Smithycroft Secondary Parent Council Meeting
Minute of Meeting held on Monday 30th January 2017
In Attendance: Jean Miller (Head Teacher), Bernie Bendoris - Chair (parent – Josh Bendoris), Gillian Doody – Vice Chair (Parent – Heather Little), Mandy Muir (parent – Jamie Muir), Caroline Watson (parent – Holly Watson), Calum Watson (parent – Holly Watson), Mark McClintock (Parent – Kerry McClintock), Gabriela Dragan (parent – Cristina Dragan), Adrian Hood (Teacher), Katy Anderson (DHT) for item 2 and Julie Thompson (Clerk)
Apologies: James How, Amanda Wilson (parent – Bethany and Melanie) and Talya Warnock
- Previous Minute
The previous minute was proposed by Ms Doody and seconded by Mr Watson.
- Rights Respecting School
Katy Anderson, Deputy Head Teacher, was welcomed to the meeting. KA had requested to come along as she was keen to keep the Parent Council up to date in our involvement with the above. This is an initiative that we have been working on over the past year and are hoping to achieve Level 1 status. She explained that there are various sub-groups within the school working with different people. We have a group who work with partners and parents and KA requested a parent to join this group. If anyone is interested they should contact JT.
We have carried out an initial audit which showed that we don’t have a great understanding of the UN Convention and what a Rights Respecting School is. Members of the Parent Council were asked to complete a questionnaire.
This time next year representatives from Unicef will be invited into school to ascertain if they feel we have did enough work to be awarded Level 1 Status.
- HT Report
Attainment Challenge
JM stated all projects were underway.
Pupil Equity Fund
We will receive extra funding next session. The amount we receive will depend on the amount of pupils who have a Free Meal Entitlement as for each of these pupils we will receive £1,200.00. JM will be informed soon of the actual amount.
JM is currently planning for next session and is due to attend our Staffing Meeting on Monday 6th February. The possibility of introducing Drama into our curriculum was mentioned by JM. Our school roll is growing due to an increase in placing requests.
Christmas Activities
Pantomime -As ever, the Attendance Reward trip to the Pantomime was a huge success with 200 pupils and 16 staff going along.
Christmas Ceilidh - Pupils in S1 – S3 had a brilliant time at the Christmas Ceilidh and this year it was decided not to make it compulsory, but allow pupils who wanted to go to buy tickets. This had a positive impact on the whole event.
Winterfest – Pupils had a fantastic time on the afternoon of Friday 16th December enjoying various fun activities.
Christmas Concert – As ever, the highlight of the year. Our pupils put on a wonderful concert which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attended.
Celtic Foundation
JM reminded everyone that we are due to receive £20,000.00 which will be used to replace some of our musical instruments. AH made a plea for offering bag pipe tuition as he believes, as our national instrument, more people should be able to play them.
SQA Exams – Prelims
Our prelims are taking place over the course of this week.
JM reported that changes are afoot in relation to SQA as the formal unit assessments are to be withdrawn. Due to this some subjects will have formal examinations introduced and others will have their examination time extended.
Tracking & Monitoring
Patrick Sweeney will be invited to our next meeting in order to give an overview of the new Tracking & Monitoring Tool we hope to adopt.
JM is investigating a new package called “Show My Homework”.
- Fundraising
BB issued paperwork giving different fundraising examples. These were discussed with other suggestions being added:
-Charity car wash – during Springbreak
-Leg wax
-Bingo night
-Family Games Night
-Summer Fayre – Gala Day
-Sponsored event
-Quiz Night
-Bag Pack
It was eventually agreed that a Survey Monkey would be prepared and issued to parents to allow us to gauge the type of response we are likely to have in our fundraising efforts. JM will prepare the Survey Monkey and share with the Parent Council for comment.
The Parent Council members agree to an informal meeting to further discuss fundraising. This will take place on Monday 27th February 2017 @ 6.30pm.
- Reporting
This item will be discussed at our next meeting.
AH explained the major difficulties we have been experiencing in relation to the school pitches. It was noted that Amey have been making an effort to assist with the problems, but unfortunately, no sustained improvement has been made. AH was disappointed to report that, after speaking to his professional association the pitch has been put out of use until a Health & Safety Audit can take place. Everyone agrees that outdoor learning is extremely important to pupils and realise that the loss of this outdoor space is detrimental to our pupils. BB has already written to Maureen McKenna with our concerns. After discussion the Parent Council agreed to campaign for a useable outdoor space which can be used not only by our pupils but by the local community. JM will contact Maureen McKenna for contact details of any organisation that might be able to offer financial support.
Recruitment & Selection
Training for the above takes place this coming Thursday. BB has signed up to attend.
Cost of the School Day
We have been notified that there will be a Cost of the School Day Workshop soon. When we receive the date it will be passed to the Parent Council.
Meeting started at 6.30pm
Meeting finished at 8.15pm
Next Meeting will take place on Monday 20th March 2017