LOVE IS IN THE AIR -- HVTDP Program, January 9, 2016, Munger Cottage, Cornwall, NY 10 am

Design by Laurie Speltz,

Taught from Free Pattern Download from Artist's Club, with expanded directions, by Karen Hansen

Surfaces: Artist's original was painted on 6 1/2 " square paddleboard, available from Artist's Club for $6.99. This surface is quite small and can be enlarged for a larger paddle or cutting board, wall hanging, plate, box (fill the box with candy or cookies!), chair seat, or anything else you can imagine. Directions and beeswax will be provided if you decide to make a cutting board.

Palette: DecoArt Americana Acrylics

Antique Maroon



Foliage Green

Lamp Black

Poodleskirt Pink

Titanium (Snow) White

Tuscan Red

Also used are smidgens of Country Red and some oranges for the nose. Don't bother to bring them. They are used in tiny quantities and will be available day of program.

Brushes: Size of brushes will depend on size of your surface. You will need

a stencil brush

whatever you use for dry brushing

assortment of rounds, angle shaders, flats, liners

mops in different sizes to soften shading

Other Supplies:

sea sponge (optional) -- This is for the edge. You can also float it.

a couple of black Identi-Pens, width is your preference

Optional: white gel writer if you don't want to letter the words around the snowman

A couple clean, soft rags if you are making a breadboard (for applying the beeswax)

checkerboard stencil -- only if you have one. If you don't have one, you can use a loaner day of program.

Check size will depend on your surface size.


1. Sand, seal, paper bag sand your surface. Seal the back to prevent warping. * Basecoat surface Foliage Green as many times as needed to achieve opaque coverage. Don't forget to paint the sides.

*If you are making a breadboard, do nothing to the back ( cutting board/food side) except wash well in soapy water. When dry, cut a piece of protective paper or vellum to size of surface and tape it to the back to keep it clean and paint free.

2. Use Avocado to sponge edges or paint a wide float around them.

3. When dry, splatter with Snow White. Let really dry before continuing.

4. Transfer outline of snowman, including his hat, and basecoat Snow White as many times as needed for opaque coverage. The scart and hat will be easier to paint red if they are undercoated in white.

5. Transfer outlines of scarf and lines that divide sections of hat, but not design details. Do not transfer any writing or the heart on snowman's chest. (If it smudges while you are working, it will make your piece dirty.) That's it!