Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Starcross Parish Council held in
Starcross Pavilion, Starcross, on Monday 10 July2017at 7.45pm
Cllr Hopper (Chairman),Burrows, Cadbury, Chadwick, Chase,Debenham, Gardner, Lenton (after item 2),
Lovell, Rastall and Stanley
Also present:
Suzanna Hughes (Clerk) and three applicants for the position of Parish Councillor
Apologies were received from:
- County/District Cllr Connett
- PC Rob Harvey & PCSO Adrian Overieu
Members received three applications for the position of Parish Councillor. A brief written resume from each candidate had been supplied to councillors prior to the meeting. In turn, each candidate was invited to give a brief summary about themselves and their reasons for wishing to join the Parish Council after which members were given the opportunity to ask questions. On conclusion of their verbal submissions, a paper ballot was held. The Chairman announced that Jeremy Lenton had been elected by absolute majority. The Chairman congratulated Mr Lenton who proceeded to sign his Declaration of Acceptance of Office, which was witnessed by the clerk, and immediately joined the meeting. He thanked the other candidates for their interest in the Parish Council and encouraged them to look at other opportunities to join the Council should they arise in the future.
100717.03OPEN FORUM
Members of the public were invited to voice matters of concern or opinion on subjects pertaining to Starcross.
There were no comments.
Members present received the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12 June2017.
AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present that these minutes be signed by the Chairman as a true and correct record of that meeting.
Members were reminded of their responsibility to continually update their Notice of Registerable Interests and invited to state whether they have any interest in the items to be discussed during this meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct. Unforeseen requests for a Dispensation to be considered at this point only if there was no way a member would have been aware of such before the meeting.
Cllr Gardner declared an interest in item 100717.10.1.1.
A copy of the report detailing outstanding resolutions requiring action was circulated to and noted by members. The Chairman asked that each Committee Chairman deals with items relevant to their Committee within their Chair’s Report.
Reported crimes from 11/06/17 – 09/07/17
Starcross (5 crimes)
- Theft – Juvenile offender attempted to take an item from a garden but was disturbed. Victim unwilling to support prosecution. Offender interviewed and referred to other agencies.
- Common Assault – Domestic related. Male offender arrested and interviewed. Insufficient evidence to charge.
- Common Assault – Male offender with mental health issues assaulted a healthcare professional by pushing. Victim unwilling to support prosecution but appropriate advice issued to offender and his carers will be supervising all future outings.
- Sexual Assault – Male offender, stranger to juvenile victim, touched her chest over her clothing and made suggestive remarks whilst she was at a bus stop. Enquiries ongoing.
- Harassment/Alarm/Distress – Male offender, believed same person as the above crime, has shouted abuse at a shop worker who had locked the shop doors at closing time. Enquiries ongoing.
Cockwood (1 crime)
- Criminal Damage – Unknown offender has ripped up a canvassing poster for a candidate in the recent local elections. No leads.
Cofton (0 crimes)
Cllr Connett was unable to attend the meeting due to a local issue in Kenton in which he was asked to assist. He sent the following update:
- The occupants who moved onto the grassland adjacent to the Strand car park have left the site. Teignbridge was arranging a clean-up and I have asked the council to consider how best it could make the area less vulnerable to occupation.
- Initial proposals for traffic orders will be considered shortly by the Highways and Traffic Orders Committee. I have asked Jamie Hewitt to remind the relevant highways colleagues regarding the requests for Starcross. As you recall from last year, it is a long process but this is the first stage.
- I have been asked by someresidents of Courtenay Terrace if double yellow lines can be put down to stop people parking outside the houses and opposite the 'herring bone' parking spaces. Vehicles that park outside the houses make it very difficult for cars to park in the marked spaces and for vehicles to move along the road.
- Following concerns raised by residents in the village, I asked highways to investigate reports of boulders being placed along the pavement edge on the road leading to the Environment Agency site from Staplake Road (it also serves three residential properties).
Highways did visit and advised the road was not part of the county council network and they could not take action.
