DATE:October 20, 2009

TIME:10: 00 a.m.

PLACE:500 N. Calvert Street

3rd Floor Conference Room

Baltimore, Maryland21202

PRESENT:George Maloney, Chairman, Industry Member

Harold Norris, Vice Chairman, Consumer Member

Gregory Restivo, Senior Industry Board Member

Karl Kraft, Chief Boiler Inspector, Board Member

ABSENT:Kevin McLeod, Industry Member

Loretta Johnson, Consumer Member

Andrew Howard, Industry Member

OTHERS PRESENT:Harry Loleas, Deputy Commissioner, Occupational

And Professional Licensing

Sheri Henderson, Licensing Supervisor

Gae Herzberger, Administrative Aide

Roger M. Lash, Director Apprenticeship and Training

Kevin Gallimori, IUOE Local 99 Training Coordinator

Michael R. Murphy, OUOE Local 99 Business Manager

Joseph Shanahan, IOUE Local 37 Business Manager

Donald Maloney, W.L. Gore & Associates


Mr. Maloney called the Stationary Engineer’s business meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.


Motion (I) was made by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Restivo and unanimously carried by the Board to approve the minutes of the August 18, 2009, meeting without corrections. Motion (II) was made by Mr. Norris, seconded by Mr. Restivo and unanimously carried by the Board to approve the minutes of the Executive Session as written.


The complaint Committee had no complaints to be reviewed



Apprenticeship Program

Mr. Lash, Director for the Apprenticeship and Training Program addressed the Board on establishing an apprenticeship program for Stationary Engineers, to learn a skilled craft for on the job training with related classroom instruction. Topics discussed were Benefits for obtaining the program, how to apply and statistics of apprentices in Marylandwho are in the Construction field. The apprenticeship program would consist of 2 nights a week of schooling while working a 40 hour week for a 4 year period. These applicants would be interviewed by a Chief Engineer and referred to the Industry for employment. The Board would need to establish a plan to advertise the program to Maryland applicants.

Mr. Loleas explained to the guests the licensing process for Stationary Engineers. Mr. Gallimori, Local Union 99, advised the Board that the 4 year apprenticeship program in DC is open to anyone who meets the requirement.

Counsel suggested that should there be an apprenticeship program an individual might be qualified to sit for the 4th grade examination after 6 months in the program and possibly qualify for other grades of licenses during the 4 year program.

Mr. Lash agreed to contact the Community Colleges regarding any suggestions for establishing an apprenticeship and training program.


The Board reviewed a letter from an individual regarding a 30 horsepower steam boiler. The Board advised that a letter be sent referencing the Annotated Code of Maryland regarding §§ 6:5-302 (4), 6:403 and §6:14.

The Board reviewed two (2) letters submitted by licensees regarding what types of licenses are required for steam pressure boilers. The Board advised staff to send the licensee the chart for conversions to boiler horsepower.

Grandfather Window:

The Boarddiscussed a deadline for applicants who were approved under the grandfather clauseand have not applied to obtain their stationary engineer’s license. The grandfather window ended on May 31, 2007.Counsel will draft a regulation for the Board’s review on setting a deadline for applicants.



Mr. Maloney reviewed with the members the statistics submitted by PSI on the accumulative statistics for the pass and fail rates as well as the number of repeat examinees.


Motion(II) was made by Mr. Restivo, seconded by Mr. Norris and unanimously carried by the Board to adjourn the meeting at 12:53 p.m.


George Maloney, ChairmanDate

_____Without Corrections

_____With Corrections