BIOL 1421.L07 Fundamentals of A & P Lab Syllabus Fall 2016

Lab meets every Thursday 1:00 – 2:50 PM, MSCI 109


Blake Johnson, Ph.D. Office: Murphy Science 105B

Phone: 903-923-2248 Email:

Office Hours: M 11-12, 3-4; W 11-12, 3-4; TH 9-12, 3-4; F 11-12, 3-4.

Required Text: Visual Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual, 2013. Sarikas.

ISBN: 978-0-321-92854-2


The laboratory will include lab work that will illustrate and reinforce material discussed during lecture meetings. The laboratory period meets two hours per week. Weekly lab homework will be completed on the homework pages at the end of the exercise in the lab manual and the page will be turned in at the beginning of lab next week. There will be three lab exams.


Lab safety guidelines are posted in the front of the lab. Students are expected to read and follow the Lab Safety Guidelines. Students will be introduced to the guidelines on the first lab day. Each student must sign and turn in a lab safety form. General safety guidelines are also published in the lab manual.


At the end of the semester, students will not receive a separate grade for the lab component; lab comprises 25% of your total semester grade, and will consist of 3 lab exams (15% of the final grade) as well as homework (10% of the final grade).


For the lab, the student may not miss more than three (3) meetings. All absences from the first day of class count toward this limit. Any absence above this limit will result in a “XF’ grade for the complete course (Lab and Class).


1. It is recommended that you read the lab exercise stated in the syllabus prior each class, since it will

help you better understand the lab techniques and save you time in the long run.

2. Be on time for lab. Tardiness will result in a warning. Repeated tardiness will result in lab points being deducted from that day’s homework.

3. Appropriate clothing must be worn to class. This will be discussed during the safety presentation. No open-toed shoes or flipflops are allowed. No short shorts or sleeveless t shirts will be permitted.

4. Each student is required to participate in lab exercises and to work cooperatively with other students. Homework may be started in lab as long as the student has also participated in labwork and studied any lab models for that week.

5. No cell phones are allowed to be turned on during laboratory classes. Exceptions would be if the instructor gives permission for you to take pictures of the lab models or to look up an extra difficult question from the lab manual.

6. You will remain in lab for the entire time or until the lab instructor dismisses the entire class. Any exceptions to this will be if the lab instructor gives special permission on a one time basis. Do not schedule work on top of lab time; this is not considered an adequate reason to miss even part of lab.

7. If you have a schedule conflict where you are required to participate in a university scheduled event, such as an athletic competition, you should contact your lab instructor well in advance. It may be possible to schedule your attendance at another lab section. Don’t just show up at another lab section; you must have the permission of your lab instructor and the lab instructor whose lab you are visiting.

8. Make-ups for lab exams are allowed only for extreme circumstances. You should contact your instructor as soon as you are aware of such circumstances. Physical documentation for your absence will be required, such as a doctor’s excuse from the ER or hospital, or a program from a funeral. Students required to attend an official university event, conflicting with the lab exam, should notify the instructor in advance, so that an alternate time to take the lab exam can be arranged. Any make-up lab exam approved by your instructor will be done the same week as the lab exam missed (before the practical is taken down).

Students with Disabilities

A student with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course by contacting the Office of Academic Success, Marshall Hall, Room 301, and providing the required documentation. If accommodations are approved by the Disability Accommodations Committee, the Office of Academic Success will notify the student and the student’s professor of the approved accommodations. The student must then discuss these accommodations with his or her professor.Students may not ask for accommodations the day of an exam or due date. Arrangements must be made prior to these important dates. For additional information, please refer to page 15-16 of the 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog.


Week 1: August 25 / Introduction, Exercise 1 / Body Organization and Terminology
Week 2: September 1 / Ex. 2, 3 / Microscope, Cell Structure
Week 3: September 8 / Ex 5 / Tissues
Week 4: Sept. 15 / Ex 6 / Integumentary System
Week 5: Sept. 22 / Lab Exam 1-Ex 1,2,3,5
Week 6: Sept. 29 / Ex 7 / Axial Skeleton
Week 7: / Fall Break – no lab
Week 8: October 13 / Ex 8 / Appendicular Skeleton
Week 9: October 20 / Lab Exam 2 – Ex 6,7,8
Week 10: October 27 / Ex. 11 / Muscles of Head, Neck, and Trunk
Week 11: November 3 / Ex 12 / Muscles of the Upper & Lower Limbs
Week 12: November 10 / Ex. 15, 16 / Nervous system
Week 13: November 17 / Ex. 17, 18 / Special senses
Week 14: December 1 / Lab Exam 3 – Ex 11,12,15,16,17,18