NDC – Working Neighbourhood Management Team
Monday 15 June 2009
Actions and points
Tim Field – Chief Executive, New Deal (Chair)
Chris Dabbs – Unlimited Potential
Beverley Hill-Spence – SalfordCityCollege
Mary Wilde – Jobcentre Plus
Rachel Connelly – Housing Connections Partnership
Anne Godding – East Salford NMT
Bernadette Elder – NDC
Julie Riley – Connexions
Melanie Price – Space New Living Ltd
Seamus Lynch – Corporate Programme and Project Management
Sue Gallacher – Health Improvement Manager, PCT
Andrea Whelan – Lower Kersal Centre
Jane Passmore – Sure Start/Lower Kersal Centre
Mike Thorpe – Broughton Trust
Mark Turley – NDC
Mark Heys - Salix Homes
Dave Timperley – Economic Development
Jane Black – Sure Start Locality Manager
Susan Ford – Partners in Salford
Belinda Roach – Skills and Work
Jerry Stokes – Chief Executive, Work Solutions
Alison Burnett – NDC
Vanessa Hamnett – East Salford NMT
Stephen McAnulty – Gateway Centres
Denise Millward – Youth Service
Joe Gallagher – AlbionHigh School
Alison Moore – Admin, Economic Development
Apologies received from Paul Walker, Dave Galvin (Rachel Connelly instead), Gavin Armstrong (Julie Riley instead), Christine Duffin (Mark Heys instead) and Bill Taylor.
The Chair welcomed everyone and introductions were made.
2)Remit of the group
- The group’s attention was brought to 4.2 of the TOR’s where each of the core team will be expected to attend each meeting, but if unable to must send a fully briefed representative in their place.
- The spacing between meetings will be looked at. Frequent meetings are a good idea at first, but this may need changing later.
- TF will brief elected members via the East Salford Political Executive.
- It will be worth including locally elected members on the distribution list, they can attend as and when desired.
- TF is to be chair initially. BT will be vice chair, but may take a bigger role later.
- MT will be the Skills and Work co-ordinator, his work is currently split 50/50 between the NDC and the City.
- The purpose of each 3rd meeting will be to review performance management information.
- Re. membership – should Geoff Hodges from Salford Community Leisure be invited? This to be reviewed.
- Replies to TF’s question – what would you like to see from the WNT meetings – included:
-find out how the organisation’s services link in
-know what other partners are doing
-identify successes and areas where struggling to achieve
-find out how the 3rd sector can be supported
-find out how younger people can be helped in the transition to adult services
-find out how tenants in the poverty trap can be helped
-find out how can the Health Improvement Team fit in
-find out how can information about services be delivered to the community
-find out how people can access education and training
-build on what works locally
-how can gaps be filled within the jointly commissioning services and provision
-how can decision making structures be better aligned
-more meaningful dialogue between partners and commitment to action
-look at more innovative programmes for reaching young people, particularly hard to reach
-new inspection framework for schools just announced by OFSTED, so now is a good time to agree joint outcomes/outputs, and put young people and their families at the centre to get results sooner rather than later
-this is a great opportunity to develop models/new ways of working.
3)Area Action Plan
- AB ran through a suggested approach for developing the Action Plan, which brings together information on what is already happening, the planned NDC actions around skills and work, proposals from the first Working Neighbourhood Management Team meeting and a range of centrally developed actions.
- A mapping exercise around existing services has been completed recently. It needs to be identified where gaps are, if people have information they should feed this through.
- MT is working on a pro forma to list services in the area. This will be circulated to the team to find out if any have been missed.
- MW pointed out that on the ‘Dept Store’ diagram, the JCP is on the ground floor as well as the first floor.
- JG mentioned that an extended schools audit had recently been completed which may help build the local service picture.
- Referral systems are currently informal. The role of the community and voluntary sector as local providers is fragile as New Deal funding will end soon. There is a range of community facilities here. Clear accountability is needed. The New Deal Programme finishes in March 2011. Case studies will help us understand the barriers faced. The first floor consists of mainstream providers.
- New Deal has worked well with the 3rd sector, less well with mainstream providers. There is an opportunity here to change that.
- A whole range of ideas has been collated by the Employability team. These will be drawn together in time for the next WNT meetings. In the NDC area the action plan is in play.
- Case studies from providers will provide details of client journeys and identify links between different projects.
- A joined-up approach will help referral of clients between organisations. Better referral systems could be used.
- The action plan needs to include any actions around common processes and systems and also what underpinning systems the department store would need to have.
- Central activities include the delivery of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to facilitate referrals. There is potential within the Advancement Network. A draft copy will be put together in time for the next session.
4)Basket of indicators
- Performance indicator information is being looked at. Factors include their availability at local level, timeliness, baselining and the fact that an evaluation framework has not been drawn up for the 10 Local Authorities in Greater Manchester.
- The Adult Advancement and Careers Service Launch will be on 22 June. Some indicators are to be used by all 3 pilots. The management team is to consider proxy indicators.
- It is important to understand people’s journeys and draw on the experience of third sector providers in measuring softer outcomes e.g. improved confidence.
- It is important to consider whether community research has impacted on people e.g. MORI by the NDC.
5)Future Jobs Fund
- Any replies to Matt Ainsworth’s e-mail re the Future Jobs Fund should be to the Employability team. Bids are to be in by the end of June. It was suggested that the child care and sport/leisure sector may provide some opportunity. The Future Jobs Fund briefing is to be distributed.
- As per the DWP briefing, one third of the jobs are earmarked for adults. The 30 June is not an absolute deadline. The aim of the Fund is to create jobs in the public sector and social enterprise, not the private sector. MA is to be asked for clarity about the private sector.
- Coordination is by the host organisation. The jobs will provide a stepping stone of 6 months experience so that people can move on. If they don’t get a job at the end of the 6 months, they will return to benefits.
- All referrals are to be via the Jobcentre Plus.
- MT is to circulate a list of those offered job opportunities to date. These are to be forwarded to MA. MW is to check the process of referrals.
- The only drawback would be if money was spent on jobs that would have occurred anyway.
6)Advancement Network
- The Advancement Network Event will be held on 22 June at the Broadwalk.
- A database in a web based front end system will provide users with a self diagnosis of services needed. Users will receive an e-mail with details of any of the services wanted. This can then be forwarded to other services.
- The system will help provide operational information and could enhance the work of Working Neighbourhood teams.
- It is still possible to book a place even though the return date of 12 June is passed. Anyone from front line services can go.
7)Next Steps
- Mapping:Information about any gaps in service provision should be passed on to MT so that the mapping pro-forma can be completed.
- Action Plan: adraft Action Plan will be produced. This will be discussed at the next meeting and circulated in advance.
- Basket of Indicators: any thoughts on local indicators to be passed to SF
- Future Jobs Fund: up – dated briefing to be circulated, together witha list of organisations that have proposed jobs to date, clarity on the role of the private sector in the Fund and the process of referrals via Job Centre Plus.
Next meeting
- The next meeting will be held on Monday 29th June, 11.00 at Pendleton Gateway.