Student Contract

NovaNET Credit Recovery

Cobb County Schools

What is NovaNET?

  • NovaNET is an individualized computer-based program of credit recovery, created for at-risk students, allowing them to get back on track and to graduate at a faster pace.
  • NovaNET students have the opportunity to earn credit recovery for classes they have failed.
  • Students are responsible for completing lessons in a timely manner, and taking notes as they work through lessons on the computer.
  • The teacher is present as a facilitator who gives assistance when necessary, but does not instruct the class as a whole.

Who qualifies for NovaNET?

  • A student can be referred by a teacher, counselor, or an administrator to the program. The NovaNET instructor and counselor will meet to determine if the student qualifies. They will look at three things:
  1. Transcript – Preference is given to seniors or those who have enough credits to make graduation a reality in one year. Also, the student MUST have failed the classes considered to be eligible for credit recovery. Students should be fluent readers in order to do well in NovaNET courses.
  2. Attendance – A student should not have been referred to the counselors for 7 or more absences, as per CobbCounty policy.
  3. Discipline Record – A student must not have a history of infractions against school policy. S/he must be mature, self-motivated, responsible, and able to work independently.

What are the guidelines for working on NovaNET coursework?

  • Students take a pretest and then are assigned lessons based on their scores. If a student earns an 80%or above on the pretest, s/he may skip that section. If the pretest score is below 80%, the student will complete the required lessons and take notes. After completing the lessons, the student will take a posttest. S/he must earn an 80% or above to continue.
  • Grades will be based on posttest test grades in each module.
  • Daily progress (notebooks and on-task behavior are highly encouraged and recommended for a successful semester with NovaNET). A notebook is not required by each student (unless chosen to do so), but the teacher willkeep a notebook for all students in class where students can access the notebook as a form of resource (outlines,”expert list”, etc.)
  • Attendance(see rules above regarding attendance)
  • EOCTs (if applicable).
  • Please note that attendance is extremely important, as NovaNET online class work must be completed in school and cannot be made up at home.
  • Students must finish all NovaNET work within the semester, or they will earn a failing grade.
  • NovaNET online work must be supervised by the NovaNET instructor. Students may only work outside of class time to review notes, work on written assignments for English courses, or work online under the NovaNET instructor’s direct supervision by prior arrangement. Any unsupervised online work is a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy (see next page).
  • Students will be enrolled in the NovaNET class for the duration of the semester.

Important information about EOCTs (End of Course Tests):

  • A student enrolled in a course that has an EOCT must retake the test; scores cannot be banked.
  • Any student seeking a variance for a part of the GHSGT (Georgia High School Graduation Test) s/he has failed must have passed the EOCT for that subject area or the variance will not be considered by the state.

Academic Integrity Policy:

As members of CobbCountySchool District, students have a responsibility to conduct themselves with the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Academic honesty is one of the most important characteristics of any class. Through the NovaNET Credit Recovery Program, students are given the opportunity to achieve academically through an online environment; therefore, it is very important that mutual trust exists between instructors and students. Accordingly, honesty in all academic matters is expected from all students. Any attempt to cheat, plagiarize, falsify information, or receive credit for work you did not do will be considered dishonest behavior and will be dealt with accordingly by the instructor and administration.

Academic dishonesty will result in one or more of the following actions:

  • Loss of grade points
  • ISS
  • Failure to receive credit for the course
  • Loss of eligibility to earn credits through NovaNET Credit Recovery in the future

Characteristics of a Successful NovaNET Student:

Self-motivated – able to work independently, using teacher as a facilitator

Responsible – attends school on a regular basis, with few absences

Self-disciplined – stays on task without disturbing the learning of others

Goal-oriented – has a specific goal in mind and works diligently toward that goal

Persevering – works steadily

Mature – willingly follows all classroom and school policies

NovaNET Contract

Name: ______Date: ______

Grade (please circle one): 10 11 12

Class(es) needed for credit recovery:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

Why do you feel you will be a good candidate for NovaNET Credit Recovery?

I understand that if I am accepted into the NovaNET program, I am responsible for attending school on a regular basis, and for following all classroom and school policies. If I do not, success in the NovaNET program will be greatly compromised.

I understand that I must finish all the NovaNET work during the semester: it cannot be carried over to the next semester. If I do not finish in the allotted time, I will receive a failing grade.

I understand and agree to follow the NovaNET guidelines as outlined on the previous pages.

I understand the Academic Integrity Policy and agree to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity.

I understand the information regarding EOCTs (End of Course Tests) as outlined on the previous pages.

Student signature:Parent signature:


Parent email address:

(to receive progress reports and communication)



Cobb County Schools – NovaNET Student Contract 2009-2010