Must be returned 4 weeks prior to your performance
Company Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………......
Date(s) of Performance: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
The Atkinson holds a PRS licence and we are obliged to make quarterly returns to the Performing Rights Society. We will have to charge the current PRS levy applicable to your production unless you have already been granted a licence to perform.
Are you performing a set musical or play: YES / NO
The Title and Publisher of the piece: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Have you obtained a licence to perform or letter of permission: YES / NO
If YES please attach a copy otherwise we will be obliged to charge the PRS levy applicable to your production.
Are you using music or background music of any kind during your performance: YES / NO
Is this on a commercially produced tape or CD: YES / NO
Is it on a tape or CD you have recorded yourselves: YES / NO
If Yes, what was the source of the recorded material:
Please list on the attached sheet all the pieces of music/songs which are being used during the performance
Are you performing live music during your performance: YES / NO
Please list on the attached sheet all pieces of music that will be performed during your performance. The information requested above is to enable us to fulfill our obligation to the Performing Rights Society and to enable them to correctly assess our annual subscription. It is possible that we have been overcharged in previous years because we were unable to supply accurate details about some of the performances, which had taken place in our venue. The above details will enable us to provide more accurate returns and therefore enable the PRS to assess our subscription correctly.
Company Name: …………………………………………………………………......
The Atkinson, Lord Street, Southport PR8 1DB
(01704) 533333 /