PTE Faculty of Humanities


Authorof thesis(name, subject):


Title of thesis:


Name of advisor/reader:......

(Please underline as relevant and write name in block capitals.)


(Please underline as appropriate. If the criteria below are not met,the thesis cannot be accepted and further evaluation is unnecessary.)

I. Length of thesis is satisfactory/unsatisfactory.

(Please underline as appropriate.The main body of the text should be at least 100,000 characters, unless the requirements of the given department differ.If it does not meet this requirement it will be failed.)

II. The author does not plagiarize/plagiarizes.

(Please underline as appropriate.In the event of the thesis being plagiarized it will receive a failing grade.)

III. No essential part of the thesis is missing/Essential parts of the thesis are missing.

(Please underline as appropriate.The thesis will be failed if any essential part of it is missing. In addition to the main body of the text these are: title page, table of contents, references, list of works cited[1].)


(Signature of advisor/reader)

Date: Pécs, , 201


IV.The research question... points out of 6

(significance of the research question)

The research question is original, bears significance withinof the area of study and is in complete harmony with the student’s knowledge. / 6p
The research question, while not entirely original, is of interest within the area of study and is mostly in harmony with the student’s knowledge. / 4p
The research question is mostly not original, its significance to the area of study is minor and it is only partially in harmony with the student’s knowledge. / 2p
The research question is neither original nor significant to the area of study, and it is not at all in harmony with the student’s knowledge. / 0p

V. Topicality of scholarly literature and ability to process it... points out of 12

(The quality and quantity of the scholarly literature andthe student’s ability to process it.)

There is a broad and critical overview of literature which comes from an appropriate number of reliable and up-to-date sources. / 12p
The synopsis of the professional literature does not contain the most important sources; while it does not always rely upon the most up-to-date literature, the number of sources used is still satisfactory. Here and there interpretation of the sources is lacking or not of a sufficiently critical nature. / 10p
The synopsis of the professional literature contains hardly any up-to-date sources.There is too much reliance upon sources that are too few in number, dated and/or trivial.Interpretation of the sources is often missing or in places erroneous. There is no synthesis of the sources. / 6p
The synopsis of the professional literature contains too many gaps and relies upon dated or irrelevant sources.Interpretation of the sources is greatly or entirely lacking. / 2p
There is no synopsis of the scholarly literature. / 0p

VI. Research... points out of 12

(Original ideas, logical coherence, critical reflection, objectivity, observation of correlations, coherence of conclusions.)

The thesis is characterized by original ideas, flawless logic and quality independent research.The author demonstrates correlations extremely lucidly, the facts are treated objectively; conclusions are reasonable and coherent. / 12p
The thesis is only partly characterized by originality. Logical conclusions are occasionally missing, certain elements of the author’s independent research may be called into question. As a rule, the author displays correlations well, facts are not always evaluated in a balanced way; the conclusions drawn are occasionallydisproportionate or incoherent. / 10p
The thesis is characterized by a general lack of original thought. Logical conclusions are for the most part missing, a good portion of the author’s independent research may be called into question. As a rule, the author fails to display correlations well, facts are typically treated in a partial manner and the conclusions drawn are frequently incoherent or disproportionate. / 6p
The thesis is almost entirely lacking in original ideas. Logical conclusions are almost completely absent, and the author’s original research may be called into question in its entirety.The author proves unable to display correlations, nearly always treats facts in a partial way, and the conclusions that are drawn are virtually never coherent or proportionate. / 2p
The thesis is characterized by an utter lack of originality and coherence. The author fails to draw any meaningful conclusions, his/her original research is insignificant. The author is unable to demonstrate correlations, treat facts objectively, or to draw conclusions in a coherent or moderate manner. / 0p

VII. Terminology... points out of 6

(Satisfactory understanding of the conventions of the area of study and the consistent use of the conceptual apparatus necessary for analysis.)

