Santa Rita Jail Youth EducationProgram
Santa Rita Jail
Dublin, CA 94964
Phone: (510) 670-5044
Fax: (510) 670-5051
Thank you for expressing interest in the Santa Rita Jail’s Youth Educational Program (S.R.J.Y.E.P.). The Santa Rita Jail Youth Education Program is not a “Scared Straight” program. The S.R.J.Y.E.P. is designedto utilize the inmates in the Santa Rita Jail to discourage youth frommaking poor choices which may lead to incarceration.The program is held the third Saturday of each month from 10:00 am to 2:00pm. at the Santa Rita Jail at 5325 Broder Blvd in Dublin, CA.
Enclosed is an informational packet about the S.R.J.Y.E.P. Allthe attached paperwork must be read, signed and submitted to S.R.J.Y.E.P.staff prior toparticipating in the program. The completed packet must be submittedto the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office’s Santa Rita Jail’s Youth Education Programseven (7) days prior to the date of the scheduled program. Parents and legal guardians of program-aged youths are strongly encouraged to attend the program.
When completing the attached forms, please ensure a contact person and the contact person’s phone number and address are included.
Please note: we must comply with the Federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA). To remain compliant with the JJDPA, Juvenile Diversion Programs MUST NOT accept youths who are currently:
On probation and have been ordered to participate in a Juvenile Division Program as a condition of probation. (This includes minors who are given a choice to participate in lieu of incarceration.)
It is necessary that all travel arrangements, to and from the program,be madeprior to committing your program-aged youths or your agency to the S.R.J.Y.E.P. It is the responsibility of the participating agency, the parent, or legal guardian to ensure the program-aged youths are signed up for the weekend requested. This may be accomplished by calling the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office’s Santa Rita Jail Youth Education Programseven(7) working days prior to the date requested. Last minute cancellationsdeprive other youths from participating in the program. The program starts promptly at 10:00am. Please do not be late.
Once again, we thank you for expressing interest in the S.R.J.Y.E.P. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Alameda County Sheriff Office’s Santa Rita Jail Youth Education Program at (510)670-5044.
Visitor Information Sheet
Adults - 18 years old or older
Must be completed on a computer and submitted seven (7) days prior to requested date
Visitor Information Sheet
Youths - Age 10and up to Age 17
NAME / DATE OF BIRTHS.R.J.Y.E.P. Dress Code, Rules, and Special Requirements
Alameda County Sheriff’s Office
Santa Rita Jail
The Santa Rita Jail enforces strict rules regardingthe type of clothing civilians can wear into the facility. Failure to adhere to the following rules will terminate your participation in the S.R.J.Y.E.P. The following list of clothing isPROHIBITED from being worn inside the secure area of the facility:
- Sweats, sweat pants, sweat shirts, or designer sweats of any color.
- Baseball caps, beanies, head coverings, or stocking caps
- Orange, yellow, or fluorescent green clothing. This includes yellow raincoats.
- Shorts.
- White t-shirts worn alone. White t-shirts must be covered with another article of clothing.
- Closed-toe shoes with a heel cover must be worn at all times.
- Tights - unless wearing a top that reaches mid-thigh.
- Shower shoes or thongs.
- Clothing that resembles a notorious group or has obscene or disparaging language or pictures.
- Undergarments must be worn.
- Garments must be mid-thigh or longer.
- Buttons or zippers must be closed.
What You May NOT Bring Into the facility:
- Firearms, ammunition, or any type of explosives.
- Any alcoholic beverage or drugs, including prescription drugs. Please notify us if you need to bring in a prescription drug.
- Chewing gum
- Printed, written, or photographed materials depicting the construction of weapons, explosives, or other destructive devices.
- Knives, including Swiss Army knives
- Purses or umbrellas.
- Handcuff keys.
- Pagers, cell phones, or other portable electronic devices or electronic media
Printed Name of Responsible party/contact person of visiting group Date
Signature of Responsible party/contact person of visiting group named above
S.R.J.Y.E.P. Statement of Rules and Agreement
This form must be read in its entirety, signed, and dated by the responsible party/contact person, and returned along with a completed S.R.J.Y.E.P. Information Sheet.
The Santa Rita Jail is a facility of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office for the incarceration of both male and female adults.
The Alameda County Sheriff’s Office is not liable for any injuries or accidents that may occur during the Santa Rita Jail Youth Education Program.
There is a no hostage rule that is in effect, which means that hostages will not be recognized for bargaining purposes.
It is unlawful to bring any firearm, weapon, explosive, ammunition, drug, narcotic, alcoholic beverage, cameras, or any portable electric devices, including cell phones and pagers into the Santa Rita Jail.
All adult participants are required to have in their possession a valid picture identification issued by a state or federal agency, which may include a Drivers License, DMV Identification Card, or Passport.
Participants cannot wear any clothing resembling denim, blue, orange, yellow, or florescent green, as that resembles the clothing worn by inmates. Participants wearing any such clothing will not be permitted into the Facility.
Visitors willnot speak with any inmate notaffiliated withthe any time during this program; however you must remain in the group at all times.
The program will accept no more than (30) youth. All youth participating in the program must be residents of Alameda County.
It is the responsibility of the contact person to inform all participants of these rules.
Violations of any of the above rules will result in the violators being removed from the Facility and the program.
As the responsible party/contact person, for bringing a group of program-aged youths to the S.R.J.Y.E.P., I agree to be bound by the stated dress code, rules, and special requirements.
Printed Name of Responsible party/contact person of visiting group Date
Signature of Responsible party/contact person of visiting group named above
Permission Slip and Background Information
(To be completed by the legal guardian and youth participant)
Youth’s Name: Birth Date:Age:
In what environment is the youth currently living? (i.e., Parent’s home, Juvenile Hall, Foster Home, etc.)
What is that living environment like?
Is the youth presently in custody?YesNo If “Yes” – STOP! We cannot admit the youth participant to our program due to the Federal JJDPA.
Is the youth gang affiliated? YesNoIf yes, is he a follower or leader?
Does the youth have a history of chemical abuse?YesNoDrugsAlcohol
Please give a brief description of the problems the youth is experiencing (i.e., attitude, ambitions, education, peer pressure, drugs, gangs, family problems, etc.).
What grade is the youth in?Is he presently attending school?YesNo
If yes, Name of School:City:
Does the youth have any relatives presently incarcerated at Santa Rita?YesNo
If yes, provide the following information:
YOUTH PARTICIPANT: By signing my name below, I hereby state that I am aware of the dress code, rules, and special requirements, and that I am eligible to participate in this program. I am participating voluntarily, and not under any mandated conditions set forth by the state. I agree to abide by all the program rules of participation and conduct.
Youth Participant Signature: ______Date: ______
LEGAL GUARDIAN: I am the authorized parent or guardian granting permission for the above-named youth to enter the Santa Rita Jail.
Legal Guardian Signature: Date:______
Relationship to youth: Telephone:______