І. Wich is the nile river delta?
The river Nile is the major river of Africa and has been considered up to recently the longest river of the world never the less, recent studies of 2007 and 2008 have re-defined the birth of the Amazon in the south of Peru instead of in the north, doing to this one the longest river of the world. The Delta of the Nile is the territory shaped by the fertile alluvial deposits of the river Nile when Mediterranean ends in the sea. It is to the north of Egypt and there has the form of the Greek letter Delta (Δ), of there the name given by the former Greeks. It is one of bigger deltas of the world, including approximately from Alexandria in the west to Saíd's Port in the East, on the Mediterranean coast, and up to the city of Cairo for the south. Approximately, the delta has from north to south 160 km from length, and from this one to west approximately 240 km of coast. It is a fertile, very suitable region for the agriculture and densely populated. In the Former Egypt these lands were named the Lower Egypt.
ІІ. Wich is the reason of the economic condition of Egypt?
ІІІ Where from the egyptian civilisation went out?
Egypt, which name means etymologically " country between two lands ", occupies an essential place in the historical frame of the genesis of the human civilizations, so in the High place and Lower Egypt, acquaintances like Ta-shema (Ta = land, shema = I press hard) and Tamehu respectively, there was founded one of the most important cultures of the past of the humanity: the Egyptian civilization. The emergence of the State of the ancient Egypt took place towards 3050 B.C. approximately, showing the valley of the Nile a position of the first order in the organization of the same one, since it has influenced the historical, cultural, social and economic development of the country, constituting the base of one of the more important agricultures of irrigation of the world. Already in the former Egypt, since in the current one, there was planned an imaginary line that was separating the " Black Earth " or Kemet (alluvial plain integrated by the plain of flood in strict sense and the delta, whose dark color owes to the clayey mire which the Nile, on having recovered his normal flow, deposits in the field) and the " Red Earth " or Deshret (formed by the surface occupied by the deserts that place to both flanks of the valley of the Nile). The blackish aspect of the slimes, which gives name to the " Black Earth ", owes to itself to his origin of the volcanic clump Ethiopian.
What factors constitued?
The periodic floods of the river constituted a very important factor because they were determining the economic activities that were depending, in major or minor degree, on the fluvial dynamics and on the natural environment. It is not chance that is in use the past perfect simple time in the verbal previous forms, so given the hydraulic interventions that the current civilization of the Nile has developed in the space during the course of the time, has generated that the annual functioning of this river already is not like it does thousands of years. Of this importance of the avenues for the life in the valley, one must not forget that the floods also could bring for the numerous inhabitants disasters and famines if these processes were reaching volumes and excessive levels, the excessive situations being known as " high Nile " and the scanty ones as " Low Nile ", whereas the ideal situation was naming as " Great Nile ". In this respect, the possible connection wants to demonstrate here between the Egyptian cosmogonía, that is to say, the way across which the former Egyptians were explaining the origin of the cosmos and of the world - and, for end, of the totality of the created things-, and the geographical reality of Egypt.