Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on 26th March 2007 at 2.30 p.m.
at Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, Co. Meath
Cllr. J. Fegan, presided.
Members Present:-
Cllrs. P. Cantwell, W. Carey, S. Murray, P. Higgins
Apologies: D. O’Brien (Cathaoirleach – Trim Town Council), W. Carey
Officials in Attendance:-
K. Stewart, Area Manager
M. Farrell, Area Engineer
B. Murphy, Area Administrator
Cllr. Fegan welcomed the new Town Clerk/Area Administrator and wanted a record of his thanks to the former Town Clerk/Area Administrator Brendan Fulham for his professionalism and dedication to the position. These sentiments were echoed by all present.
K. Stewart wished Brendan Fulham well in his future and stated that he was a model of a good public servant.
1.0Confirmation of Minutes
The minutes of meeting held on 19th February 2007 were duly confirmed on the proposition of Cllr. Cantwell seconded by Cllr. Murray.
2.0Matters Arising from the Minutes.
Cllr. Higgins recognised that the works are completed at Bridge Street with no apparent damage to the Bridge. He queried whether the wheelchair access would be restored M. Farrell stated that all footpaths have to be dished as part of the broadband roadworks.
Cllr. Cantwell is proposing that a 3 tonne limit be placed on the Bridge to keep heavy trucks out of the town. Cllr. Murray replied that this is a non-issue as this bridge used to be a two-way system. He wanted it noted that traffic flows were not kept in place for the duration of the works. Cllr. Higgins asked whether the By Laws could be amended to have such restrictions in the town. Cllr. Fegan wanted to acknowledge that the repairs to the roads as a result of the broadband was excellent, but stated any proposal on weight restrictions through the town could not be put in place until such a time as there was a long term upgrade of the Rock road to take these vehicles.
Cllr. Cantwell queried the main cause for the break in the supply at Trim Water Works and requested that a full appraisal be carried out. M. Farrell stated regardless of the amount of water supply in place that we could not legislate for technical problems and staff had worked tirelessly to restore the supply.
3.0 Expressions of Sympathy and Congratulations.
A vote of congratulations was passed on:
Boyne C.S. Golf Team and Mentors achievement on being crowned leinster champions proposed by Cllr. Fegan seconded by Cllr. Cantwell.
For the Town Council on securing the A.M.A.I Conference and in particular work Cllr. McHugh carried out in securing same proposed by Cllr. Higgans seconded by Cllr. Murray.
Historic day for the political situation that had occurred at Stormount and the effect it would have on politics and the island of Ireland.
4.0 Correspondence.
Correspondence was read out from an Garda Siochana in relation to the R156 from Rathmolyon to the county boundary indicating that it had been dedicated a red zone area.
Cllr. Cantwell asked whether something similar could be done on the Longwood road near the golf club.
5.0 Statutory Business:
5.1Disposal of Lands at Eamonn Duggan Industrial Estate, Athboy Road, Trim
Proposed by Cllr. Cantwell seconded by Cllr. Murray.
6.0Update on works ongoing from Area Engineer
The Area Engineer circulated his report.
M. Farrell requested that all Councillors email their proposal for the new speed limits as soon as possible.
Cllr. Fegan asked that when roadwork’s are in place, if reminders indicating reduced speed limits could be placed at regular intervals.
7.0 Any Other Business
Cllr. Cantwell requested double yellow lines at Castle Arch Hotel be removed. He also requested if anything could be done with the bumps in the road at Dungany
Cllr. Fegan submitted a list to the Area Engineer.
Cllr. Higgans requested that Woodtown Lane on the borders of Westmeath be looked at in terms of upgrading, requested speed signs be placed at the school on the Dublin Road and asked whether there was an alternative to the speed ramps in TowerView.
Cllr. Murray asked if the section of footpath on the Ballivor Road in Kildalkey could be replaced, if anything could be done in relation to the flooding at Moyrath Lane and if Wood Lane in Kildalkey could be re-instated by the developer.
The meeting concluded at 4.15pm.
Date:16th April 2007
Minutes Trim Area Meeting 26th March 2007Page 1 of 3
Trim Town Council and Area Office, Mornington House, Summerhill Road, Trim, County Meath