
Russian language II (Language, morpho-syntax and lexicon)

Prof. Anna Bonola

Russian Language Practical Classes (Year 2, Three-year Course)

Dott. Maria Benedek; Dott. Anna Esterovich; Dott. Elena Freda Piredda; Dott. Marcella Molteni; Dott. Marina Sokolskaja; Dott. Maria Versace

Russian Language Practical Classes (Year 2, Two-year Course)

Dr. Anna Esterovich

Russian language II (Language, morpho-syntax and lexicon)

Prof. Anna Bonola


Given the magnitude of the morpho-syntactic system of Russian, the first part of the course aims to develop its theoretical understanding, and consolidate the linguistic competence that students have acquired in the Russian language practical classes, thus also contributing to their preparation for the second year’s written exam.


Morphology and syntax

Morpho-syntactic and semantic categories of the Russian language; tools for identifying morpho-syntactic organisation. The course will specifically take both a typological and contrastive approach (Russian-Italian) to some verb categories (tense, aspect, voice) and the discursive functions of Russian particles.


Further reading materials will be available in the course document folder on the Blackboard.

Students are requested to consult the Blackboard and the lecturer's web page for any updates.


The course comprises classroom lectures and practical exercises.


Students will be assessed by oral exam in Russian for those parts of the course delivered in Russian, and in Italian for those in Italian. The Russian presentation will be assessed in terms of exactness and completeness of content as well as the accuracy of linguistic expression; for the Italian presentation, students will be need to demonstrate subject knowledge along with the ability to translate and explain all of the examples of Russian language in the text. Students must also be able to morphemically analyse Russian words.


The course lasts for one semester for students in their second year with "Business language expert", "International relations language expert" and will take place in the second semester.

Russian language practical classes

See the program for year 2 of the three-year course published in this guidebook.

Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.

Russian Language Practical Classes (Year 2, Three-year Course)

Dott. Maria Benedek; Dott. Anna Esterovich; Dott. Elena Freda Piredda; Dott. Marcella Molteni; Dott. Marina Sokolskaja; Dott. Maria Versace


The course sets out to equip the student with solid intermediate-level abilities in spoken and written Russian.


1. Verbs

1.1. Verb aspect in the stuctures: «должен - можно – нужно - нельзя».

1.2. Verb aspect in the infinitive: verbs requiring obligatory choice of aspect.

1.3. The aspect of verbs in the future with negation: не буду читать – не прочитаю.

1.4. Reflexive verbs.

1.5. Unidirectional and multidirectional unprefixed verbs of motion.

1.6. Prefixed verbs of motion (general considerations).

2. Participles

2.1. Formation of active participles in the present, past and in the full form of the passive in the past.

2.2. Declension of participles. Participle constructions.

2.3. Transforming the subordinate clause with «который» into a participle construction.

2.4. Short forms of passive participles.

2.5. Use of short participles for forming the passive.

3. Gerunds

3.1. Formation and use of gerunds with НСВ and СВ verbs.

4. The imperative

4.1. Positive imperative (Прочитай!).

4.2. Negative imperative (Не читай!).

5. Adjectives and the adverbs

5.1. Degrees of comparison for adjectives and adverbs.

5.2. The short form of adjectives.

6. Pronouns

6.1. Indefinite pronouns (кто-то, кто-нибудь etc.).

6.2. Negative pronouns (никто-ничто).

6.3. The possessive adjective «свой».

7. Numerals

7.1. Cardinal and ordinal numerals for expressing the date in the form в каком году?

8. Syntax

8.1. The simple phrase: complements of time and cause (use of the prepositions из-за, благодаря, за etc.).

8.2. The complex phrase with the following clauses: subordinate, completive, relative, final, concessive, temporal, causal, hypothetical etc.

8.3. Indirect speech.

9. Names and place names

9.1. Transliteration of names and surnames.

9.2. Declension of Russian and foreign place names.

10. Lexical difficulties

10.1. Use of the verbs звать - называть, учить - учиться - изучать, надевать - одеть, ставить - класть.


1. Practical classes involving listening to a Russian text and producing a written summary. (изложение).

Italian-Russian translation

1. Training in the use of a bilingual dictionary.

1. Translating topical texts into Russian.

3. Translating topical texts into Italian.


Dispensa di Lingua russa II – Grammatica (Dr. Natalia Nikitina – Dr. Freda Piredda, Reprographics Department).

N. Nikitina, Esercizi di lingua russa. Morfologia: livello avanzato con soluzioni, Hoepli, Milan, 2013.

N. Nikitina, Eserciziario di russo. Morfologia: livello avanzato con soluzioni, Hoepli, Milano, 2016.

C. Cevese-J. Dobrovolskaja-E. Magnanini, Grammatica russa. Morfologia: teoria ed esercizi, Hoepli, Milan, 2000.


Lectures and practical classes.


Practical language classes will be assessed by final written and oral exam. Progress throughout the year will be monitored by means of tests and assessment exercises in class. Therefore, consistent attendance is required in order for students to reach the required levels.

Final exams are divided as follows:

Written exam

– a multiple choice grammar and vocabulary test;

– a written summary of a text dictated by the lecturer;

– a brief translation from Russian of about 140 words, both to test understanding of the original text and assess the quality of the Italian produced;

– a short translation from Italian of about 140 words, to check grammatical competence.

Use of a bilingual dictionary will be allowed for the translations only.

Oral exam

The oral exam will test the student’s ability to read, translate and summarise the home reading (an original-language text of around 60 pages set by the lecturer during the course) as well as to maintain a short conversation on everyday topics.

The student must also know how to read and translate on-sight the second-level Russian text given to them at the exam and to converse in Russian on its content.

Criteria for the assessment: lexical mastery, grammatical accuracy, pronunciation and stressing, ability for public speaking and communicative skills.


The students must carefully check the timetable and attend exclusively those classes assigned to their group and curriculum (ELI; ELRI; LCM; ELMT; LLS).

Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board.

Russian Language Practical Classes (Year 2, Two-year Course)

Dr. Anna Esterovich


This course is for students who want to develop a good level of basic skills in written and spoken Russian.


– Complex morphology: declension of numerals, indefinite and negative pronouns.

– Verbal morphology: use of verbal aspects in the indicative, imperative and infinitive moods.

– Meaning and use of prefixes in verbs of motion.

– Diathesis: reflexive verbs and passive construction.

– Syntax: subordinate direct object. Notions on the gerund and the participle.


The lecturer will provide information on the reading list at the start of the course.




Final oral exam in Russian that will test the student’s ability to read, translate and converse in the language. Criteria for the assessment: lexical mastery, grammatical accuracy, pronunciation and stressing, ability for public speaking and communicative skills.


Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at, or on the Faculty notice board.