Mustang Owners Club of Australia, Western Australia Inc

Rules and Constitution.


1.The name of the incorporated club under these rules and constitution is the

“Mustang Owners Club of Western Australia, Incorporated,” here after called the “Club”.


2. (a)To promote the ownership, maintenance and use of the Mustang Motor Car for the benefit of the owners, Club members and the general public.

(b)To promote friendship and courtesy on the road socially and in competition between members of the Club.

(c)To promote and encourage social activities, including other motoring organizations / clubs.

(d)To conduct meetings and classes whereby Members may obtain knowledge enabling them to become better drivers and to maintain their cars to a high standard of efficiency.

(e)To encourage and participate in Local and National Convention and Concours events.

(f)To be affiliated with the National Body, namely the Mustang Owners Club of Australia Inc, and maintain and encourage International connections.


3. (a)Membership shall be open to the following:

i)Persons who currently own a Mustang defined as being the sole, joint or principal registered owner;

ii)People who wish to know more about the Mustang Marque and who one day hope to own one;

iii)People who have been awarded Life Membership of the Club (as defined in 4).

(b)Applications for Membership shall be made on the form provided and shall be considered by the Club Executive.

(c)The Club Executive in its discretion may approve or refuse or terminate the Membership of the person.

(d)Each person on becoming a Member of the Club shall be bound by the Constitution, By–Laws and Rules of the Club and the decisions of the Club Executive.

(e)Financial Members of the Club who hold affiliated membership with other Motoring Clubs can not be nominated for or be appointed to any Executive or non Executive/Management position within the Club.


4. (a)Life membership of the Mustang Owners Club of Western Australia Inc can be awarded to members who, in the opinion of the Club Executive and members, have served the club in a conspicuous manner over a minimum period of ten (10) years.

(b)Nominations are presented to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the Club Executive and must be approved by at least two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote. Nominations should be forwarded to the Club Executive, in writing, two (2) months prior to the AGM.

(c)A Life Member shall have all the privileges of a Member and shall, at the discretion of each Life Member, pay the annual subscription fee and other charges, levies or calls payable by a Member.


5. (a)The Joining Fee and Annual Subscription Fee shall be as defined by the Executive Committee and approved at the Annual General Meeting.

(b)Annual Renewal Subscription Fees for Members are to be paid by 30th June for the following financial year’s membership.

(c) A Joining Fee and Annual Subscription is payable by all new Members.

(d) If the Subscription fee is unpaid by the last day in July, membership shall be deemed lapsed, whereby the member will forfeit all rights and privileges and has no claim on the Club or it’s property, and is bound to return Club property. An application to rejoin the Club must be accompanied by an Annual Subscription Fee, and must be paid by the last day of July each year to remain financial. A Joining Fee and Subscription Fee are to be paid in order to become a full financial Member once again with full voting rights.

(e) ALL Members must complete a Membership Renewal form each year, including Life Members.


6. The Management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee which shall consist of

the “President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, The President for the time being or in his / her absence, the Vice President, shall be the Chairperson of all Meetings.


7. (a) The management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee comprising President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

(b) The Executive Officers of the Club shall comprise the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

(c) At the conclusion of their terms in office (12 months) all Committee Members shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. These Officers of the Club may hold office (subject to the election process of the Club) for a maximum period of three (3) years consecutively in any one position.

(d)If the Executive Committee considers it beneficial to the Club’s operation, due to extenuating circumstances, to extend the term of one or more Committee Members by a further maximum period of 12 months or less then the proposal, with explanations, is to be submitted for consideration at the Annual General Meeting.

(e) Any office becoming vacant during the financial year may be filled by a person nominated by the Committee for the period up to the next Annual General Meeting.

(f)The Executive Committee shall have the power to make and publish any By-Laws for the better management and control of the Club which shall not be inconsistent with this Constitution; and shall have the power to invite any other persons to the Executive meetings who may be of assistance to them in a professional and technical or skilled manner for his or her advice and or guidance thereon, provided that such a person shall not be entitled to vote upon the Committee.

(g) Any Committee Member or Member of the Executive Committee failing to attend three (3) consecutive Committee Meetings without apology or just cause shall therefore, render him / herself liable to exclusion from that Office or Committee.

(h)The Executive Committee shall be the final authority for interpretation of this Constitution, By–Laws and Rules and for decision on any matter arising.

(i) Any such By-Laws and Rules shall be deemed equal to the Constitution in binding.


8. The Executive Committee reserves the right for expulsion of Members for any act or conduct that brings the Club into disrepute or whose actions endanger other Club Members or members of the general public.


9. The Financial Year for the Club shall be from the 1st of July to the 30th of June of the following year.


10. (a) The Funds of the Club shall be banked in the name of the Club and the Bank Account shall be operated by any two of the Club Executive or as directed by the Executive Committee and approved by an Annual General Meeting.

(b) All accounts for payment shall be presented to at least two of the Executive Committee for examination prior to passing for payment. Furthermore no Committee Member or Member shall incur any expense or dispense of any funds or render the Club liable for any obligation which has not first been authorised by the Committee of the Club.

(c) Audits of the Club Accounts are to be undertaken on a regular basis of at least once every twelve (12) months. The outcome of this Audit is to be presented to the Executive Committee in the first instance and then tabled at a General meeting. If completed in time the meeting should be the Annual General Meeting.


11. (a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held during July in each year, at such time and place as the Committee may determine, for the purpose of electing Executive Officers, Committee Members and Auditors for the ensuing year, for determining the Joining Fee and Annual Subscription fee, and for transacting such other business as shall have been specified in the notice convening such meeting.

(b) At every Annual General Meeting of the Club, the President’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report / Audited Balance Sheet and Financial Statements for the immediately preceding year shall be submitted for adoption.

(c) Only Financial and Life Members of the Club are eligible to vote.

(d) The President or Vice President shall take the Chair at all General meetings, and in their absence, the members present may elect their own Chairperson. The Chairperson at any meeting, in addition to his / her vote as a member, shall have a casting vote.


12. (a)At Annual General Meetings or Ordinary Meetings, a quorum shall be nine members present, and at an Executive Committee Meeting, three members.

(b)If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the nominated time, the Members present may adjourn the meeting to such time and day within one month, as they may decide.


13.The Secretary shall give at least (30) days notice in writing of any Annual General Meetings or Special General Meeting to all voting Members.


14. (a)By-Laws and Rules may be altered at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meetings subject to a notice having been sent outlining the proposed change(s) which have been received by the Secretary not less than 30 days prior to the meeting, to enable a copy of the proposed alteration to be included in the notice to members. The proposed alterations must be approved by 75% of those present and entitled to vote.

(b)Any matters not provided for in these By-Laws and Rules, under the discretion of the Committee, shall be referred to the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting convened for such purposes.


  1. The assets and income of the Club shall be applied solely in furtherance of its above mentioned objects and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Club except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the Club.


16.The Club shall be dissolved in the event of the membership being less than nine (9) persons or upon the vote of a 75 % percent majority of the Members present who are able to vote at a Special General Meeting convened to consider such a question. If upon the winding up or dissolution of the Association there remains after satisfaction of all it's debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same must be given or transferred to another association incorporated under the Act which has similar objects and which is not carried out for the purposes of profit or gain to it's individual members, and which association shall be determined by resolution of the members.


17.Any matters not provided for in these By-Laws and Rules, under the discretion of the Executive Committee, shall be referred to the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting convened for such purposes.

Brian McDonough

Public Officer

PO Box 429Victoria Park WA 6979.

Please address all correspondence to the Secretary.

