SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE S1. List of differentially expressed genes in TREM2-/- vs. WT

point / Adj
P-value / Log
Fold Change / ID / Symbol / Entrez Gene Name / Location / Type(s)
6-weeks / 3.80E-02 / -2.091 / 10572130 / LPL / lipoprotein lipase / Cytoplasm / enzyme
6-weeks / 1.55E-02 / -1.476 / 10343839 / XPO6 / exportin 6 / Cytoplasm / transporter
6-weeks / 1.55E-02 / -1.435 / 10344340 / CSDE1 / cold shock domain containing E1, RNA-binding / Cytoplasm / enzyme
6-weeks / 1.55E-02 / 1.409 / 10448559 / D330041H03Rik / RIKEN cDNA D330041H03 gene / Other / Other
6-weeks / 1.55E-02 / 1.549 / 10350758 / CPSF3 / cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 3, 73kDa / Nucleus / enzyme
6-weeks / 1.55E-02 / 1.599 / 10561453 / ZFP36 / ZFP36 ring finger protein / Nucleus / transcription regulator
6-weeks / 1.55E-02 / 1.677 / 10565609 / THRSP / thyroid hormone responsive / Nucleus / other
6-weeks / 2.56E-02 / 1.872 / 10498367 / P2RY13 / purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 13 / Plasma Membrane / G-protein coupled receptor
6-weeks / 3.45E-02 / 1.945 / 10524338 / DEF6 / differentially expressed in FDCP 6 homolog (mouse) / Extracellular Space / other
6-weeks / 1.55E-02 / 2.093 / 10498371 / P2RY12 / purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 12 / Plasma Membrane / G-protein coupled receptor
6-weeks / 1.82E-02 / 2.128 / 10532741 / TMEM119 / transmembrane protein 119 / Cytoplasm / other
6-weeks / 1.55E-02 / 2.226 / 10553559 / Siglech / sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin H / Plasma Membrane / other
6-weeks / 1.55E-02 / 3.015 / 10608711 / Erdr1 / erythroid differentiation regulator 1 / Other / Other
12-weeks / 3.48E-03 / -2.041 / 10445781 / TREM2 / triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 / Plasma Membrane / transmembrane receptor
12-weeks / 2.37E-02 / -1.72 / 10362186 / MOXD1 / monooxygenase protein 1 / Cytoplasm / other
12-weeks / 4.07E-02 / -1.656 / 10341721 / MOB1A / MOB kinase activator 1A / Plasma Membrane / other
12-weeks / 4.31E-02 / -1.314 / 10572130 / LPL / lipoprotein lipase / Cytoplasm / enzyme
12-weeks / 3.91E-02 / -1.174 / 10583669 / C19orf38 / chromosome 19 open reading frame 38 / Other / other
12-weeks / 4.43E-02 / -1.142 / 10463875 / SORCS3 / sortilin-related VPS10 domain containing receptor 3 / Nucleus / transporter
12-weeks / 3.91E-02 / 1.003 / 10597268 / TDGF1 / teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1 / Extracellular Space / growth factor
12-weeks / 3.73E-02 / 1.046 / 10433197 / COA1 / cytochrome c oxidase assembly factor 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) / Cytoplasm / other
12-weeks / 4.74E-02 / 1.051 / 10414537 / ERN1 / endoplasmic reticulum to nucleus signaling 1 / Cytoplasm / kinase
12-weeks / 1.52E-02 / 1.066 / 10538802 / NDNF / neuron-derived neurotrophic factor / Extracellular Space / other
12-weeks / 4.74E-02 / 1.068 / 10563178 / CD37 / CD37 molecule / Plasma Membrane / other
12-weeks / 3.91E-02 / 1.068 / 10444780 / HLA-A / major histocompatibility complex, class I, A / Plasma Membrane / other
12-weeks / 3.91E-02 / 1.08 / 10574259 / GPR56 / G protein-coupled receptor 56 / Plasma Membrane / G-protein coupled receptor
12-weeks / 2.87E-02 / 1.081 / 10524621 / Oasl2 / 2'-5' oligoadenylate synthetase-like 2 / Other / enzyme
12-weeks / 4.65E-02 / 1.118 / 10541885 / SCNN1A / sodium channel, non-voltage-gated 1 alpha subunit / Plasma Membrane / ion channel
12-weeks / 3.91E-02 / 1.158 / 10510516 / SLC2A5 / solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose/fructose transporter), member 5 / Plasma Membrane / transporter
12-weeks / 2.16E-02 / 1.162 / 10562709 / Cd33 / CD33 antigen / Plasma Membrane / other
12-weeks / 2.81E-02 / 1.164 / 10496580 / GBP4 / guanylate binding protein 4 / Cytoplasm / enzyme
12-weeks / 1.17E-02 / 1.178 / 10530393 / GABRG1 / gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, gamma 1 / Plasma Membrane / ion channel
12-weeks / 1.98E-02 / 1.198 / 10461979 / PREPL / prolyl endopeptidase-like / Other / peptidase
12-weeks / 1.05E-02 / 1.201 / 10466521 / Gcnt1 / Beta-1,3-galactosyl-O-glycosyl-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase / Other / other
