1  The title of the module: Utilisation of Electrical Energy

2  The Department which will be responsible for management of the module

School of Advanced Technician Engineering

3  The Start Date of the Module September 2009

4  The number of students expected to take the module 30

5  Modules to be withdrawn on the introduction of this proposed module and consultation with other relevant Departments and Faculties regarding the withdrawal

6  The level of the module Certificate [C]

7  The number of credits which the module represents 15

8  Which term(s) the module is to be taught in (or other teaching pattern) Semester 1 or 2

9  Prerequisite modules: None

10  The programmes of study to which the module contributes

Foundation Degree in Engineering, HNC in Engineering

11  The intended subject specific learning outcomes and, as appropriate, their relationship to programme learning outcomes

To achieve this unit a student must be able to:

1)  Scrutinize the operation of power transformers

2)  Consider the implications of circuit protection for distribution and installation of electrical systems

3)  Explore lighting design systems

4)  Explore energy management and tariffs of electrical system

5)  Scrutinize the operation of a three-phase induction motor.

These learning outcomes directly relate to the listed programme learning outcomes A2, A3, B12, B14, C20 & C24 of the programmes listed in section 10.

12  The intended generic learning outcomes and, as appropriate, their relationship to programme learning outcomes

The following generic learning outcomes directly relate to the listed programme learning outcomes C20, C24, D33 & D35 of the programmes listed in section 10.

1)  Present quantitative and qualitative information, together with analysis, argument and commentary in a most comprehensive manner

2)  Locate, extract, analyse, prepare and present data from various sources using appropriate qualitative and quantitative information

13  A synopsis of the curriculum

·  Scrutinize the operation of power transformers

Transformer Construction: shell and core types

Principles of Operation: derive the equivalent circuit for an ideal transformer on load; phasor

diagram for an ideal transformer on load; identify the no-load losses; derive the equivalent

circuit to represent no-load losses, leakage reactance, winding impedance; derive the

complete equivalent circuit; components of the equivalent circuit referred to one winding;

phasor diagram for the loaded transformer; voltage regulation; approximate formula for

voltage regulation; calculation of voltage regulation, losses on load, efficiency of

transformer; calculation of efficiency under load conditions, effects of load changes on

losses, load conditions for maximum efficiency; calculation of maximum efficiency

Transformer Connections: star-star; delta-star; delta-zigzag

·  Consider the implications of circuit protection for distribution and installation of electrical systems

Over-current circuit protection devices: construction of oil, vacuum and airblast circuit breakers,

high rupture capacity fuse, overcurrent relay and miniature circuit breaker

Operating principles: characteristics and circuit positions of over-current relays, high

rupture capacity fuse and miniature circuit breaker; calculation of ‘time to clear’ overcurrent

faults; discriminations

Earth fault protection devices: construction of earth fault relay and residual current circuit

breaker; performance requirements of earth fault protection; principle of operation and

characteristics of earth fault relays and residual current circuit breaker; position in circuit;

calculation of ‘time to clear’ earth faults; discrimination

·  Explore lighting design systems

Common types of lamp: low pressure mercury; high pressure mercury; low pressure sodium;

high pressure sodium; fluorescent and halogen

Lighting design system: quality of light; control of glare; luminance distribution; consistency of

lighting levels; interior lighting design codes; lighting for visual tasks; emergency lighting

Light scheme: produce a scheme for one of the following developments or equivalent given

the appropriate plans (eg small commercial development to involve roads, tunnel,

pedestrian areas and car parks; small supermarket; administration office of a college,

including computer stations)

·  Explore energy management and tariffs of electrical system

Tariff structures: domestic; Domestic Economy 7; Domestic Smart 7; business (eg

Economy 7 all-purpose, Economy 7 combined premises, evening and weekend); restricted

hour; methods of controlling maximum demand; metering arrangements

Energy consumption: load scheduling; power factor correction techniques; calculation of

apparent power rating of a capacitor to improve power factor of a load; location of power

factor correction capacitors; efficient control of heating and lighting systems; recycling heat

from heating and lighting systems

Cost of energy: cost of running a system using the different tariffs available; selection of

appropriate tariff for a given installation and set of circumstances

·  Scrutinize the operation of a three-phase induction motor

Types of three-phase motor: single cage; double cage; wound rotor

Operating principles: production of a rotating magnetic field in the stator; synchronous

speed; rotor resistance, reactance and induced voltage; standstill conditions; slip speed; the

effect of rotor speed on rotor resistance and reactance; torque equations for a three-phase

induction motor; torque/speed characteristic, stator and rotor losses; efficiency calculations

