R E G U L A R M E E T I N G MARCH 05, 2013

BE IT REMEMBERED that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Pass Christian, Mississippi met on the above date at the Municipal Court Bldg., 105 Hiern Avenue, Pass Christian, Mississippi, at 6:00 p.m., same being the time and place for said meeting.

PRESENT: Mayor Chipper McDermott, Alderwoman Renee Brooks, Alderman Anthony Hall, Alderman Joseph Piernas, Sr., Alderman Robin Rafferty, Malcolm Jones, City Attorney; John Dubuisson, Chief of Police; Marian Gest, City Clerk.

There being a quorum present to transact the business of the City, the following proceedings were had and done.

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, the minutes from the February 05, 2013 Mayor and Board of Aldermen meeting. Exhibit A-2


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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, Consider approving minutes from the February 06, 2013 Administrative meeting. Exhibit A-3.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to award concrete labor and material to concrete the West parking lot islands and electrical platform to Mega Concrete for the amount of $16,603.46, funding to come from Tidelands Account and to amend the budget accordingly. Exhibit A-3.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to award building construction contract in the amount of $1,222,000 to Vision Constructors of Gulfport, MS. and amend the budget accordingly. Project will be jointly funded by CDBG #K-103-291-01-KED and FEMA Public Assistance. Exhibit A-4.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, a Budget Adjustment for general ledger account 135-506-911 in the amount of $61,865.85.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, to reappoint Bill Sullivan to the Park Commission, term ending March 20, 2016.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to table the appointment Evelina S. Burnett to the Park Commission, term ending March 20, 2016. Exhibit A-7.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to accept the Certificate of Training received by Marian Gest, City Clerk for the Secretary of State Mandatory requirement of Election Training. Exhibit A- 8.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to set the Public Hearing for (TIF Plan for Hampton Inn Hotel Project Pass Christian, MS, 2013) March 19, 2013 6:00 p.m. and adopting Resolution. Exhibit A-9.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, the AE contract for Structural Design Solutions of Biloxi, MS, for Fleitas Park Football field, restrooms, press box and concession stand design in the amount of $38,506.86. Exhibit A-11.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, to ratify and approve participation in CNET Grant for 10/01/2012 through 10/01/2013 with the Pass Christian Police Department. Exhibit A-12.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, the Non-Compensated Special Contract between the Director of the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics, and Jason Andrew Edmonds. Exhibit A-13.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, a policy that any employee that works over 40 hours for Special Events sponsored by the City, on weekends and Holidays, will get their choice of overtime pay or compensatory time.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, to accept the resignation of Mary Catherine Ward from the Municipal Election Commission, effective immediately. Exhibit A-15.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to appoint Cindy Cotlen as the Municipal Election Commissioner (for the unexpired term of office of Mary Catherine Ward).


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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to ratify revised Bilateral Compliance Agreement extending completion time to May 31, 2013 in order to complete work on East Second Street Elevated Water Tank and security fencing at Bayview Tank and Henderson Well. Exhibit A-17.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved, Neel-Schaffer to advertise for Phase II Downtown Revitalization Project - lot and Multi Purpose Use Building on City property at Davis Avenue and Second Street. Exhibit A-17.

Voting Aye:, Alderman Hall, Alderman Piernas, Alderman Rafferty

Voting Nay:

Abstaining: Alderwoman Brooks-Record reflect $300,000 in cost of bathroom is excessive.

Motion Carried.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to table, until May 07, 2013, authorizing Public Works to secure and board up openings on the derelict homes located at 805 and 813 E. Railroad Street. Exhibit CO-1.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board had no action authorizing Public Works to secure and board up openings on the derelict home located at 217 E. Railroad Street, as provided by law.

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Upon motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board tabled approving the City Planner’s recommendation to approve Re-Subdivison of Lot 557 East Second Street and 208 Oak Park Drive (Tax Parcel #0413D-02-007.000 & #0413D-02-012.000). The property owner is requesting to move the property lines and create two new sized lots. The First lot fronts 2nd Street, and is 120 by 200 feet. The second lot combines 208 Oak Park Drive with the remaining northern portion of 557 2nd Street, including a 14 foot walkway that provides pedestrian acess to 2nd Street. Please see attached map; application and supporting documents. Exhibit P-1.

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Alderwoman Brooks recused herself from the meeting at this point.

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, the Blessing of the Fleet & Pass Christian Po-Boy Festival on April 20 & 21st and Pass Christian’s BBQ & Blues on June 01 & 02 and barricades for the events. These events are hosted by Pass Christian Harbor Festivals, a 501c-3, nonprofit and will be held in the Harbor, thus bringing favorable notice to the resources and opportunities to the city.

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Alderwoman Brooks returned to the meeting.

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, Request for Cash No. 41 for City of Pass Christian – Harbor Expansion– MDA #R-103-291-01-KED, in the amount of $331,109.06 and BP Funds in the amount of $68,095.03 for the following invoices: CDBG Funds BP Funds

A. Garner Russell Inv. No.: 11502 $ 20,510.00

Silverton BP #1 Inv. No.: 16 $ 299,618.15 $68,095.03

Thompson Engineering Inv. No.: 13012810 $ 10,980.91

Exhibit CA-1.

