
Selectmen's Meeting

Town Office

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

9:00 am

Selectmen Present: Robert Hamilton, Jim Qualey, Roberta Oeser

Employees Present: Finance Director Ellen Smith

Other Participants Present: Tom Coneys, Sharon Rasku, Kelen Geiger, Holly Koski

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance


  1. Approval of Bills

The Selectmen approved the bills.

  1. Signing of Time Cards

The Selectmen signed the Time Cards.

3.Minutes 7-12-2016, 7-13-2016.

A motion was made by Jim to accept the 7-12-2016 and 7-13-2016 minutes, and seconded by Roberta. Roberta suggested some corrections to the 7-13-2016 minutes which were agreed to by Jim and Bob. The minutes (with corrections) were Approved 3-0.

  1. Abatement-Tom Coneys.

Tom requested a correction to his tax card to eliminate two outdoor lights and the related $900 assessment. The Board agreed to correct the error and directed the assessor's clerk to do so. Tom also asked to have his property be compared to three other commercial properties. His property is listed with a neighborhood code (ST. Idx.) of CIG and the three properties he wants to compare his to (Taco Bell, Tractor Store and the Route 202 Mini-Storage) are listed with a St. Idx. of CIA. He believes that all four properties (his included) should have the same ST. Idx. Tom also questioned the assessment of his commercial fencing versus that of residential fencing.

The Board agreed to have the assessor’s clerk submit these arguments to KRT for their opinion and provide KRT's response to Tom and the Board. Tom was advised that if he is not satisfied with KRT's opinion when he receives it that he can then appeal the Board's decision to the Board of Tax and Land Appeals or to the Cheshire Superior Court.

There were questions from attendees as to the assessment and abatement processes after the hearing was complete.

A motion was made by Bob to go into Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (c) for Reputation, seconded by Jim, and approved 3-0. Carried – Bob Hamilton, Jim Qualey and Roberta Oeser.

(At the conclusion of the non-public session, a motion to return to public session was made, seconded, and approved 3-0. Bob Hamilton, Roberta Oeser, Jim Qualey.)

A motion was made to seal the minutes of non-public session, for reputation, by Roberta, seconded by Jim, and approved by Roberta Oeser, Jim Qualey and Bob Hamilton 3-0.

