Lesson Plans- Robin Mitchell


February 8-February 11, 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016

Title of Lesson: Academic Planning

Content Standard:

7. Generate an electronic portfolio using digital tools (e.g., Webpage, wikis, blogs, podcast), including a cover letter; a current resume; a completed job application; interest, aptitude, and achievement assessment results; curriculum samples (e.g., academic research, educational projects); four-year high school educational plan; education/career preparedness checklist; and other examples of academic and career preparedness achievements (e.g., student organizations, club memberships, honors, credentials, certificates, awards, community service experiences, recommendations). a. Utilize advanced features of word processing (e.g., outlining; developing forms; applying tracking changes, hyperlinking, and mail merging). b. Create presentations using effective communication skills and advanced features of multimedia, including photo, video, and audio editing.

Objective: The student will:

• Determine factors to be considered in developing an effective career plan and procedures for obtaining employment.

• Utilize research results to determine career opportunities.

Content Knowledge:

1. Four-year high school education plan and career preparedness checklist.

a. Assessment results b. Curriculum samples

Essential Questions:

●What is an electronic portfolio and why is it important?

Learning Targets: I can:

●Develop a four year plan

●Identify the classes relevant to my future careers of interest

Materials: Computer with internet access, Alabama Career Planning System - Kuder

Procedures/Activities: In this lesson, the student will be walking through the academic planning process as they meet with a Career Coach in order to complete their four year plan.

Before: Discuss the importance of a career portfolio and take steps to begin building a high school portfolio.

During: Students to log into Kuder Navigator and review results. Students are to review elective lists and begin to make choices of what they would like to take. After: Students to load choices into Kuder account as part of digital portfolio.

Assessment: Formative Assessments (AQTS 2.8) • Secondary and Post-Secondary Educational Plan • Electronic Portfolio

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Title of Lesson: The Labor Market

Total time on Task: 70 min

Content Standard:

Standard 3:Analyze personal skills, interests, and abilities and relate them to current career opportunities.

Objective: In this lesson, Students will play a game called the Bobilator to better understand how different types of

labor market information (LMI) can help in making informed career decisions.

Essential Question

●What is LMI?

●How can labor market information assist me in making a career decision?

●How do you fill out a job application?

Learning Targets: I can:

●Explain job outlook for a chosen career.

●Locate information on the Department of Labor Website.

Materials: internet access

Procedures/Activities: Students can look up LMI in their region by using Alabama State Department of Labor’s website on Labor Statistics at Occupational Statistics, Career Exploration.

Bell Ringer: Journaling Activity

Before: PPT Bobilator/Discussion

During: Students to complete worksheet as they research careers using Dept of Labor website.

After: Exit Slip: What am I learning? Why am I learning it? How can I use it?


1. Check for understanding

2. Journaling

3. Completed Worksheet

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Title of Lesson: Career Forward: Module Two

Total time on Task: 90 min

Content Standard:

Standard 3:Analyze personal skills, interests, and abilities and relate them to current career opportunities.

a. Participate in assessments that identify personal areas of interest and aptitude, including utilizing results to develop a four-year high school educational plan.

b. Explore individual career options from the 16 National Career Clusters to examine specific job descriptions, requirements, salaries, and employment outlooks.

c. Identify safety and health standards in the workplace for daily procedures, emergency procedures, equipment/tools, dress, use of technology, and work area maintenance.

Objective: In this lesson, students will participate in a framing activity to collect information from various resources with an opportunity to compare the information that they gather about global economies and career changes.

Essential Questions:

●What is a workday like?

●Will I do the same kind of work throughout my life?

●How is the world of work changing?

Learning Targets:

●I can describe a typical workday.

●I can describe how the world of work has changed and will be changing.

Materials: Computer with internet access, and Technology Resources


Bell Ringer: Edmodo Assignment

Before: Module Overview: Challenge/Initial thoughts

During: View resources-complete thought questions

After: Submit assignment/Final Thoughts


1. Participation

2. Submission of Final Thoughts & Research Notes

3. Class discussion

Students may continue to:

Title of Lesson: Career Forward: Module Three

Total time on Task: 70 min

Content Standard:

Standard 3:Analyze personal skills, interests, and abilities and relate them to current career opportunities.

a. Participate in assessments that identify personal areas of interest and aptitude, including utilizing results to develop a four-year high school educational plan.

b. Explore individual career options from the 16 National Career Clusters to examine specific job descriptions, requirements, salaries, and employment outlooks.

c. Identify safety and health standards in the workplace for daily procedures, emergency procedures, equipment/tools, dress, use of technology, and work area maintenance.

Objective: In this lesson, students will participate in a framing activity to collect information from various resources with an opportunity to compare the information that they gather about business ownership and career opportunities.

Essential Questions:

• Where will I learn what I need for work?

• Could I be my own boss and start my own business?

Learning Targets:

●I can explain where to find resources and people to help me locate what I need when I am ready to look for work.

●I know what it takes to become a business owner and to start my own business.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Title of Lesson: Gates VS Jobs, The Personal Computer Industry

Total Time on Task: 70 min

Content Standard:

Standard 11: Analyze cultural, social, economic, environmental, and political effects, and trends of technology to assess emerging technologies and forecast innovations.

Standard 2: Understand the effect of workplace behaviors.

Objective: In this lesson the students will view the history of the relationship and competition between Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and demonstrate an understanding of technology influences, impacts, and innovations.

Essential Question: What influence has technology had on our society over the past 20 years? How has it changed the job outlook?

Learning Target(s):

•I understand the influence technology has on modern day society.

•I understand the conflict that resulted between the relationship of Jobs and Gates.

Materials: Internet access, projector, video worksheets


Bell Ringer: Complete components of the "Connecting the Dots" viewing guide

Before: Steve Jobs' Commencement Speech

During: View "Gates V Jobs"

After: complete viewing questions.

Homework: none