Staff Senate Meeting Summary April 10, 2006


Call to Order – Chair Forman called the meeting to order at 2:40 PM

Approval of March 13, 2006 Minutes – as summary provided by Brent. Approved.

Report of the Staff Senate Chair, Bill Forman

·  Welcome to the Chao Auditorium, our new home in the Ekstrom Library expansion. With the exception of our meeting dates on the HSC, Staff Senate meetings will be held in this beautiful new space.

·  Chair Forman reported on: Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) committee planning for the SACS (Southern Association of Colleges & Schools) meeting which is upcoming. The QEP had a couple of strong recommendations to make. Within the university there needs to be an emphasis on the curriculum at all levels that enhances critical thinking. The purpose of enhancing critical thinking is to improve community problem solving. There is still more work to be done and behavioral definitions need to be completed. If you have not had a chance to go to a QEP Meeting, it is a good meeting to attend.

·  Provost’s Planning and Budget Committee – Met with Susan Howarth to go over the Budget; looking at different items to see if there are areas in which the committee could recommend any reductions or make sure important items are covered. We were asked to make a recommendation to the president about a salary increase for the coming year. The recommendation has three parts: 1)Salary increases should be made the same for faculty and staff; 2) Salary increase should be between 3.2 and 3.6 percent; and 3) the distribution of the salary increases should be as recommended by the Faculty and Staff Senates.

·  The officers held another listening session. One more is scheduled on Belknap in May in the Floyd Theater. We will be getting in touch with Senators to get their constituents to attend.

·  Executive Committee met to talk about Salary increases: President Ramsey wanted our feedback. Vice Chair Daly checked the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) which was 3.6% Feb 2005 – Feb 2006. The Exec Committee recommended a 3.6% COLA raise for the coming year and asked that it be given across the board to all those with a satisfactory performance appraisals or better.

·  Bill met with Mr. Owsley and Provost Willihnganz to discuss the salary increase with a slightly different COLA offering a 3.5 % increase (based on December 2004 – December 2005 data which was 3.4%). We had a long discussion about merit increases vs. COLA. There is a preference among VP, Deans and Administrators for a baseline COLA plus a merit component. They are thinking about a 2.0% COLA plus a 1.5% merit component with a range of 2 – 5%. Dr. Willihnganz would like the Senate to make a recommendation from the Senate body as a whole. Why is the Senate set on across the board increases?

·  There was lively discussion among Senators regarding the desire for merit to reward outstanding performance, but not penalizing part of the Staff by giving them a salary increase which is less than the cost of living adjustment. As part of the Merit discussion a Senator asked “if you are not compensated for being a better employee then why even do evaluations”?

·  Motion for the Staff Senate to recommend that “any raise given that is equal to or less than the cost of living should be across the board for at least a satisfactory rating and that anything above that could go to merit”.

o  41 senators FOR



·  Senator Shuter pointed out that the December to December COLA percentage is the one that is consistently used each year since it is the number that is available at the time salary consideration starts. A Senator raised the question – “Is this the first year that the Administration has considered that the COLA is 3.4 so we will match or beat that”? While Senator Shuter could not recall the number off the top of her head, she said that over the past 10 years, the University has given increases which average above the cost of living. Another Senator pointed out that in the late 1990s, the economy was a better and raises were better too.

Faculty Senate Representative, Dr. Robert Staat

·  Dr. Staat reported that the Faculty Senate had a similar discussion at their meeting

·  The April Faculty Senate meeting was opened with a memorial to Dr. David Cohn. He was instrumental in setting up the VP for Research and he also had a pivotal role in technology transfer, licensing, patents, etc.

·  Dr. Taylor Archer gave her report on Diversity. The highlight of her report was the fact that U of L is the only institution in the state to meet the Kentucky plan for diversity in all 8 categories for the second year in a row.

·  Salary Increase – The Planning and Budget Committee recommended a 3.5% increase which is in line with the 3.4% average for universities nationally – the Senate approved this unanimously. Faculty is always performance based on merit as required in the Redbook.

·  Dr. Ramsey discussed the budget. If the governor applies his line item veto, there will be no chance to override the veto. The Governor has the last say. The bottom line for U of L’s budget appears to be that we will get an increase of $3.6 million this fiscal year and $10.4 million the next year, which is about half of the CPE recommendations and a long way from the $52 million needed to get us within a credible distance of our benchmark institutions. Dr. Ramsey is very distressed at the treatment U of L received from the legislature in which higher education received a 6.9% increase, but U of L only saw a 6.7% increase. Perhaps it was a bit of political patronage. There is a sensitive seat open for election in Lexington. Louisville is perceived to have gotten its share with the bridges and the arena. Dr. Ramsey reported that undergraduate tuition would increase 13% and that the administration was seeking ways to improve student health offerings, perhaps with some type of day care and/or improvements for part-time faculty. He finished his report by reporting that the searches for the Vice President for Research and the Vice President for University Advancement were underway and that the search for the Dean of Dental School search start again in the fall due to the withdrawal of the acceptable candidate.

·  Provost Report– Dr. Willihnganz added that she was extremely disappointed with the legislature based on the fact that U of L has done more with the resources given to us than any other state school of higher education.

Report of the Student Government, Sowmya Srinivasan

·  New Officers –

o  Darrell Messer, SGA President

o  Brian Hoffman, Executive VP

o  Justin Tooley, VP Services

o  Ashley Howarth, VP Academics

·  This is her last meeting with us.

