Chapter 6A

Indifference Curve Analysis

1. The slope of an indifference curve is ______and a movement along the curve causes the loss in marginal utility (MU) of one good to ______the marginal utility (MU) gained from another good.

a. zero; maximize

b. positive; exceed

c. concave; reduce

d. negative; equal


a. Incorrect. An indifference curve is downward sloping so that total utility remains unchanged with movements along it.

b. Incorrect. An indifference curve is downward sloping so that total utility remains unchanged with movements along it.

c. Incorrect. An indifference curve is downward sloping so that total utility remains unchanged with movements along it.

d. Correct. An indifference curve is downward sloping so that total utility remains unchanged with movements along it.

2. The ______is the absolute value of the slope of the indifference curve.

a. marginal rate of substitution

b. average rate of transitivity

c. relative rate of utility

d. marginal rate of transposition


a. Correct. This is the rate at which a consumer is willing to substitute one good for another.

b. Incorrect. This term is meaningless.

c. Incorrect. This term is meaningless.

d. Incorrect.. This term is meaningless.

3. Consumers always ______indifference curves that are farther from the origin.

a. reject

b. cross

c. prefer

d. maximize


a. Incorrect. Curves farther from the origin yield higher levels of total utility.

b. Incorrect. Curves farther from the origin yield higher levels of total utility.

c. Correct. Curves farther from the origin yield higher levels of total utility.

d. Incorrect. Curves farther from the origin yield higher levels of total utility.

4. Given the prices of two goods, all quantity combinations inside the budget line are

a. indifferent.

b. efficient.

c. unattainable.

d. attainable.


a. Incorrect. This refers to all points along the indifference curve.

b. Incorrect. Consumer equilibrium occurs where the budget line equals the indifference curve.

c Incorrect. These are points outside the budget line are unaffordable.

d. Correct. All combinations of goods inside the budet line are affordable.

5. Consumer equilibrium occurs where the budget line is ______to the ______possible indifference curve.

a. tangent; highest

b. equal; lowest

c. marginal; maximum

d. differential; highest


a. Correct. Only at the highest possible indifference curve will maximum total satisfaction be achieved.

b. Incorrect. Only at the highest possible indifference curve will maximum total satisfaction be achieved.

c Incorrect. Only at the highest possible indifference curve will maximum total satisfaction be achieved.

d. Incorrect. Only at the highest possible indifference curve will maximum total satisfaction be achieved.

6. An indifference curve consists of quantity combinations of two goods that yield

a. equal marginal utilities.

b. negative marginal utilities.

c. the same price ratios.

d. the same total satisfaction.


a. Incorrect. Marginal utility varies along the indifference curve.

b. Incorrect. Marginal utility can be positive for one good and negative for another moving along the indifference curve.

c. Incorrect. Price ratios are involved in the budget line computation.

d. Correct. This is the definition of an indifference curve.

7. The slope of an indifference curve is equal to the ratio of the ______of the good on the horizontal axis to the ______of the good on the vertical axis.

a. marginal utility (MU); marginal utility (MU)

b. total utility (TU); total utility (TU)

c. marginal product (MP); marginal product (MP)

d. price (P); total utility (TU)


a. Correct. Along an indifference curve, the marginal utility of losing one good equals the marginal utility gained from the other good.

b. Incorrect. Along an indifference curve, the marginal utility of losing one good equals the marginal utility gained from the other good.

c. Incorrect. Along an indifference curve, the marginal utility of losing one good equals the marginal utility gained from the other good.

d. Incorrect. Along an indifference curve, the marginal utility of losing one good equals the marginal utility gained from the other good.

8. The equation for a budget line for goods X and Y, with Px being the price of X, Py being the price of Y, and B being the budget, can be written as

a. PxX + PyY = B.

b. PxX + PyY = 1/B.

c. PxX = B + PyY.

d. PxX / PyY = 1 - B.


a. Correct. The price times the quantity of goods gives the amount spent which equals the amount of budget.

b. Incorrect. The price times the quantity of goods gives the amount spent which equals the amount of budget.

c. Incorrect. The price times the quantity of goods gives the amount spent which equals the amount of budget.

d. Incorrect. The price times the quantity of goods gives the amount spent which equals the amount of budget.