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, to ratify and approve the correction to Request for Cash #40 (Project City of Pass Christian Commercial Harbor - R-103-291-01-KED) Invoice #11442 - $11,242.50 was submitted and approved on February 05, 2013 Mayor and Board of Aldermen meeting in the wrong amount. Invoice amount should have been $14,242.50. Exhibit CA- 2.

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, Request for Cash No 81 in the amount of $4,755.96 for Project City of Pass Christian Community Revitalization Grant – CDBG project #R-103-291-01-KCR – Streetscape Improvements Project, payable to Neel Schaffer – Invoice# 1008226. Exhibit CA-3.

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, the following Engineering invoices for A. Garner Russell. Exhibit CA-4:

Invoice 11499 $ 1,118.50 Elevated Water tanks

Invoice 11501 $42,510.00 Additional Water & Sewer Replacement

Invoice 11503 $ 1,062.50 Pass Christian Small Craft Harbor Replace C-2

Invoice 11507 $ 875.00 FEMA – All FEMA PW#’s Apply

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, Pay Application No. 3 in the amount of $112,256.10 for Project City of Pass Christian Small Craft Harbor – Repairs to Electrical System – Hurricane Isaac, payable to Doleac Electric Company, Inc. Exhibit CA-5.

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, Pay Application No. 8 in the amount of $402,443.50 for Project Area III Water and Sewer Replacement for PW#11115 in the amount of $85,110.67 and PW#11135 in the amount of $317,332.83. Exhibit CA-6

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, Budget Modification #9 for Project - City of Pass Christian Harbor Expansion - MDA #R-103-291-01-KED – to move funds from Construction Management in the amount of $268,351.00 into the Construction line item to accommodate for the Harbor Master bids. Construction will now equal $22,268,351.00. This modification does not affect contract amount. Exhibit CA-7.

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, Kappa Development and General Contracting, Inc, Change Order #5 in the amount of $497,152.00 (and amend the budget accordingly for City of Pass Christian – Downtown Revitalization Improvements (Phase 2) Project CDBG No. R-103-291-01-KCR – Multi Use Parking Lot. Exhibit CA-7.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Hall, the Board approved unanimously, the payment of $188,895.00 for seven 55KW and $22,392.00 for one 20KW Mobile Generators from Taylor Power Systems under FEMA/MEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. [City will receive 95% reimbursement from MEMA and 5% will be City’s local share.] Exhibit CA-9.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to send Lt. Mark Necaise to MSFA (Mississippi State Fire Academy), March 26, 2013 for Emergency Medical Care Class. The cost of the class is $50.00, meal allowance of $20.00 and use of the City vehicle is required.

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to send Fire Fighter’s Alex Bourdin and Chris Swanier to MSFA (Mississippi State Fire Academy), April 01, through April 11, 2013 for Driver Operator class. The cost of the class is $595.00 each, meal allowance of $200.00 each and use of the City vehicle is required. Total cost of training is $1,590.00.

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Upon motion of Alderman Piernas, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to send Marian Gest, City Clerk to the Mississippi Municipal Service Company – 2013 Educational Program for Advanced Claims Management on April 10, 2013 in Brandon, MS. There is not cost for the class or meals and use of City vehicle is required. Exhibit CA-12.

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Upon motion of Alderman Hall, seconded by Alderman Rafferty, the Board approved unanimously, to send Marian Gest, City Clerk to the 43rd Annual Conference of the Mississippi Clerks and Collectors Association on March 20 through March 22, 2013 in Natchez, MS. The cost of class is $160.00 each, Hotel $178.00 each and meal allowance of $25.00 each. Exhibit CA-13.

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Upon motion of Alderwoman Brooks, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, to send Mechalle Ladner, Deputy City Clerk to attend PERS Spring Focus Session on March 26, 2013 at the Handsboro Community Center in Gulfport, MS. Exhibit CA-14.

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, to send Investigator Michael Lally to a three-day course March 13 – 15, 2013 on Law Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency Response at MSU campus in Starkville, MS. There is no charge for the course, meal allowance of $102.00 and lodging $389.13 for a total amount of $491.13. Exhibit CA-15.

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, to send Officer Britt Berden to a NRA Handgun Shotgun Instructor Course on April 15-19, 2013 at the Law enforcement Officer’s Training Academy in Pearl, MS. The cost of the class will be $595.00 payable to NRA prior to school plus $300.00 to MLEOTA Academy to cover the use of classroom, range, lodging, meals and range supplies. Exhibit CA- 16.

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, to send Gene Peralta to the 2013 Spring Conference of Association of Floodplain Mangers of Mississippi (AFMM) on April 29 through May 02, 2013, in Natchez, MS. Registration fee is $100.00, accommodations $327.00 (plus an additional cost of $23.85), meal allowance of 91.00 and use of a City vehicle. Exhibit CA-17.

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Upon motion of Alderman Rafferty, seconded by Alderman Piernas, the Board approved unanimously, Claims docket No. 1, in the amount of $200,144.01. Exhibit CD-1.