Chapter 28 Protists
Study Guide
Key Figures
Figure 28.2, 28.3, 28.8, 28.10, 28.11, 28.16, 28.24, 28.25, 28.28
Table on page 598
alternation of generations / alveolates / amoeba / Amoebozoansapicomplast / Apicomplexan / Archaeplastida / autotroph
brown algae / cellular slime molds / Chromalveolata / Ciliates
conjugation / diatom / dinoflagellate / diplomonad
Entamoebas / Excavata / forams / Giardia
heteromorphic / heterotroph / holdfast / isomorphic
kinetoplastid / macronucleus / micronucleus / mitosome
mixotroph / monophyly / parabasalid / paraphyletic
Plasmodium / primary endosymbiosis / pseudopodia / secondary endosymbiosis
slime molds / stipe / Stramenopiles / tests
thallus / Trichomonas / trypanosome / Unikonta
Key Concepts
- Why is the idea of a Kingdom Protista not supported?
- What type of nutrition is common to algae? How do heterotrophs and mixotrophs obtain their carbon?
- How does secondary endosymbiosis differ from primary endosymbiosis? What evidence is there that endosymbiosis is the origin of several eukaryotic organelles?
- Which protists belong to the Excavatasupergroup?
- Are diplomonads aerobic or anaerobic organisms? Explain your reasoning.
- Draw a diplomonad. Label all of its major structures. Give an example of a disease caused by a diplomonad and indicate how it is spread.
- What are the two best studied groups of Euglenozoans? What separates these two groups?
- Which type of Euglenozoans are trypanosomes? What disease(s) are caused by trypanosomes and how are these diseases spread?
- What are the alveoli that are common to all Alveolates?
- What causes a red tide and how are red tides dangerous to humans?
- What are the two hosts used by Plasmodium during their life cycle? In which host does the sexual phase of the cycle take place? Why would targeting the apicomplast be an effective strategy for combating malaria?
- What are the key characteristics shared by Ciliates? How do Ciliates generate genetic diversity? Name a Ciliate.
- What are the four groups of Stramenopiles listed in the text. What does the term stramenpile indicate about these organisms’ anatomy?
- What are some scientists that study global warming interested in causing a diatom bloom? What is a distinguishing feature of the diatom cell wall and what is diatomaceous earth used for?
- What stressors are seaweeds subjected to as the tides go in and out? What adaptations do seaweeds have to protect them from these stressors?
- Diagram an algal alternation of generations. Label the sporophyte, gametophyte, spore and gamete stages. Indicate which stages are diploid and which are haploid.
- How do heteromorphic alternation of generations differ from isomorphic alternation of generations?
- Into which group were oomycetes originally placed? What problems have oomycetes caused, both in current times and in history? Are oomycetesstramenopilans or alvelolates?
- What are the distinguishing characteristics of Rhizaria? What makes forams excellent markers for dating sedimentary rock layers?
- What organisms are found within the Archaeplastidasupergroup? Describe several different red and green algae.
- How do plasmoidal slime molds differ from cellular slime molds? In what ways are they similar?
- Why might some people think that a plasmodial slime mold causes malaria?
- Describe three different symbiotic relationships that protists participate in.
- What ecological role to protists play in aquatic communities?