·  SGA made several contributions at the end of their year

o  Bought lights for the multi purpose room –

o  Park in front of the Honors house, would like that recreated.

·  SGA President has worked to get MACE to give out – Get in my face and I’ll spray you with Mace” Security concerns have been expressed to Mr. Owsley. Three new officers coming on board.

·  Finals Fiesta – April 25 8 – 11 PM

·  Dive-in movie at the Natatorium, probably 4-7 PM on April 25th.

·  Working with Marketing Department for a new logo and marketing campaign.

·  Supreme Court appointments are complete and Senators and SAB members have been chosen.

·  Student Ticket Tailgate – questions?

Report of Standing Committees – Beverly Daly

  1. Credentials and Nominations, Valerie Browning

1. Annual Call for Nominations – Robin reported that the call for nominations is made. Will have elections in A& S, DENTAL , Libraries, VPBA, VP Research, VP University Advancement. 15 at large elections.

2. Petition to Amend the By-Laws- Read by Bev Daly

First reading - Article II, Section 2.d.3 pertaining to filing for candidacy


CONCERNING: Article II Section 2.d.3 pertaining to Filing for Candidacy

BACKGROUND: When reviewing the by-laws for compliance so that Credentials and Nominations could change the filing for candidacy process, it was noted that the current by-laws would not allow them to change the process without amending the by-laws.

RATIONALE: To allow for the Senate candidacy election ballots to be conducted electronically, which will allow not only a more effective and efficient process but also allow for a better use of the committee’s time.



d. It shall be the responsibility of the Credentials and Nominations Committee to ensure:

3. That printed ballots are mailed to each eligible support staff member with return envelope with the support staff member's name, CSD, and signature line. When returned, the return envelope will be verified, the ballot removed and placed in a locked ballot box until all ballots are received. When the deadline is reached, the Chair of the Credentials and Nominations Committee, in the presence of a majority of the committee, shall remove the ballots and break the seals for counting.


d. It shall be the responsibility of the Credentials and Nominations Committee to ensure:

3. That printed ballots are mailed to each eligible support staff member in the particular VP/Dean Area and are verified when employee signs onto the computer system using their employee id number. The ballots are kept in the file until all ballots are received. When the deadline is reached, the Chair of the Credentials and Nominations Committee, in the presence of a majority of the committee, shall count the ballots.

ACTION: A motion was made by the Credentials and Nominations Committee to change the by-laws as stated above.

The Motion was made to table this motion and have C&N discuss further and bring it back next month. Passed Unanimously

  1. Executive Committee, Bill Forman

The committee has met a few times regarding budget issues. More will be presented in Chair’s Report.

Bev gave the report on March 29th with Susan Howarth. Susan went over the changes and talked about 3.5% increase. We were asked if there is anything we could recommend that would help balance the budget and the Executive Committee agreed to defer the HR Strategic Plan without really hurting anything. University is picking up Maintenance and Operations (M&O) costs for Athletics facilities. In the upcoming budget there is $180,000 for the new Indoor Football training facility and the base ball stadium (and Papa John’s Stadium) M&O. The Executive Committee suggested to Dr Ramsey that the M&O costs should be transferred back to Athletics. Dr. Willihnganz said some of those obligations are contractual and cannot be changed.

  1. Finance and Economic Welfare, Martyna Warren

The committee met and minutes will be posted on docushare as soon as they are available – No report

D.  Plans and Policies, Bev Daly Senate, Vice Chair

The committee did not meet since the last Senate meeting.

The next meeting is Tuesday April 18th at 3:00 PM at the University Club. All are welcome.

E.  Services and Facilities, Angela Lewis-Klein

The E-meeting report is on docushare.

F.  Staff Grievance Committee, Marsha Shields

Annual performance evaluation of Staff Grievance Officer conducted via e-mail. The committee did not meet since the last Senate meeting.

G.  Staff Policy Committee, Bridget Burke

The committee met and minutes are posted on docushare. No report

Report of the Vice President for Business Affairs, Larry Owsley

Mr. Owsley is out of town and John Ralston will take questions –

·  To answer the constituent who asked… the HSC parking – no decisions are made yet!

·  University Recycling does not seem to be getting done and could be done better. Expansion of items would be great!!

·  From a listening session – Someone works at a Non-U of L building (JCC Metro College), and would like to participate in the University recycling program.

·  Are they moving the students out of the Parking garage downtown?

·  In addition to TARC, is there a ride-sharing program for faculty staff and students or could one be created? KIPDA Can someone from U of L work with KIPDA then?

Report of the Acting Associate Vice President for Human Resources, J. Ralston

·  Search for employment services manager –they are reviewing resumes

·  Salary Survey software – working on that too along with the Peoplesoft upgrade

·  Military Leave Policy was out of compliance with Federal Regulations. Adjustments have been made to make it complaint but it will be coming to the Senate for approval.

·  We are still on schedule to have first pass at 2007 health rates this month.

·  Questions –

o  Julien had said something about open enrollment in the spring…is that still on? Will be put off until the fall. Enrollment company could not do it in the spring. Looking at the after tax benefits we are going to offer. What do we need to offer? What do people want?

o  Some confusion in the past as to whether U of L participated in the organ donation leave program. Is that a possibility to get an official policy?

o  What is the status of a replacement for Julien? committee members said that work is ongoing with a target date of August 1.