2017 Leanne Bonifas Scholarship Application

PURPOSE: The Leanne Bonifas Scholarship fund was established in 2014. The mission of this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to a LCHS student for undergraduate studies in community colleges, trade schools, and universities.

Scholarship Awards: The scholarship award is based on a minimum 200 word essay outlining the following areas: individual determination to succeed, future goals and plans to achieve them, community/extracurricular involvement and how you overcome hardships/challenges.


1.  You must complete the attached scholarship application and essay by the deadline established by LCHS.

2.  Your essay must be a minimum of 200 words, answering the above questions.

3.  You must be graduating in May 2017.

4.  You must receive 2 faculty recommendations using the form LCHS provides and attach to this application.

5.  You must have been a student at LCHS for at least 3 consecutive years.

6.  You must have a minimum 2.0 GPA at LCHS.

7.  You will receive $500 towards the cost of books and/or tuition for the first semester you are enrolled.

8.  You will receive another $500 for second semester if you maintain a GPA of at least 2.0. If the GPA is lower than a 2.0, the scholarship may be terminated for the coming semester. You will receive the check only after your grades from the previous semester and proof of enrollment for second semester is received.

Monetary Award: One time total award of $1,000 to be used for tuition and/or books for two consecutive semesters. Scholarship winner will be determined by the Bonifas/Hayes family.

Leanne Bonifas Scholarship Fund Application

Last Name First Name Middle Initial

Street Address City State Zip

Telephone: Birth Date:

Have you attended LCHS for three years or more (counselors will verify)? Yes No

Will you graduate in May 2015 (counselors will verify)? Yes No

Academic Goal (circle one) Associates Trade Bachelors

Career Goal:

Will you be enrolling as a full time student with 12 hours or more? Yes No

Will you be using scholarship funds or financial aid for books or tuition? Yes No

Recognitions or Awards:

I herby affirm that the above information and essay provided by me is true, correct and without forgery.

Signature Date

Completed application is due to Mrs. Decker in the Guidance Office

by Tuesday, February 21, 2017.