Domestic Violence
Research Policy Forum
Helping you deliver outstanding domestic
violence services 25 June 2012, Westminster, London
Attend this eventand you’ll explore what works best to implement the Home Office's'Taking Action - The New Chapter'initiative.
Learn from your peers - speakers include:
•Nicki Norman, Women's Aid
•Frank Mullane,AAFDA
•Carmel Napier,ACPO
•Laura Richards
Criminal Behavioural Analyst
•Jo Todd,Respect / •Robert Buckland MP
Professor Louise Howard
Kings College London
Gary Fitzgerald,Action on Elder Abuse
Meeting the Government's 100 steps to
reduce domestic violence - attend to:
  • Get an insider’s view on the Government’s progress with domestic violence policies and be ready for service changes
  • Understand the 100 steps of ‘Taking Action – The New Chapter’ and be operationally prepared to tackle them head on
  • Learn what’s working with the government pilots of the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme
  • Examine the Home Office campaign to tackle teenage abuse in relationships
  • Be fully briefed on legislative changes to the Stalking Law Hear from the police on new powers and initiatives that are bringing change at a local level
  • Share best practice in early intervention, support and first response
  • Leverage the power of the media to increase public understanding and prevent domestic violence
  • Discuss possible changes to the British Crime Survey to improve attitudes and
  • Explore effective person-centred response and family engagement
  • Discover the success stories of the £28 million funding for specialist Violence Against Women and Girls services
  • whether the current cross-government definition of domestic
    violence is working and should remain
  • whether ‘coercive control’ should be reflected inthe definition
  • whether the definition of domestic violence shouldinclude younger
    victims below 18 years
Limited Delegate Places Available!
Toguarantee your placeat this event - please book your place today.
Group booking discounts are available -email Steve Cassidyto learn more.
PS -to debate topics for discussion on twitter - search #trbfam
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