Westgate Dynasties

Unlike Tethyr, Cormyr, or Procampur, all of which have been ruled for centuries by the same royal family, Westgate has been ruled by no less than seven royal houses, each of which included at least two kings of the same bloodline. Moreover, including the Pirate Kings, more monarchs have ruled Westgate whose kin never inherited the throne and who never established any sort of dynasty than those who are numbered among one of the seven acknowledged dynasties.

Soleilon / 137 DR to 27 DR / 110 years
Mulan / 27 DR to 37 DR / 64 years
Croam / 38 DR to 257 DR (actually 38 DR to 137 DR) / 219 years (in power 99 years)
Illistine / 429 DR to 452 DR / 23 years
Ilistar / 616 DR to 710 DR, 734 DR to 890 DR / 274 years (in power 250 years)
Campion / 927 DR to 1018 DR / 91 years
Eorn/Lorndessar / 1018 DR to 1117 DR, 1162 DR to 1233 DR, 1236 DR to 1248 DR / 230 years (in power 182 years)
Kisonraathiisar “the Wyrmking” / ? – -349 / ? – -349 / Topaz dragon.
King Saldrinar of the Seven Spells / ? – ? / -349 – 307 / First human king of Westgate; slayer of Kisonraathiisar.
King Mather Wyrmshroud / 365 – 301 / 307 – 301 / Apprentice of Saldrinar. Dies defending Westgate from three black dragons from the Forest Country to the north.
King Glaurauth “the Great” / 345 – 291 / -301 – 291 / Close friend of King Mather and captain of the city guard. Regalia of Saldrinar is stolen during his reign and lost in Elvenblood Pass.
King Thorndaer / 336 – 286 / 291 – 286 / Captain of the city guard during the reign of King Glaurauth.
King Orlak “the Night King” / 343 – 317
(as vampire,
317 – 137) / 286 – -137 / A master vampire who seizes the throne of Westgate and rules for many years before being destroyed by a company of Lathanderian paladins.
King Gen Soleilon “the Radiant King” / 163 – 91 / 137 – 91 / A paladin of Lathander who rebuilds the city, encircling it with stout stone walls, following the Night King’s centuries-long reign of terror.
King Lemere Soleilon I “the Merchant King” / 134 – 74 / 91 – 74 / Son of King Gen, strengthens trade ties with southern Realms.
King Lemere Soleilon II / 102 – 68 / 74 – 68 / Son of King Lemere I, his brief reign is marked by a whirlwind courtship of Lady Lharida of Clan Ithal of Tethyr and his death aboard The Dawnmaid in an attack in Westgate’s harbor by merrow.
Queen Regent Lharida Ithal-Soleilon / 87 – 55 / 68 – 55 / Eldest child of Rhynnel Ithal, head of Clan Ithal of Tethyr. Wife of King Lemere II who rules as regent until her death by poison.
King Ryndarth Soleilon “the Boy King” / 72 – 27 / 55 – 27 / Only child of King Lemere II, his mother, Queen Lharida of Tethyr, rules as regent until her death in – 55 DR.
Crown Prince Ryndarth Soleilon II / 52 – 27 / DNR / Killed by a doppelganger shortly before his father’s death.
King Ryndarth Soleilon II “the Masque King” / ? – 27 / 27 / A doppelganger that rules Westgate in the guise of the heir of Ryndarth I for nearly a year.
King Ashtukzu I “the Mulan” / 70 – 8 / 27 – 8 / Dispatched by Gilgeam to conquer Westgate, this Great Lord of Unther rejects making Westgate a vassal state of his homeland’s god-king, choosing instead to preserve its traditional independence.
King Thunn “the Usurper” / 32 – 4 / 8 – 4 / Nephew of King Ashtukzu I.
King Ashtukzu II / 25 – 37 / 4 – 37 / Son of King Ashtukzu I and first cousin of King Thunn.
King Kergaard Twinblade / 8 – 75 / 37 – 75 / Seneschal of King Ashtukzu II, elevated to the throne by the nobility after months of civil strife.
King Hygaarth Croam “the Pious” / 38 – 95 / 75 – 95 / A priest of Ilmater, elevated to the throne after battling a plague that nearly destroys Westgate.
King Sorentah Croam / 78 – 135 / 95 – 135 / Eldest son of King Hygaarth.
King Dalious Croam “the Errant King” / 114 – ? / 135 – (137) 257 / Third son of King Sorentah, and only offspring to survive to adulthood.
