Using Imagery as a Tool for Preparing for Negotiations


Dave Harris

Negotiating, unlike life should not be a box of chocolates where you never know what to expect. All skilled negotiators know that any successful negotiating incident starts with a sound preparation base. The basis of this preparation is that the negotiator that has the most reliable information about the negotiating subject and the opponent starts negotiating from a position of strength.

Many negotiators are excellent at the phases running up to the actual negotiations but their good work runs awry as the butterflies set in to attack the self confidence when they reach the face to face phase.

After the fact, some negotiators could experience negotiators remorse. This emotion is usually expressed as “why did I not say this or that in response to …” or ‘I just could not get myself to saying or asking for that…”. Preparation should not only include what or when to say it, it should also include actually “seeing” yourself deliver that which you prepared.

Using imagery as a preparation tool gives you the edge during negotiations. It also gives you the opportunity to do a live repetition of the actual incident. Using imagery in the preparation phase gives you that grit which you need to deliver your excellent preparation.

Imagery as a skill

Imagery is referred to in a dictionary definition as “mental images; the product of the imagination”. In a text book definition White and Hardy (1998) defined imagery as: [A]n experience that mimics real experience. We can be aware of "seeing" an image, feeling movements as an image, or experiencing an image of smell, tastes, or sounds without actually experiencing the real thing. Sometimes people find that it helps to close their eyes. It differs from dreams in that we are awake and conscious when we form an image. (p. 389)

Certain of us have the ability, without much of an effort, to conjure up vivid pictures whilst others may have some difficulty in getting the image to reach technicolor clarity.

Together with these different images, comes the sensation of different beliefs and sensations. The more vivid the image recall or construction, the more vivid the sensation.

Most of us have at the one stage or the other utilised our imaginations to the extent that we have achieved what we thought to be almost the impossible. The flip side may also be true in that we have possibly also have unwittingly used our imagery skills to under achieve.

Suffice it to say that our images usually also become self fulfilling prophecies. It is really very simple, if we imagine, or picture, ourselves failing we inevitably will. On the other hand if we consistently visualise ourselves as being successful and assertive as negotiators it is quite possible to drop those images into reality.

Imagery techniques

Reiterating that the ability to create clear, vivid mental images varies from individual to individual, a simple test to gauge one’s ability to create such images is as follows:

Close your eyes and picture in as much detail as possible the following:

1.  Brushing your teeth this morning

2.  Imagine the smell of your favourite dish

3.  Hear a helicopter slicing through the air

4.  Picture your next summer vacation at a familiar destination

5.  See the audience respond positively at a keynote address that you are delivering

With this simple test you are recalling images and in certain instances you are creating images that are yet to take place. Basically, we think in pictures, the more detail and the more technicolour you are capable of getting the image the more certain we are of the result. (Also see the test “testing your mind’s eye’ at the end of the article)

The clarity of the image or vision, as is also the case in goal setting, creates the energy for you to move from a current position to the position that is visualised.

In order to get the detail just right, you would need to work at getting the images recalled or constructed in as much detail as possible. Begin with a really familiar image from the past and work your way into more complex events that are yet to take place.

During your preparation, imagine your self standing, sitting, facing the target audience and delivering. When you get it just right you may even experience the butterflies. When they arrive, slow down; start again until you get it just right. A useful hint would be to not watch yourself in a “TV view” but to actually look down at your notes, see the clothes that you are wearing, see the audience as they are seated in front of you. Recognise faces. Drop positive emotions into your being as you imagine. See yourself taking up space with your eyes.

Once you have run through this routine a number of times, by the time you eventually deliver your hard worked preparation you have been there before and your stage fright will be something of the past.

If you reach a position where you feel that you are loosing the grit and the self confidence starts fading, just rewind, as it were, to where you are comfortable again and build from there.

The power of imagery

Practising this technique for a short while everyday will get you through the most difficult of situations and probably rid you of the negotiation flutters irrespective of the opponent and negotiating subject matter. Imagery is an amazingly simple technique that will assist you in building negotiating confidence.

Continuously picture yourself relentlessly achieving negotiating success as well as being a groomed and confident negotiator and your probability at actual negotiating successes, including your self confidence, will soar.

Resources: Manie Spoelstra Wynand Pienaar, 1999. Negotiation Theories, Strategies & Skills. Cape Town. Juta

IPM manpower journal April 1983 – Inner modeling, pg 24 by Richard Israel .

Dave Harris has worked in conflict management training and mentoring negotiators for 20 years throughout the Southern African states. He is an associate of Professor Manie Speolstra of the International Negotiation Academy in South Africa.

Dr. Harris holds a PhD from the Commonwealth Open University (South Africa) with research focusing on "effective negotiation skills as a determinant of leadership effectiveness." He has also completed post-graduate studies in project management and labor relations at the University of South Africa.

Dave Harris owns Tolbos (tumbleweed) Consulting, a management consultancy in South Africa. You may him contact him by e-mail at

Copyright © 2007 Dave Harris


Dave Harris (MBA) Tolbos Consulting South Africa Mobile: +27( 0)827763110.