write in votes would be counted and the individual approached concerning willingness to take the office.
Results: President – Jeanne Ward (12 votes)
Vice President – Joe Weisse (6 votes), Colleen Lilly (2 votes)
Secrectary – Colleen Lilly (2 votes), Anne Harmon (1 vote), Ed Kalb (1 vote), Debi Gehring (1 vote)
Treasurer – Theresa Kinney (11 votes)
Jeanne Ward and Theresa Kinney have agreed to serve. Joe Weiss asked to think about it. Colleen Lilly will be approached.
The next meeting will be held January 14, 2004 at 7:30 PM at Rolling Knolls Elementary School – media center. Changes in the By-Laws will be addressed.
The new president will reserve the space for these meetings and placed ads in the Capital.
A motion to adjourn was seconded and passed.
Respectfully Submitted
Jeanne A. Ward, Secretary
November 16, 2003