Committee Chair Report (Cllr Hopper)
9.1Financial Report–members received and noted the financial report for 13 June – 10 July and were asked to approve the payments listed (copy attached).
AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by those members present that the payments listed are made. The report was signed by three signatories.
9.2Action List Report
There were no outstanding matters requiring action.
9.3General Report/Questions & Answers
Committee Chair Report (Cllr Cadbury)
10.1New planning application:
10.1.117/01243/FUL – 4 Courtenay Close, Starcross
Single storey extensions
Having declared an interest in this item, Cllr Gardener did not take part in the discussion or vote on this item.
AGREED BY A MAJORITY of members that there were no objections to this application. There were two abstentions.
10.1.217/01703/MAJ – Cockwood Harbour & Starcross Slipways, Cockwood
Tidal defence scheme to include flood gate installation and replacement, slipway raising and wall raising at tidal inlets, together with a combination of raising, repair and reconstruction of Cockwood Harbour seawall and associated works
AGREED UNANIMOUSLYby members present to support this application.
10.2.117/00807/VAR – 1 Loxlea Mews, new Road, Starcross
Variation of Condition 2 of 16/01371/VAR (erection of two dwellings with drive-through parking facilities) to change internal layout of plot 2
NOTEDby members that TDC has granted conditional planning permission.
10.2.217/00723/ADV – Warehouse Stile Farm, Lane to Stile Farm, Starcross
Two non illuminated fascia signs one on north east elevation and one on south east of building
NOTEDby members that TDC has conditionally consented to the display of advertisements as described.
10.3Action List Report
There were no outstanding matters requiring action.
10.4General Report/Questions & Answers
Exe Estuary Management Partnership – Cllr Cadbury updated members on the draft proposals for the Dawlish Warren Wildlife Refuge advising that access to the foreshore has been created at Cockwood (this wasn’t in the original plan) and a large area will be restricted for wildlife. The amended proposals for new wildlife refuges are available in the consultation report. Cllr Lenton informed members that that following the initial consultation on the review of zonation of the Exe Estuary, the voluntary exclusion zones have now gone. The new period of consultation started on 28 June.
Committee Chair Report (Cllr Debenham)
11.1Action List Report
Cllr Debenham updated members as follows:
- The Japanese Knotweed appears to have been treated on the wasteland in Generals Lane. However, no action has yet been taken by Powderham Estate to clear the land of the rubbish which has been dumped.
Action: Cllr Debenham to contact Powderham again.
11.2 General Report/Question & Answers
Cllr Debenham reported that she had issued a notice on a canoe in the storage park which was not displaying a licence. The canoe has now gone.
Committee Chair Report – Cllr Rastall
12.1Proposal: To extend Tom Greenslade’s contract to include preparation, breakdown and cleaning for DCC meetings in the Pavilion at a cost of £15 per meeting
Proposed: Cllr Hopper; Seconded: Cllr Debenham
AGREED UNANIMOUSLYby members present to extend Tom Greenslade’s contract as proposed.
12.2Proposal: To purchase a rubbish bin for the area near the new tables on the sports field to reduce the amount of rubbish currently left (costs to follow)
Proposed: Cllr Rastall; Seconded: Cllr Debenham
Cllr Rastall advised that TDC could provide a green plastic bin at a cost of £153.23 + VAT plus £86 + VAT for installation. The cost of emptying the bin would be £7.90 per visit.
Action: Cllr Rastall to contact TDC to order the bin and arrange installation.
AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by members present to purchase and install a bin as proposed. Weekly emptying was also agreed. The Finance and Governance Committee would look at where the money could be vired from.
12.3Proposal: To accept Chris Collings’ quote of £250 + VT to cut the sports field hedge
Proposed: Cllr Debenham; Seconded: Cllr Rastall
AGREED UNANIMOUSLY by members present to accept the quotation from Chris Collings, for £250 + VAT to cut the sports field hedge.
Action: Cllr Debenham to contact Chris Collings to accept the quotation.
12.4Action List Report
There were no outstanding matters requiring action.
