Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Community Education Provider Network (CEPN) Steering Group

Terms of Reference


1. There is widespread recognition from the General Practice Forward View (GPFV), NHS England (NHSE) and Health Education England (HEE) for the need to create local centresof learning, training and development for Primary Care where a controlled and coordinated programme can be delivered to test and learn around workforce, new models of primary care and transformation ideas. It has been agreed by HEE and NHSE that this should be delivered through a local Community Education Provider Network(CEPN).

2. The HEE report[1] ‘The future of Primary Care, creating teams for tomorrow’ identified the lack of clinical, academic and leadership development for the Primary Care workforce which it described as being fragmented and lacking the cohesion of larger providers such as Acute Trusts. The concept of CEPNs was developed in London to address this gap and CEPNs have now been formally rolled out across the rest of England. In Cornwall and Isle of Scilly, Kernow Health CIC was appointed and funded to be the lead host organisation for the CEPN for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Our CEPN will provide the glue for Primary Care transformation, training, education, role development, up skilling and career progression.

3. CEPN’s have been defined as a ‘collaborative networks of service and education providers working together, in a defined and coordinated manner, across a defined geographic footprint, with the shared purpose of creating the right primary care workforce to support the delivery of population health outcomes and transformed landscape of primary care’.With this in mind the CEPN will work closely with the workforce board and sub streams of Cornwall STP ‘Shaping our Future’ (SoF) to achieve this ambition. In addition, our CEPN is committed to actively involving citizens and patients in the projects we undertake; this will ensure the changes we deliver are person centred.


4. The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Community Education Provider Network (CEPN), led by KH CIC, will create a steering group who can assess need and match scarce resources to deliver a range of projects (some nationally mandated and some identified locally) across the following areas:

  • Workforce
  • New operating models of care delivery across a range of scales from Practice level up to STP footprint
  • Transformative projects delivering change to systems and processes
  • Systemising Quality Improvement

Aims of the CEPN

  • To deliveran effective CEPN that brings together academic, clinical and management expertise,using the experiences ofpatients and their families/carers, to co-produce sustainable and innovative education pathways / solutions to deliver change.
  • To provide leadership, effective governance and a local structure to support the assessment of a ‘case for change’ process and then oversee the delivery of approved projects and work programmes.
  • To work with all partners and stakeholders to support the development of project briefs and business cases and subsequent work programmes.
  • To ensure the outcomes of projects and programmes are evidence-based using appropriate resources, tools and analysis as required.
  • To allocate dedicated finite resources to support the approved projects and work programmes.
  • To oversee, track and monitor to ensure that projects / programmes are delivered on time and in budget.
  • To ensure that our CEPN reflects the needs of the local primary care community.
  • To realise the potential of our local talentand to actively promote high quality appraisal systems that underpin this.
  • Where cost effective, to identify, train and mentor local trainers and ambassadors who have the ability and support to spread innovation and best practice across our primary and community workforce.
  • Where funding allows there is an ambition for the CEPN to involve wider Primary Care.


5. The Steering Group will:

  • Assess and mandate projects and work programmes.
  • Make decisions[2] to assign resources from the CEPN budget to support projects and work programmes
  • Be directly accountable to the Board of Kernow Health CIC for the effective running of the CEPN
  • Be accountable to NHS Kernow, NHS England, HEE and AHSNfor ensuring that any funds allocated to the CEPN budget are spent on delivering the mandated agenda AND cover the running costs of the CEPN


6. The membership will consist of:

  1. COO Kernow Health CIC
  2. Project Manager Cornwall CEPN – Chair
  3. KHCIC Clinical Lead Member (must be a member of the KH CIC Board)
  4. Local Medical Committee representative (LMC)
  5. Nominated Strategic frontline Practice Nurse
  6. Nominated Strategic Practice Manager
  7. Healthwatch Cornwall Rep
  8. NHSE Primary Care Rep
  9. Regional Lead Pharmacist
  10. NHS Kernow CCG Rep
  11. Health Education England, Health Dean STP lead
  12. Chair STP workforce group education and training subgroup
  13. GP Trainer lead
  14. South West Academic Health Science Network (SWAHSN) Area project lead.
  15. Royal College General Practice (RCGP) Tamar Faculty
  16. Cornwall Voluntary Sector lead

7. The Chair will be the Cornwall CEPN Project Manager.

8. At various times a number of key people from external agencies will be required for expert advice or opinion and these will form part of a subgroupmembershipnamed in Appendix 1 (indicative only). The Steering Group Chair / Vice Chair will ensure that invitations are issued to invited members to support specific pieces of work.

CEPN Projects

9. The CEPN will arrange its projects around the following critical areas:

1-Workforce: including education, training and career progression.

2-New operating models of care delivery across a range of scales from Practice level up to STP footprint

3-Transformative projects delivering change to systems and processes

4-Systemising Quality Improvement

5-General Practice Forward View and associated programmes

6-Sustainability and Transformation Plan (national

7-Nursing Framework (national)

10. For a full list of projects please see website

Steering group and CEPN position within KHCIC Organisational structure

Meeting Arrangements

11. Meetings will be held every 8 weeks at Kernow Health Headquarters at Cudmore House, Truro, and / or via video teleconference facilities(e.g.Go to meeting (VTC))when more convenient. It is intended to hold every third meeting as a face to face if possible.It is anticipated that this meeting will be attended as part of the member’s core duties. Where members are in a clinical role, back fill can be negotiated.


12. The Steering Group will be quorate if 4/5 of the following are present:

  1. COO Kernow Health CIC – Chair and / OR Project Manager Cornwall CEPN – Vice Chair
  2. KHCIC Clinical Lead Member (must be a member of the KH CIC Board) and / or Local Medical Committee representative (LMC)
  3. Nominated Strategic frontline Practice Nurse and / or Nominated Strategic Practice Manager
  4. NHS Kernow CCG representative
  5. SWAHSN representative and / or NHSE representative

13. Should a vote be required, a majority may approve a decision. The Chair will have the casting vote should a vote be tied.

Agendas and minutes

  • Draft minutes will be circulated no later than 2 weeks following the meeting.
  • Items to be included on the agenda should be sent to the Chair at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
  • An appropriate agenda will be published and sent out to members one week before the meeting, along with copy of previous minutes and an action grid.

These ToR will be reviewed annually. Next review date Jan 2019

Appendix 1

Sub group - Co-opted members

  • Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC)
  • Public Health
  • Health Promotion
  • Cornwall Council
  • Educational providers
  • Plymouth University Faculty of Health and Human Sciences
  • Local Colleges
  • Dynamo training
  • E-learning suppliers
  • University of Exeter Medical School
  • Cornwall ACO Partners (RCHT &CFT)
  • Cornwall VCS Infrastructure Partnership
  • Cornwall Youth Work Partnership
  • St Austell Health Training coordinator
  • RCHT Education Lead (note CEPN PM meets regularly with this lead)
  • CFT Education Lead (note CEPN PM meets regularly with this lead)
  • Cornwall Health OOH
  • Cornwall Hospice Care
  • Cornwall Partners in Care (CPIC – lead body for Res / Dom Care providers in Cornwall)

1 / V5.0 05 Mar 2018


[2]Decisions may be approved by a quorate meeting or in circumstances where a decision is required before the next meeting, by an email agreement by members who are virtually quorate.