12-weeks / 4.43E-02 / 1.205 / 10385500 / Irgm1 / immunity-related GTPase family M member 1 / Cytoplasm / other
12-weeks / 3.00E-02 / 1.22 / 10388902 / Lgals9 / Galectin-9 / Extracellular Space / other
12-weeks / 3.48E-03 / 1.231 / 10462618 / LAMB2 / laminin, beta 2 (laminin S) / Extracellular Space / enzyme
12-weeks / 1.98E-02 / 1.276 / 10500808 / OLFML3 / olfactomedin-like 3 / Extracellular Space / other
12-weeks / 3.00E-02 / 1.296 / 10361234 / HSD11B1 / hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 1 / Cytoplasm / enzyme
12-weeks / 4.22E-03 / 1.332 / 10462621 / MALAT1 / metastasis associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (non-protein coding) / Nucleus / other
12-weeks / 3.27E-02 / 1.347 / 10556528 / PDE3B / phosphodiesterase 3B, cGMP-inhibited / Cytoplasm / enzyme
12-weeks / 2.18E-02 / 1.355 / 10366153 / RASSF9 / Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family (N-terminal) member 9 / Cytoplasm / transporter
12-weeks / 4.22E-03 / 1.36 / 10565609 / THRSP / thyroid hormone responsive / Nucleus / other
12-weeks / 1.84E-02 / 1.386 / 10455961 / Iigp1 / interferon inducible GTPase / Cytoplasm / enzyme
12-weeks / 3.20E-02 / 1.402 / 10532744 / SELPLG / selectin P ligand / Plasma Membrane / other
12-weeks / 3.44E-02 / 1.413 / 10433101 / GPR84 / G protein-coupled receptor 84 / Plasma Membrane / G-protein coupled receptor
12-weeks / 3.31E-02 / 1.427 / 10547906 / LAG3 / lymphocyte-activation gene 3 / Plasma Membrane / transmembrane receptor
12-weeks / 4.74E-02 / 1.438 / 10527638 / ALOX5AP / arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein / Plasma Membrane / other
12-weeks / 1.37E-02 / 1.46 / 10446965 / RASGRP3 / RAS guanyl releasing protein 3 (calcium and DAG-regulated) / Cytoplasm / other
12-weeks / 2.17E-02 / 1.468 / 10385583 / LTC4S / leukotriene C4 synthase / Cytoplasm / enzyme
12-weeks / 1.37E-02 / 1.501 / 10524338 / DEF6 / differentially expressed in FDCP 6 homolog (mouse) / Extracellular Space / other
12-weeks / 3.48E-03 / 1.55 / 10434778 / RTP4 / receptor (chemosensory) transporter protein 4 / Other / other
12-weeks / 1.18E-02 / 1.554 / 10446282 / EMR1 / egf-like module containing, mucin-like, hormone receptor-like 1 / Plasma Membrane / G-protein coupled receptor
12-weeks / 3.48E-03 / 1.593 / 10471721 / PTGS1 / prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase) / Cytoplasm / enzyme
12-weeks / 4.22E-03 / 1.613 / 10498367 / P2RY13 / purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 13 / Plasma Membrane / G-protein coupled receptor
12-weeks / 3.48E-03 / 1.665 / 10458303 / DCTN3 / dynactin 3 (p22) / Nucleus / other
12-weeks / 2.37E-02 / 1.691 / 10416505 / KCTD4 / potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 4 / Other / ion channel
12-weeks / 3.48E-03 / 1.78 / 10498371 / P2RY12 / purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 12 / Plasma Membrane / G-protein coupled receptor
12-weeks / 4.22E-03 / 1.783 / 10557862 / ITGAM / integrin, alpha M (complement component 3 receptor 3 subunit) / Plasma Membrane / transmembrane receptor
12-weeks / 4.22E-03 / 1.806 / 10532741 / TMEM119 / transmembrane protein 119 / Cytoplasm / other
12-weeks / 4.38E-02 / 1.815 / 10601385 / Tlr13 / toll-like receptor 13 / Cytoplasm / other
12-weeks / 1.25E-02 / 1.849 / 10598750 / FZD7 / frizzled class receptor 7 / Plasma Membrane / G-protein coupled receptor
12-weeks / 4.22E-03 / 1.861 / 10462623 / IFIT1B / interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1B / Cytoplasm / other
12-weeks / 1.18E-02 / 1.934 / 10499189 / Fcrls / Fc receptor-like S, scavenger receptor / Plasma Membrane / other
12-weeks / 1.25E-02 / 1.944 / 10523120 / CXCL5 / chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 5 / Extracellular Space / other
12-weeks / 1.99E-02 / 1.997 / 10531415 / CXCL10 / chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10 / Extracellular Space / cytokine
12-weeks / 1.25E-02 / 2.011 / 10379530 / PEA15 / phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes 15 / Cytoplasm / transporter
12-weeks / 1.26E-03 / 2.142 / 10553559 / Siglech / sialic acid binding Ig-like lectin H / Plasma Membrane / other
12-weeks / 2.87E-02 / 2.145 / 10531407 / Cxcl9 / chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9 / Extracellular Space / cytokine