Mrs G Hatton
Trenoweth Mill
St Keverne
TR 12 6QN
Tel. 01326 280777
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Council at St Keverne Methodist Hall, on Thursday 11th May 2017 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business:
Yours sincerely
Clerk 5th May 2017
1. To accept apologies for absence
2. Election of Chairman
3. Declarations of Acceptance of Office, member interests update
4. Election of Vice-chairman
5. Election of Members to the following Committees:
a) St Keverne Footpaths
Cllrs Lambrick, vacancy, M Anselmi
b) Coverack Footpaths
All Coverack Ward Members
c) Porthallow Footpaths
Cllrs D Kevern, A Richards and R Richards
d) Porthoustock Footpaths
Cllrs R Richards and M Anselmi
e) Traboe Footpaths
Cllrs D Kevern and vacancy
f) Street Lighting
Cllrs D Lambrick, Councillor Mrs S Lyne
g) Sandy’s Hoskin Charity
Cllrs W Frisken, R Richards, R Combe, Mrs S Lyne and vacancy
h) St Keverne Parish Hall
The Chairman of the Day
i) Lambeage Hall
Councillor R Combe
j) United Charities
Cllrs W Frisken and R Combe
k) Coverack Space 2000
Cllr R Combe
l) Porthoustock Hall
Cllr M Anselmi
m) St Keverne Playing Field
Cllrs M Anselmi and D Lambrick
6. To receive the outgoing Chairman’s Report
7. To accept apologies for absence
8. Members to declare disclosable pecuniary and prejudicial interests (including details thereof) in respect of any item on this agenda and any dispensations thereon previously granted or requested now
9. To receive a Cornwall Council report.
10. Public Question Time
11. To confirm the minutes of the previous (April) meeting
12. To adopt Standing Orders
13. To adopt the Financial Regulations
14. To consider the Risk Assessment
15. To receive the Statement of Accounts
16. To approve the annual governance statement for year ending 31st March 2016
17. To approve the annual accounting statements for year ending 31st March 2016
18. To receive the Record of Attendance
19. To consider the dates for the Council meetings
20. To receive the following planning applications
a) PA17/03204 Proposed alterations and extensions, Dean Haven, Polcoverack Lane, Coverack, Mr & Mrs M Bryant
b) PA17/03025 Change of use of established self-contained ancillary barn conversion into a self-contained independent residential unit, The Cider House, Treglossick, Mr & Mrs Tilley
c) PA17/03156 Continued use of land for two timber holiday units and supporting shower facilities, Tregoss Barton, Tregaminion, Mr Jonathan Melville-Smith
d) PA17/03291 Proposed construction of triple garage with ancillary accommodation and incidental storage to first floor, Beacon Craig, Polcoverack Lane, Coverack, Mr & Mrs N Gilbert
e) PA17/03219 Hybrid application for outline planning for 4no. residential dwellings (all matters reserved apart from access and layout) and detailed application for 1no. residential dwelling on Plot 14, Land Rear Of Number 8 Lanheverne Parc, St Keverne, Mr & Mrs J Peters and Mr & Mrs M Barlow
f) PA17/03652 Outline planning permission with some matters reserved: Formation of dwelling, land adj to Fucshias Chymbloth Way, Coverack, Mr & Mrs S Parker
g) PA16/11924 Demolition of bungalow and erection of two storey replacement dwelling, Chy An Brea, Chymbloth Way, Coverack, Mr & Mrs K Ray – amended plans received
21. To receive planning decisions
22. Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on this agenda
23. To discuss current situation with regard to future location of St Keverne Community Library
24. To consider Traffic Regulation Order possibilities in the parish after review of requests in Helston Community Network area by Ben Dickinson
25. To discuss required co-option to fill casual vacancy on Council
26. Correspondence
a) Response from Dept for Communities & Local Government re business rates on public toilets
b) Report on site meeting held with Countryside Access officers at Trenithon to discuss required replacement of broken stiles and bridges
27. To receive the financial statement
28. The cheques to be signed by Councillor Mrs S Lyne
29. To approve the following outstanding accounts:
a) Clerk’s pay (net) 629.11
b) Clerk’s expenses 154.74
c) Cornwall Pension Fund (April) 63.50
d) Cornwall Pension Fund (May) 43.98
e) St Keverne United Methodist Church (hall hire) 20.00
f) Susan Roberts (St Keverne bus shelter cleaning) 60.00
g) SSE (street lighting energy) 128.15
h) Cornwall Council (rates Porthallow toilets) 51.54
i) Cornwall Council (rates Harbour toilets) 59.84
j) Cornwall Council (rates St Keverne toilets) 71.65
k) R Sanders (SWCP 1st cut) 899.52
l) Martin Luck Group (toilet cleaning supplies) 148.56
m) BDL Services (toilets cleaning April) 1200.00
n) SWW (water rates St Keverne toilets) 101.70
o) SWW (water rates N Corner toilets) 186.78
p) Jeff Clayton (trimming village banks, etc) 390.00
q) Ian Rowe (maintenance work to date on toilets) 491.66
30. Any other business (for information only)
31. The next meeting of the Council will be held on Thursday 1st June in St Keverne Methodist Hall, at 7.00pm.