The Pirate Kings / Varies – Varies / 257 – 429 / A series of 77 rulers seize the throne of Westgate in rapid succession, with some kings serving no more than a few hours and the longest reign lasting just over five years.
King Mulsantir Illistine I / 382 – 440 / 429 – 440 / A Chondathan mercenary lord, distantly related to the royal family of Chondath, whose attack on Westgate is sponsored by the merchants of Chauncelgaunt. He drives the pirates out of Westgate and claims the city’s bloody crown.
King Mulsantir Illistine II / 406 – 452 / 440 – 452 / Eldest son of King Mulsantir I.
Myntharan “the Magus” / 417 – 480 / 452 – 480 / A renegade wizard from the Shoon Empire who seizes the throne of Westgate by way of his mastery of Art.
Lyonarth “the Winter Sphinx” / 429 – 616 / 480 – 616 / A white-furred androsphinx from Nathlekh, City of Cats. He and his mate, a lamia noble masquerading as a gynosphinx, die battling each other when a wizard known as the Handweaver reveals Queen Nessmara’s deception.
King Farnath Ilistar I / 571 – 663 / 616 – 663 / Apprentice of the Handweaver.
King Belhendar Ilistar “the Stout” / 618 – 687 / 663 – 687 / Eldest son of King Farnath, who evinces no magical talent whatsoever.
King Thartryn Ilistar I / 642 – 710 / 687 – 710 / Second son of King Belhendar and a stout warrior like his father.
King Iyachtu Xvim “the Fiend King” / ? – ? / 710 – 734 / A cambion from another plane, who claims to be the son of Bane, god of tyranny.
King Farnath Ilistar II / 695 – 756 / 734 – 756 / Great-great-grandson of King Farnath Ilistar I, descended from King Belhendar’s younger half-brother.
King Temprith Ilistar / 699 – 759 / 756 – 759 / Younger brother of King Farnath II. Seizes power following his brother’s death and banishes the former monarch’s only son, Farnath III, who is somewhat of a simpleton and never reigns.
King Temprith Ilistar II / 730 – 782 / 759 – 782 / Eldest son of King Temprith I.
King Thartyrn Ilistar I / 758 – 783 / 782 – 783 / Grandson of King Farnath II and younger of twin sons of Farnath III. Thartyrn I overthrows his cousin in a bloody coup, killing every descendant of the line of Temprith I.
King Farnath Ilistar IV / 758 – 834 / 783 – 834 / Elder twin brother of Thartyrn I. Suspected of complicity in his brother’s murder, but no proof is ever found.
King Pendernath Ilistar / 787 – 849 / 834 – 849 / Second oldest of King Farnath IV’s seven sons, and the eldest of only two to survive to the age of 25.
King Halcoranth Ilistar / 823 – 884 / 849 – 884 / Nephew of Pendernath, brought home from a career as an adventurer in the East following the deaths of the king and his cousins in a mysterious plague that strikes only the royal family.
King Thartyrn Ilistar II / 851 – 890 / 884 – 890 / Eldest son of King Halcoranth, dies in the Bluebottle Plague along with all known royal heirs.
The Prince-Templars / Varies – 900 / 890 – 900 / An oligarchic theocracy, ruled by the high priests of the established faiths of Westgate, known as the Holy Council of Westgate.
Gostaraj “the Reaver King” / 865 – 927 / 900 – 927 / A mercenary lord and high-ranking priest of Garagos who seizes power in a bloody rebellion and then institutes a theocratic militocracy.
King Altarl Campion / 867 – 936 / 927 – 938 / A member of the merchant nobility chosen by his fellow lords to serve as king. Dies in his sleep.
King Jhentyr Campion I / 891 – 954 / 938 – 954 / 1st son of King Altarl. Murdered by unknown assailants in his chambers.
King Tarnhart Campion I / 923 – 993 / 954 – 993 / Nephew of King Jhentyr I. Dies in his sleep.
King Jhentyr Campion II / 948 – 1002 / 993 – 1002 / 2nd son of King Tarnhart I. Dies of heartstop on his throne.
King Tarnhart Campion II / 970 – 1018 / 1002 – 1018 / 1st son of King Jhentyr II. Slain by a red wyrm, Thungarbarath Flamegout.
King Sarvyn Eorn “the Old” / 992 – 1111 / 1018 – 1111 / A wise and principled monarch who reigns for many years. Marries Lady Ardine Huntsilver of Cormyr, great-granddaughter of King Galaghard III of Cormyr.
