
Application for Promotion in Rankto University Professor

Candidate: ______Application Date ______

Department ______School ______

Date of Appointment at RMU

(Minimum 3 years of service at RMU at rank of Professor required)

Date of Promotion to rank of Professor

Years of Full-Time College/University Teaching

(Minimum 12 years required)

Area of Excellence: ___ Scholarship ___ Teaching and Service

Guidelines for organizing promotion materials

(in a loose-leaf notebook, please organize your materials in the following order)

Tab 1: Curriculum Vitae. Include a current academic c.v., showing degrees earned, the discipline for each degree, awarding institutions, and dates. Show all academic appointments and professional positions, including dates of prior promotions in rankboth at RMU and other institutions.

Tab 2: Personal Statement. At your option, you may provide a narrative to supply context for understanding your teaching,scholarship and service, highlighting the ways in which you have achieved excellence. (Limit one page)

Tab 3: Teaching Record. List the courses taught for the last 8 years, by year. For each course,

(1) Identify whether you developed the syllabus or used an existing syllabus; (2) identify the course delivery method (tradition, partially on-line, fully on-line); (3) list any doctoral dissertations or field projects, or any masters’ theses chaired; (4) list doctoral or masters’ committees on which you served; (5) list honors projects or independent studies directed.

Tab 4: Faculty Annual Reports: Include copies of the Faculty Annual Reports you have submitted to your department head, beginning with the 2008 Annual Report.

Tab 5: External Reviewers of Scholarship: Include a page in which you identify the four people you are nominating to serve as external reviewers. (n.b. Each nominee must have published in your discipline, and hold the rank of Professor or University Professor at an institution comparable to Robert Morris University, or have professional expertise that is comparable to such a rank) In this section, provide the names, full contact information, academic rank, and institution for each nominee.

Tab 6: Scholarship(n.b.: Refereed manuscripts or equivalent scholarship in the creative arts that have been accepted for publication or are in press are deemed to be published and/or refereed so long as clear evidence is provided of the acceptance.)

  1. Provide full citations and includepublished copies or documentation of artistic or creative refereeing for all “A” scholarly works completed during the past 8 years (minimum of 8 such works required for this application).
  2. Provide full citations and includepublished copies or documentation of artistic or creative refereeing for all “B”scholarly works completed during the past 8 years.
  3. In addition to the works cited above, include here evidence of ongoing “A” or “B” scholarship in sufficient detail that will allow an evaluation of the prospect that you will continue to achieve at a level of growth consistent with maintaining the rank of University Professor.
  4. (Optional) You may provide citations and includepublished or refereed copies of additional works completed and shared with the academic or artistic community during the past 8 years that provide context for your scholarly program.

Tab 7: Teaching(n.b.: Objective evidence must be presented that allows for evaluation in at least two(2) of the areas labeled A, B, C below.)

  1. Describe and include examples of courses and curricula that you developed or designed during the past 8 years.
  2. Describe and include examples of your implementation of learning outcomes assessment (see Contract, Appendix K) during the past 8 years.
  3. Describe and document the ways in which you have updated your knowledge in your discipline to the state-of-the-art, and document the deliverable results of such updating accomplished during the past 8 years.
  4. (option) You may include other supporting materials that allow for evaluation of teaching, including but not limited to: peer reviews, student evaluations, recognition of teaching excellence, etc. from the 8 year period of review.

Tab 8: Service

  1. Provide a record of your activities in service to the University, school. department, profession and/or community from the past 8 years.
  2. Demonstrate your active participation and contribution to the goals of these efforts.