Starting methods: direct online; stator voltage reduction; rotor resistance method

Speed control: change of stator voltage and frequency

14  Indicative Reading List

_ Amin B – Induction Motors: Analysis and Torque Control (J A Majors, 2001)

ISBN 3540423745

_ Coaton and Marsden – Lamps and Lighting (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996)

ISBN 0340646187

_ Hughes A – Electric Motors and Drives (Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993)

ISBN 0750617411

_ Shepard, Morton and Shaw – Higher Electrical Engineering (Prentice Hall, 1998)

ISBN 0273400630

15  Learning and Teaching Methods, including the nature and number of contact hours and the total study hours which will be expected of students, and how these relate to achievement of the intended learning outcomes

The module is designed to offer a broad-base of study of key scientific principles, covering both mechanical and electrical concepts associated with the design and operation of engineering systems. It aims to provide the basis for further study in specialist areas of engineering.

Students will be expected to spend 150 hours of study apportioned as follows:

·  50 contact hours: involving a mix of taught lessons to explain the theoretical and practical aspects of the module

·  20 hours assessment and revision

·  80 hours private study

16  Assessment methods and how these relate to testing achievement of the intended learning outcomes

The module will be assessed by both coursework.

The coursework (100%) comprises 5 equally weighted assignments.

Subject specific learning outcomes / Assessment Criteria
1)  Scrutinize the operation of power transformers
2)  Consider the implications of circuit protection for distribution and installation of electrical systems
3)  Explore lighting design systems
4)  Explore energy management and tariffs of electrical system
5)  Scrutinize the operation of a three-phase induction motor / ·  Explore the construction of different types of power transformer
·  Apply mathematical principles to the operating principles of a power transformer under no-load and load conditions
·  Work competently in an engineering laboratory using a wide range of test equipment to analyse the operation of power transformers
·  Investigate the modes of connection for three-phase transformers
·  Analyse the construction of over-current protection devices
·  Describe the performance of operating principles of circuit over-current protection devices
·  Explore the operating principles of earth fault
protection devices
·  Use technical literature and other information sources to describe the construction, operation and associated circuitry of common lamp types
·  Identify, classify and describe the principles of good lighting design
·  Use correct methodology to plan a light scheme
·  Identify and describe the factors governing tariff structures
·  Apply scientific principles and methodology to analyse methods for reducing energy consumption
·  Use analytical methods and modelling techniques to determine cost of energy used in a system
·  Explore and describe the types and construction of induction motors
·  Apply scientific principles to explain the operating principles and methods of starting induction motors
·  Analyse the methods of speed control of induction motors
Generic learning outcomes
·  Present quantitative and qualitative information, together with analysis, argument and commentary in a most comprehensive manner
·  Locate, extract, analyse, prepare and present data from various sources using appropriate qualitative and quantitative information / ·  Cogent presentation of the internal architecture of programmable logic control systems
·  Preparation of a report on the different types of input and output devices

17  Implications for learning resources, including staff, library, IT and space.

This module will be taught and supported by appropriately qualified lecturers who have experience in supervising research projects.

All the items stated in the Indicative Reading List are available at the Horsted Centre, Learning Resource Centre IT suites which all allow Internet, On-line T.I. Onestop Technical Index Facility. Practical sessions will take place in the Electrical Lab which is fully equipped to accommodate the requirements of learning outcomes. A full-time Technician supports the laboratory activities.

18  A statement confirming that, as far as can be reasonably anticipated, the curriculum, learning and teaching methods and forms of assessment do not present any non-justifiable disadvantage to students with disabilities

The learning outcomes, teaching and learning methods and assessments are accessible to and achievable by all students. Specific requirements for disabled students to undertake work placements will be made as appropriate. Any student with disabilities will not face any foreseen disadvantage or difficulties that cannot be reasonably addressed.

Statement by the Director of Learning and Teaching: "I confirm I have been consulted on the above module proposal and have given advice on the correct procedures and required content of module proposals"

Director of Learning and Teaching / ......

Statement by the Head of Department: "I confirm that the Department has approved the introduction of the module and will be responsible for its resourcing"

Head of Department / ......