RTH 360 Brain Fitness Intervention Report Form

Directions: Complete each section of this report form to document the implementation of your Brain Fitness intervention at MountainTraceNursingCenter. Use the tab key to move from section to section. Be sure to rate the numerical values (i.e., 1 to 3) and write a narrative comment for each question or area, and be very detailed in your responses. Reflect on what happened to residents during the implementation: how many were engaged and how many were not engaged. Reflect on your skills in implementing this intervention and then write this report. Be sure that each student on the team turns in an individual report in WebCat for this intervention.

Student Names: / Lena Treadway Melissa Skinner
Date: / February 23, 2012
No. of Residents involved:: / 6 / Begin Time: / 2:00 / End Time: / 2:30
Brain Fitness Exercises (list all with page numbers from text): / Lesson Plan 4
Why did you select these exercises for this brain fitness session? / They were already selected for the brain fitness sessions for the first 5 weeks
Did you make any modifications or changes did you need to make for residents to engage in this game/activity? Why? / We had to repeat a few things so that they understood what we were saying.
Rate Interest / Explain resident interest in the brain fitness session
1 = not at all interested
2 = adequate
3 = excellent interest
/ Only 2 or 3 of the residents were really interested in our session the whole time
Rate Resident Involvement / Describe resident involvement/engagement in this session
1 = frequently needs assistance
2 = adequate gathering of residents
3 = shows resourcefulness and initiative
/ There was very little involvement/engagement within our session, we had to directly ask the residents the questions to get them to even make an effort to answer.
Rate Implementation / Describe student implementation skills
1 = inadequate, needs a lot of improvement
2 = adequate, kept things going
3 = excellent, no problems, had maximum resident involvement / I think we emplemented the session the best we could given the circumstances of all the patients not wanting to participate or sleeping.
Rate Control of Intervention / Maintains control of the intervention and involvement of residents throughout the intervention.
1 = residents disengage
2 = adequate engagement of most residents
3 = maximum resident engagement throughout / We did have at least half of the resident involved in our session the whole time and more than half involved most of the time.
Narrative/Resident Engagement (write your reflection of how well you engaged the majority of residents in the activity room in your intervention. Be detailed and descriptive): / Team Member 1: To get most of the residents engaged we had to bend down and get on their level, repeat the task we were asking of them and then show them what we wanted them to do. I think I did a decent job getting the residents involved, but a few were falling asleep and I felt bad waking them every 5 seconds.
Team Member 2: Trying to have every resident engage themselves was difficult as several were tired and could not stay awake. Other residents needed consistent assistance to keep attention. We walked to each individual and spoke to them to explain or repeat ourselves so that they understood.
Team Member 3:
What was the most positive aspect of this intervention (be descriptive)? / Team Member 1: The most positive aspect was that by the end of the intervention we had over half of the residents moving their limbs around and being active. We got them to life their legs and arms and fingers. One of the ladies kept telling us how much she loved us and it was so sweet.
Team Member 2: After the intervention, a few residents we gathered who at first didn’t show any excitement to go to brain fitness were in a generally happier mood and had stayed engaged the whole time. One lady thanked us and explained how nice it was and then decided to stay with another resident in the dining hall she was conversating with. I loved hearing them all count with us and see everyone working together.
Team Member 3:
What was the most negative situation you experienced in implementing this intervention? / Team Member 1: The most negative experience was asking everyone if they wanted to come join and having many of them say no, then having them fall asleep in the session.
Team Member 2: Having several residents who were not interersted in being there and were asleep.
Team Member 3:
What would you do differently if you implemented this intervention again? / Team Member 1: I would get more people to join the session and try to get them more interested and involved.
Team Member 2: I would work at keeping the residents involved during the session but also the difficulty of gathering residents to join though they may not be excited at first.
Team Member 3:
Add any additional comments or additional observations you have here: / Team Member 1:
Team Member 2:
Team Member 3:
Rate your overall performance at implementing this Wii intervention: / Poor, below average
Good, but could be improved in the future
Excellent, flawless and perfect implementation

RTH 360Brain Fitness Intervention ReportPage 1