The terminology used is in complete harmony with the conventions of the area of study. The author employs the conceptual apparatus necessary for analysis in an utterly consistent manner. / 6p
The terminology used is largely in harmony with the conventions of the area of study. The author mostly employs the conceptual apparatus necessary for analysis in a consistent manner. / 4p
The terminology used is to a great extent unsatisfactory for the conventions of the area of study. The author mostly employs the conceptual apparatus necessary for analysis in an inconsistent manner. / 2p
The terminology used is not at all in harmony with the conventions of the area of study. The author does not employ the conceptual apparatus necessary for analysis in any consistent manner. / 0p

VIII. Construction... points out of 6

(Proportion in chapters/structural units, logical connection between main and subheadings.)

The proportion among the chapters/structural unitsis ideal, the connection between main and subheadings clear and logically impeccable. / 6p
The proportion among the chapters/structural unitsisacceptable but occasionally questionable. Connections between main and subheadings are not always clear, here and there the logic is dubious. / 4p
The proportion among the chapters/structural unitsisquestionable. Connections between main and subheadings are generally unclear and illogical. / 2p
The chapters/ structural units are completely disproportionate.Connections between main and subheadings are unclear and lacking in logic. / 0p

IX. Style... points out of 6

(Precision and flow of expression.)

Perfect precision and flow of expression, style is completely scholarly. / 6p
Occasional lapses in precision and flow. Occasional use of informal style. / 4p
Expression frequently imprecise, often lacking flow. Style often informal. / 2p
Careless expression, utterly lacking flow. Style completely informal. / 0p

X. References, bibliography, appendices... points out of 6

(Appropriateness of citations, formal logicality in references and list of works cited; connection between appendices and thesis topic; manageability of appendices.)

The content of the citations is completely appropriate. The references and list of works cited correlate perfectly and are formally impeccable. The appendices are easily manageable and are organically connected to the thesis topic. / 6p
Here and there the citations are faulty. The references and list of works cited sometimes do not correlate or are formally open to question. The appendices are a little difficult to manage and occasionally do not have a strong connection to the thesis.The references and list of works cited sometimes do not correlate or are formally incorrect. / 4p
Content of citations is frequently inappropriate. The references and list of works cited frequently do not correlate or are formally open to question.Appendices are mostly unmanageable and often do not relate to the topic of the thesis. / 2p
The citations are characteristically inappropriate. The references and list of works cited do not correlate at alland are formally incorrect.Appendices are rather unmanageable and do not relate to the topic of the thesis. / 0p

XI.Elements specific to the discipline ... points out of 6


XI. Overall impression... points out of 6

(Overall impression of the thesis, its coherence and informative value. Impression gained of the knowledge of the author.)

The thesis gives an excellent overall impression; it is a totally coherent, informative and enjoyable piece of writing. The author convincingly displays knowledge of the subject (giving a personal opinion and drawing conclusions). / 6p
The thesis gives a good overall impression; it is for the most part coherent and informative. Occasionally the writer is not convincing in his/her display of knowledge of the subject (although he/she does draw conclusions and provide personal opinions). / 4p
The thesis gives a problematic overall impression; it is often incoherent and only partially informative.In many places the author does not convincingly show his/her knowledge of the subject. Personal opinions and conclusion are missing. / 2p
The thesis gives a strongly problematic impression; it is virtually completely incoherent and uninformative. The author is unconvincing at demonstrating his/her knowledge, forming an opinion or drawing conclusions. / 0p

XII. Spelling and grammar

At most 20 language errors. / satisfactory
More than 20 language errors. / unsatisfactory


XII. Spelling and grammar

(Criteria for a satisfactory thesis to be set by the departments)

In the event of Point XII being unsatisfactory, the whole thesis will receive a failing grade.

Total: ... points out of 60

Grade: ()

(0–30points: 1; 31–37 points: 2; 38-45 points: 3; 46–53 points: 4; 54–60 points: 5.)

Written assessment based upon the above scores:

(Without a written assessment the thesis cannot be evaluated and the above point numbers are invalid.)

Final exam questions and recommended readings:




(signature of advisor/reader)

Date: Pécs, //201

[1] In addition, theses submitted to the English Institute require an Abstract.