Poetry Journal

Name ______

Period ______

English II

Mrs. Wallace

For each activity in this packet, fill the remaining space on each page with your answers and explanations.

For each poem, follow the instructions given. Compose rough drafts on loose-leaf paper and write your final poems in this packet.

Poetry Journal

Name ______

Period ______

English II

Mrs. Wallace

For each activity in this packet, fill the remaining space on each page with your answers and explanations.

For each poem, follow the instructions given. Compose rough drafts on loose-leaf paper and write your final poems in this packet.

“My City”

James W. Johnson

1. In this poem, the speaker claims that the city has more meaning for him than nature. Do you think he was successful in this claim? Explain your answer with evidence from the poem.

“My City”

James W. Johnson

1. In this poem, the speaker claims that the city has more meaning for him than nature. Do you think he was successful in this claim? Explain your answer with evidence from the poem.

“Sonnet 18”

William Shakespeare

2. The couplet at the end of the poem is saying that the beauty of this person will last as long as long as humanity, because people will read this sonnet and the person will be remembered. The beauty of the sonnet displays the beauty of the person it is referring to, and there is no reason to believe that it will be forgotten anytime soon. In that way, the beauty of the person is eternal. What other ways do you think that the beauty (inner and outer) of a person can be eternal? Explain.

“Sonnet 18”

William Shakespeare

2. The couplet at the end of the poem is saying that the beauty of this person will last as long as long as humanity, because people will read this sonnet and the person will be remembered. The beauty of the sonnet displays the beauty of the person it is referring to, and there is no reason to believe that it will be forgotten anytime soon. In that way, the beauty of the person is eternal. What other ways do you think that the beauty (inner and outer) of a person can be eternal? Explain.

Poem #1 – Sonnet

Write your own Sonnet

A sonnet is a 14 line poem broken into 3 quatrains (4 line segments) and ends with a couplet (2 lines).

Each line uses iambic pentameter (10 syllables per line following a stressed, unstressed patters).

The rhyme scheme for the poem is abab, cdcd, efef, gg.

Sonnet topics usually revolve around an emotion.

Poem #1 – Sonnet

Write your own Sonnet

A sonnet is a 14 line poem broken into 3 quatrains (4 line segments) and ends with a couplet (2 lines).

Each line uses iambic pentameter (10 syllables per line following a stressed, unstressed patters).

The rhyme scheme for the poem is abab, cdcd, efef, gg.

Sonnet topics usually revolve around an emotion.

Emily Dickinson

3a. According to the speaker in “Tell all the Truth but tell it slant -.” how much of the truth should be told? What does the speaker mean by the expression “tell it slant”?

3b. In “Heart! We Will Forget Him!” the speaker is having a conversation with her heart. In a brief conversation, what would your mind say to your heart if you were grieving a lost love or friend?

Emily Dickinson

3a. According to the speaker in “Tell all the Truth but tell it slant -.” how much of the truth should be told? What does the speaker mean by the expression “tell it slant”?

3b. In “Heart! We Will Forget Him!” the speaker is having a conversation with her heart. In a brief conversation, what would your mind say to your heart if you were grieving a lost love or friend?

Poem #2 - Haiku

The content of the Japanese haiku poem is primarily nature. Usually there are no similes or metaphors, nor are there many adjectives.

The most common form is three lines, the first and third line being the same length and the middle one being a little longer. In English this has been translated into a 5-7-5 syllable structure.

TIP – the last word of your first line needs to be an easy rhyming word.

Example: Syllables:

“A man shrieks in pain 5

Crying to the universe. 7

Panic is abrupt.” 5

~Tears of a Tiger

* Write your completed haiku below.

Poem #2 - Haiku

The content of the Japanese haiku poem is primarily nature. Usually there are no similes or metaphors, nor are there many adjectives.

The most common form is three lines, the first and third line being the same length and the middle one being a little longer. In English this has been translated into a 5-7-5 syllable structure.

TIP – the last word of your first line needs to be an easy rhyming word.

Example: Syllables:

“A man shrieks in pain 5

Crying to the universe. 7

Panic is abrupt.” 5

~Tears of a Tiger

* Write your completed haiku below.

Poem 3 – Tanka

Like the haiku, the tanka is a Japanese poem that is usually about nature, but can be about a strong emotion, a special moment, or important event.

The poem is five lines long and the syllable pattern for each line is 5,7,5,7,7.

TIP – think of a place or a feeling and let that guide you.

