As part of our whole systems transformation programme, East Sussex Better Together (ESBT); and as part of joint working in the west of the county through Connecting4You (C4Y), we are working to transform how we support people to make changes to their lifestyles to improve their health and wellbeing.A key part of this is enabling staff and volunteers across a wide range of organisations and sectors to incorporate prevention and health promotion advice and information into their roles.
To support this crucial work we currently provide access to health promotion resources such as posters and leaflets, and loan equipment such as teaching aids, through the East Sussex Health Promotion Resource Service. To help us understand the health promotion resource needs of colleagues in East Sussex we commissioned an evaluation of the Service during the period December 2016 – March 2017.
We’d like to thank all those who took part either by completing the online survey, attending a Focus Group and/or the Design Workshop or by being interviewed on the telephone. We are grateful to the large numbers of you who gave up your time, and provided really valuable insight into your health promotion resource support needs.
Wearereviewing the findings and these will be used to inform future health promotion resources support. Some of the findings and recommendations are listed below.
Findings include:
The current and potential pool of users is broad and diverse, underlining the need to meet a wide variety of needs.
People felt strongly that health promotion resource provision has a pivotal role in ensuring staff and volunteers have the tools they need to incorporate health promotion into their role.
Those who had used the service valued it and there is an appetite for health promotion resources provision.
Some respondents were not previously aware of the health promotion resource service.
Stakeholders prioritised quality, credibility and currency of information as the most important features of a resource service.
Some stakeholders would prefer a greater move towards digital provision, including a greater choice of web-based and interactive materials.
Information available about the range of resources and how to use them should be more easily available and it should be possible to view resources on the website before ordering.
Stakeholders also recognised that we are in a time of transition and that many clients prefer a printed leaflet. There was also a suggestion that for some people health promotion messages were more credible if they were given in an attractive leaflet.
There is a need to understand the printed material requirements of different groups including where resources are used as part of core business and where they are used to support additional health promotion work.
There were suggestions that the resource offer should be widened to include for example support for health promotion campaigns, training, campaign materials and joint planning.
Recommendations include:
Develop website functionality. Including:
- Adding a search function
- Having visible stock levels
- Being able to see an image of a resource on the website before an order is placed
- Having a ‘shopping basket’ function
- Having a web-form which simplifies the process of becoming a Health Promotion Borrower.
Review the organisation, categorisation and presentation of resources to reflect more the way people search for items.
Utilise the website to support health promotion campaign planning including linking with wider support such as training.
Review printed resource provision to identify specific user groups and recommended resource provision for each group.