King Roadaeron Lorndessar / 1081 – 1162 / 1111 – 1117,
1162 / Grandnephew of Sarvyn.
Alzurth “the Dozenking” / 1056 – 1162 / 1117 – 1162 / Former Mage Royal of Westgate who usurps the throne of Roadaeron.
King Blaervaer Lorndessar “the Reluctant” / 1112 – 1195 / 1162 – 1191 / 7th child and 3rd son of Roadaeron. Acknowledged by Roadaeron in 1123 DR.
King Roadaeron Lorndessar II / 1154 – 1192 / 1191 – 1192 / 1st child/son of Blaervaer.
King Maeraedryn Lorndessar / 1156 – 1219 / 1192 – 1219 / 2nd child/son of Blaervaer.
Prince Verovan Lorndessar / 1157 – 1204 / DNR / 3rd child/son of Blaervaer.
Prince Sarvyn Lorndessar / 1159 – 1205 / DNR / 4th child/son of Blaervaer. Marries in 1195 DR.
Lady Petali Lorndessar/Thalavar / 1196 – 1242 / DNR / 1st child/daughter of Prince Sarvyn. Marries Lord Argaunt Thalavar (1171 – 1223) in 1220. (Shortly after being ennobled, House Thalavar is secretly cursed by a rival house so that the reigning Lord Thalavar is fated to die two years after the birth of his first son.)
Lord Gaeron Lorndessar / 1198 – 1204 / DNR / 2nd child/1st son of Sarvyn. Dies in a wolf attack.
King Iliphael Lorndessar / 1203 – 1233 / 1219 – 1233 / Grandson of Maeraedryn. Dies without naming an heir.
Queen Shlanarnla Durovree / 1210 – ? / 1233 – 1236 / Fiancée of Iliphael. Only queen ever to rule Westgate.
King Verovan Lorndessar / 1219 – 1248 / 1236 – 1248 / Grandson of Blaervaer’s 3rd son, last true king of Westgate. Hereafter city is ruled by Croamarkhs elected by a council of rich, noble merchant families.
Lord Gen Thalavar / 1221 – 1265 / DNR / Only child of Petali and Argaunt, raised as a paladin and second lord of House Thalavar. Marries in 1250. His wife, Thistle (1234 – 1265) dies in childbirth giving birth to a stillborn daughter and he dies within the year of grief.
Crown Prince Roadaeron Lorndessar / 1241 – 1249 / DNR / Only child of Verovan. Driven into exile before he can assume the throne and murdered shortly thereafter; dies without an heir.
Lord Gen Thalavar II / 1263 – 1321 / DNR / Only surviving child of Gen I and Thistle. Marries Campia (1265 – 1325) in 1290. He dies in a hunting accident with his son-in-law.
Lady Nettel Thalavar / 1292 – 1368 / DNR / Only child of Gen II, who marries husband #1 (1288 – 1314) in 1308. In 1317, she marries husband #2 (1292 – 1321), who dies in a hunting accident with his father-in-law. Marries Husband #3 (1304 – 1350) in 1322.
Lord Gen Thalavar III / 1319 – 1358 / DNR / 1st son of Nettel. Marries in 1350. His wife, Rose (1324 – 1352), dies in childbirth.
Lord Argaunt Thalavar / 1324 – 1335 / DNR / 3rd son of Nettel. (Her second son was stillborn in 1323.) Dies in a horse-riding accident.
Lady Thistle Thalavar / 1352 – Present / DNR / Granddaughter of Nettel, last living heir of Lorndessar bloodline.
Croamarkh Luer Dhostar / ? – 1368 / 1352 – 1364 / Elected to three successive terms as Croamarkh by council of rich, noble merchant families.
Croamarkh Lansdal Ssemm / ? – 1368 / 1364 – 1368 / Elected by council of rich, noble merchant families.
Croamarkh Luer Dhostar / See above / 1368 / Returned to office by election. Murdered by his son, Victor Dhostar, several months later.
Interim Croamarkh Victor Dhostar, a.k.a. "the Faceless King" / 1334 – 1368 / 1368 / Leader of the Night Masks in his guise as “the Faceless.” Elected Interim Croamarkh following his father’s death, and then proclaims himself king of Westgate on the day of his death.
Interim Croamarkh Durgar the Just of Tyr / 1303 – Present / 1368 – Present / Elderly priest of Tyr and former head of the city watch and judge. Prior to that he was an adventurer with the Invisible Hand company.