R2-15 Junior Jazzercise Session Template
Time / Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / TipsApproximately 5-7 Minutes. / Always go over rules and expectations on Day 1! / Take Roll- Each child must say something nice they did for someone else / Do a short, inexpensive craft like this one- Fish Scratch Craft / Take Roll- Each child must say something that they’re grateful for / Take a class photo today- include it with the End of Session E-mail Invite for parents / Bring in a small “treat” snack and talk about balance / When bringing your “treat” snack on the last day. Have them enjoy towards the end of the class and talk about the importance of balance between fitness and food
5- 10 minutes / OI- Dynamite / OI- “Sledgehammer” – Jrs Variation / OI- Dynamite / OI- Leader of The Band- Move around the room / OI- Dynamite / OI- “Sledgehammer” – Jrs Variation / When using “Leader of the Band” tell your kids to walk around and pretend like they’re playing different instruments
Play thhe Waddle Game
10 minutes / “Pass The Glow Stick” – Use “I Want You To Know” / “Wrapped Up”- Planks and abducts on floor / If using “Keep It Undercover”- do tendu/battement pattern across the floor / “Pass The Glow Stick” – Use “I Want You To Know” / Hula Hoop Dash / Play Dance Charades / Check out instructions for “Pass the Glow Stick” on the Junior Jazzercise> Games & Activities Page of the FZ. Play this game and turn off the lights, it changes it up and the kids love it!
When using “Trouble” change up the walks and do “silly” walks!
If you do the tendu/battement
pattern across the floor, talk about pointing the toes, turning out in the hips and gently setting the leg down with a straight leg. Don’t be too loud the feet!
Blank Space- Standing Version
“Whistle (While You Work It)”-Jrs variation / “Whistle (While You Work It)”-Jrs variation / “Dear Future Husband”- Jrs Variation / “Style”- Jrs Variation / Play Red Light Green Light Foodie Game / Enjoy treat!
“Salute”- Jrs Variation / “Trouble”- Jrs Variation
5-10 minutes / Musical Hoops / Freeze Dance! / “Shut Up and Dance”- Regular Variation / “Whistle (While You Work It)”-Jrs variation / “Heartbeat Song”- Regular Version / Rehearse Performance Routine!
5- 10 minutes / Play “balance game” with “Sugar” / Performance Routine- Review Intro and Part A. Teach Part B- Use about 15 minutes! / Play Four Corners / “I Really Like You”- Jrs Variation / “Trouble”- Jrs Variation / When they perform for each other in small groups, have each person give constructive feedback (2 positive things and something they may need to work on. This helps teach kids how to properly deliver and take feedback.
Vote on a Game- give your 3 favorites! / “Trouble”- Jrs Variation / Performance Routine- 15 min.
Remaining Time / Performance Routine- Teach Intro and Part A. / Stretch to “Like I’m Gonna Lose You” / Performance Routine- Review & teach Part C / Finish teaching Performance Routine / Freeze Dance / “End of Session Performance” with family and friends!
Perform Part A in small groups / Perform in small groups / Perform in small groups
Session Goals- For You!
· Begin or continue a successful Junior Jazzercise program for 2015!
· Schedule Kids Get Fit events at your local schools for next school year.
o It’s a GREAT way to give back to your community and generate buzz about classes and camps
· Increase revenue
· Stay organized, but have fun
· Be open to creativity and flexibility
· Advertise Summer Jazzerkamp dates using flyer templates in FZ
· Not doing a full session? Combine some of the weeks above and host a day camp or Date Night during the summer
Session Goals- For Kids- Extended Learning Pieces
· Have LOTS of FUN!!
· Really emphasize that fitness is fun through the games and routines you use
· Talk about “treats”- when to have them and when to not
Expectations and Rules- Review these on Day 1 of the session and review as needed
· You are here to have FUN!!
· Bodies to yourselves
· No leaving without asking
· Raise your hand when you have a question
· Do not speak over instructor or peers
· Be polite and courteous to one another