Math Lesson Plans-3rd Grade

Sept. 5th-9th

Broderick, Evans, Moon, Peters


3.NSBT.1-Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.

3. NSBT.4-Read and write numbers through 999,999 in standard form and equations in expanded form


Labor Day--Holiday




Tuesday—SW continue to work on place value up to hundred thousand & comparing numbers-

Review place value and give quiz on Wednesday—This is if you didn’t give it on Friday--

This is what to do for review---

Ø  TW review place value to the 100 thousand by students making the number as the teacher calls out numbers or writes expanded/word form on the board-Use white boards

Ø  SW play the game—Building numbers and comparing—Students will use white board and make a number according to what the teachers says-(6-digit to two digit numbers)—SW have a partner—SW roll dice and place that number anywhere on the white board—continuing rolling the dice until the number is built according to what teacher said—(6-digit to 2-digit)—TW roll up 2 pieces of paper with the word greatest on one and least on the other—TW put paper in bag—and then pull out one pieces –The winner will be what is on the paper (greatest or least)—I will explain—

Ø  TW give sheet for Class work-TW check for understanding

Ø  TW explain & assign sheet for homework

If you did give quiz—Work on addition—

Ø  Relay game

Ø  Flash cards

Ø  Math Ball

Ø  Dream Box and Reflex also



MATERIALS: white board, Paper with greatest/least, bag, dices

Wednesday— Students will round to the nearest ten—Lesson-4

Ø  TW go over Tuesday’s homework

Ø  TW give quiz on place value— if you didn’t last week

Ø  Early Finishers—Look at Rounding song/chant to start memorizing

Ø  TW will show Math Mansion—Rounding Machine

Ø  TW make a number line on the board/elmo (tens)—Use sheet for number line

Ø  TW show some examples of rounding to the nearest ten on board and teach song/chant—SW put song/chant into math folder

Ø  TW do Model the math—TE. 29B

Ø  TW do Math in my world- pages 29-30—orally

Ø  SW practice on pgs. 31-32—Do this on white boards or let students do this with a partner

Ø  TW explain & assign pgs. 33-34


HOMEWORK: pgs. 33-34


Thursday—SW round to the nearest hundred—Lesson-5

Ø  TW go over Wednesday’s work

Ø  TW review song/chant

Ø  TW review rounding to the nearest 10—TW show Brain Pop Jr.—Rounding

Ø  TW use newspaper to discuss rounding—Find numbers that have been rounded in paper (sales paper) or numbers to round-TW discuss when you might use rounding

Ø  TW show a number line with 100 to 1,000 on board or elmo—Use sheet for number line

Ø  TSW do Math in my World—pgs. 35-36 (TE/student)-orally

Ø  SW practice-pgs. 37-38—white board/ with partner

Ø  TW explain & assign- Pgs.39 & 40—


HOMEWORK: pgs. 39-40


Friday— Practice Rounding—Camo DAY—Dress in camo for chant song!!!

Ø  TW go over Thursday’s work

Ø  TW review rounding

Ø  SW sing chant as they walk around the room in camo—Maybe walk around outside!!

Ø  TW play song on you tube—Rounding number song: Nearest ten and hundred—Place value lesson

Ø  TSW play snowball game—Students will write a 2-digit number on a piece of paper—SW wand the paper up—When teacher say—1-2-3—SW throw the paper—(yes, snowball fight)—When teacher say stop—everyone will freeze and then teacher will say pick up a piece of paper—SW go back to desk and round number—Answers will go on white board—TW let a couple of students explain their work—May repeat several time—Then repeat with 3 to 4 digit numbers—Can round to the nearest ten and hundred

Ø  TW go over sheet for classwork

Ø  SW work on sheet as teacher assist students that are having trouble

ASSESSMENT: TO, questions