Exhibit A.6 Consumer equilibrium

9. Given the budget line and indifference curves shown in Exhibit A.6, consumer equilibrium occurs at point

a. A.

b. B.

c. C.

d. D.

e. E.


a. Incorrect. At this point satisfaction could be increased at point D and higher indifference curve I2.

b. Incorrect. At this point satisfaction could be increased at point D and higher indifference curve I2.

c. Incorrect. At this point satisfaction could be increased at point D and higher indifference curve I2.

d. Correct. At point D, the budget line is tangent to the highest attainable indifference curve.

e. Incorrect. This point is outside the budget line and therefore unattainable.

10. Given the budget line and indifference curves shown in Exhibit A.6, assume the consumer is initially at point C. To maximize total utility, the consumer should

a. purchase more of good X and less of good Y.

b. remain at point C.

c. move to point B and then to point A.

d. purchase more of good Y and less of good X.


a. Incorrect. This moves farther away from the optimal point D.

b. Incorrect. This is on a lower indifference curve I1 than at point D on point I2.

c. Incorrect. Given the budget line, the consumer can move directly from point C to point A.

d. Correct. This moves upward along the budget line from the optimal point D.

11. An indifference curve has a negative slope because movement along the curve requires the consumer to give up the

a. marginal utility of one good.

b. total utility of one good.

c. marginal substitution value (MSV).

d. marginal transitivity of one good.


a. Correct. An indifference curve has a negative slope because movement along the curve requires the consumer to give up the marginal utility of one good.

b. Incorrect. An indifference curve has a negative slope because movement along the curve requires the consumer to give up the marginal utility of one good. c. Incorrect. This is a meaningless term.

d. Incorrect. This is a meaningless term.

12. The marginal rate of substitution ______as one moves downward along the indifference curve.

a. increase

b. remains constant

c. decreases

d. increases and then decreases


a. Incorrect. The marginal rate of substitution decreases as one moves downward along the indifference curve. b. Incorrect. The marginal rate of substitution decreases as one moves downward along the indifference curve. c. Correct. The marginal rate of substitution decreases as one moves downward along the indifference curve. d. Incorrect. The marginal rate of substitution decreases as one moves downward along the indifference curve.

13. Assume Px is the price of good X on the horizontal axis and Py is the price of good Y on the vertical axis. The slope of the budget line equals

a. Py / PxY.

b. PyQy / Px Qx.

c. (1 - Py / Px).

d. Px / Py.


a. Incorrect. The slope of the budget line equals Px / Py.

b. Incorrect. The slope of the budget line equals Px / Py.

c. Incorrect. The slope of the budget line equals Px / Py.

d. Correct. The slope of the budget line equals Px / Py.

Exhibit A.7 Consumer equilibrium

14. As shown in Exhibit A.7, the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) at point B is equal to

a. 0.33.

b. 2.0.

c. 0.5.

d. 3.0.


a. Incorrect. Slope of the budget line at point B equals DY/DX = 5 = 0.5


b. Incorrect. Slope of the budget line at point B equals DY/DX = 5 = 0.5


c. Correct. Slope of the budget line at point B equals DY/DX = 5 = 0.5


d. Incorrect. Slope of the budget line at point B equals DY/DX = 5 = 0.5


15. As shown in Exhibit A., movement from consumer equilibrium at point A to point B is caused by a (an)

a. increase in the price of good X.

b. decrease in the price of good X.

c. increase in the price of good Y.

d. decrease in the price of good Y.


a. Incorrect. An increase in the price of good X shifts the budget line leftward along the horizontal axis and point B would not be the tangent point.

b. Correct. A decrease in the price of good X shifts the budge line rightward along the horizontal axis and point B is the tangent point.

c. Incorrect. An increase in the price of good Y shifts the budget line upward along the vertical axis and point B would not be the tangent point.

d. Incorrect. A decrease in the price of good Y shifts the budget line downward along the vertical axis and point B would not be the tangent point.