12.5General Report/Questions & Answers
Cllr Hopper informed members that urgent repairs to the goalposts were required and he and Cllr Burrows, in consultation with the clerk, had arranged for Williams to weld them together into a solid unit at a cost of £750. Whilst expensive, this was considered to be the most effective long term and robust solution. The posts had been taken away and would be returned in time for the friendly football matches on 27July. A retrospective proposal would be included on September’s agenda.
100717.13YOUTH CLUB
Committee Chair Report
13.1Action List Report
Cllr Chadwick gave the following report:
Update on Youth Worker recruitment
The interviews that were to take place on the Wednesday following our June Council meeting were unsuccessful with none of the candidates who were invited to attend accepting and a late applicant who did agree to attend not turning up.
It was agreed by the Youth Club Committee that the post would be readvertised along with the post of Youth Leader which becomes vacant at the end of August. It was also agreed that the posts would be advertised with Devon Jobs, The Devon County Council recruitment service, the Starcross Newsletter and Indeed the online recruitment agency. The closing date is 21July and the interviews will take place in week beginning 24July.
Youth Club update
Meetings of the Junior Club have continued to take place during June apart from one week when the Youth Leader was on leave so the decision was made to close the club for that week. There were no Senior Youth Club sessions during June as no seniors turned up. The Youth Leader has been in contact with Dawlish School and left leaflets and a poster to increase awareness of the Senior Youth Club.
The Youth Club Committee accepted that we were in a vulnerable position with only two staff and no volunteers if either employee were off sick. It was therefore agreed that committee members would stand in as volunteers if this should happen in future. All four of us agreed to go through the process of being DBS checked as we would require of any other volunteer to do.
13.2General Report/Questions & Answers
14.1Cllr Chadwick reported that Toby Russell of the DAAT had sent an email that evening regarding the planning application process for the lighting column and confirmation of grant funding for the installation. As it had only just been received, there was no formal proposal to consider. However, it was agreed by members that DAAT should be involved in the planning process and that Cllr Chadwick should arrangea meeting with the planning officer which Toby Russell should also be required to attend. Cllr Burrows also offered to attend that meeting.
14.2Members were reminded that there would be an informal meeting of the Parish Council on 14August to discuss a plan for the parish and also to discuss possible projects for the Parish Council’s reserves.
14.3Cllr Cadbury advised that BoxFit has raised money to purchase a defibrillator. It’s location is to be agreed.
The next meeting of the Parish Council is to be held on Monday 11 September2017 commencing at 7.45pm in The Starcross Pavilion, Generals Lane, Starcross.
Chairman of the Parish Council DATE: 11 September2017
Note: In cases where a document or paper is referred to on the Agenda or the Minutes, this document will be available EITHER on the Parish Council website or on request from:- The Clerk to the Council, 16 Westwood Cleave, Ogwell, Newton Abbot TQ12 6YE. 01626 330311
Starcross Parish Council Finance Report – 10 July 2017
Summary of Bank Balances at 10 July 2017
Current Account
/ £11,399.75Pavilion Trading Account / £6,685.90
Allocated Reserves / £19,389.52
Total / £37,475.17
Income: 13 June – 10 July 2017
Allocated Reserves – interest
Pavilion/Sportsfield hire
Authority for cheques/online payments – Current accountPayroll
/ £742.73BACS
/HMRC (June)
/ £70.60BACS
/ DCC-Grant to Exe Estuary Management Partnership / £250
/ Richard Grave-Descaling and repainting of two items in the play park / £54.19
Authority for cheques/online payments – Pavilion trading account
/T Greenslade
-Pavilion security & cleaning for June
/ £140Direct Debits
Opus Electricity (21/6/17)
/ £58.74Opus Gas (26/6/17)
/ £28.34Post Office (broadband) (21/6/17)
/ £19.99Post Office (broadband) (18/7/17)
/ £19.99Natwest Bankline fees (15/6/17)
/ £28.50TDC – Litter picking (28/7/17)
/ £136.50