Example: Syllables:

Thunderclouds building 5
Gathering strength as they grow 7
Releasing themselves 5
Pouring life-giving torrents 7
Cleansing the world in shower 7

* Write your completed haiku below.

Poem 3 – Tanka

Like the haiku, the tanka is a Japanese poem that is usually about nature, but can be about a strong emotion, a special moment, or important event.

The poem is five lines long and the syllable pattern for each line is 5,7,5,7,7.

TIP – think of a place or a feeling and let that guide you.

Example: Syllables:

Thunderclouds building 5
Gathering strength as they grow 7
Releasing themselves 5
Pouring life-giving torrents 7
Cleansing the world in shower 7

* Write your completed haiku below.

“Ballad of Birmingham”

Dudley Randall

4a. Think of a time you read or heard about a tragic event. Write a list of at least 4 ways you could respond creatively to a tragic event (i.e. a poem).

4b. Reread the first four stanzas. What do the images and details reveal about Birmingham in the 1960s? Support your answer with evidence from the poem.

“Ballad of Birmingham”

Dudley Randall

4a. Think of a time you read or heard about a tragic event. Write a list of at least 4 ways you could respond creatively to a tragic event (i.e. a poem).

4b. Reread the first four stanzas. What do the images and details reveal about Birmingham in the 1960s? Support your answer with evidence from the poem.

Robert Frost

5. Think of an outdoor activity that says something about you and what you’re like—such as hiking, fishing, climbing, or swimming, etc. Write a paragraph describing the activity and what it has helped you realize about yourself.

Robert Frost

5. Think of an outdoor activity that says something about you and what you’re like – such as hiking, fishing, climbing, or swimming, etc. Write a paragraph describing the activity and what it has helped you realize about yourself.

Poem 4 – Narrative Poem

A narrative poem tells a story. It can rhyme with a set pattern or without; it doesn't have to rhyme. Narrative poems don't follow many rules, except that they must tell a story.


Think of your main character, whether it will be a person or an animal- most narratives focus on a living being. And, write a small statement of mini paragraph about the character to help you get a feel for what you what to write.

Start with a general outline of the poem. What do you want to happen to the character throughout the poem?

Choose an event to start the poem. You can't just start with random information. Once you know where you want to go with your poem, start writing.

Use vivid words and adjectives to help create the picture. As a poet, you don't want to throw away your words to simplicity, such as "The brown dog chased the orange cat." Yes, the image is created, but what shade of brown? Did he have spots? Was it a tabby cat? Were they thin, starving strays, or plump house pets?


Your Narrative poem must be at least 20 lines.

Write your narrative poem on the back of this page or type it and attach it to the back.

Poem 4 – Narrative Poem

A narrative poem tells a story. It can rhyme with a set pattern or without; it doesn't have to rhyme. Narrative poems don't follow many rules, except that they must tell a story.


Think of your main character, whether it will be a person or an animal- most narratives focus on a living being. And, write a small statement of mini paragraph about the character to help you get a feel for what you what to write.

Start with a general outline of the poem. What do you want to happen to the character throughout the poem?

Choose an event to start the poem. You can't just start with random information. Once you know where you want to go with your poem, start writing.

Use vivid words and adjectives to help create the picture. As a poet, you don't want to throw away your words to simplicity, such as "The brown dog chased the orange cat." Yes, the image is created, but what shade of brown? Did he have spots? Was it a tabby cat? Were they thin, starving strays, or plump house pets?


Your Narrative poem must be at least 20 lines.

Write your narrative poem on the back of this page or type it and attach it to the back.

Poem 4 – Narrative Poem

Poem 4 – Narrative Poem

Poem 5 – Villanelle Poem

A villanelle is a type of poem that was originally a dance song. It can be about anything you choose, as long as it has the appropriate lines, rhyme and rhythm. Your villanelle should have 19 lines—you can break these up into however many stanzas you like, to fit your poem. There should be at least 2 rhymes (not total, but that continue throughout your poem). There should also be two refrains (two lines that repeat). Write your villanelle below.

Poem 5 – Villanelle Poem

A villanelle is a type of poem that was originally a dance song. It can be about anything you choose, as long as it has the appropriate lines, rhyme and rhythm. Your villanelle should have 19 lines—you can break these up into however many stanzas you like, to fit your poem. There should be at least 2 rhymes (not total, but that continue throughout your poem). There should also be two refrains (two lines that repeat). Write your villanelle below.