Year 9 HistoryBritain 1750-1900.

Key Question / Why did Businesses grow?
Main Skills / Note making and understanding of these notes.

There are a number of major factors in the growth of business during the Industrial revolution.

Factor 1: The market grows / Factor 2: Production grows / Factor 3: Investment grows.
  • Population increases
  • People have more money
  • New markets
  • Advertising is developed
  • Competition
  • Raw materials are cheaper
  • Raw materials are available in larger quantities
  • Transport improves
  • Factories are larger with more workers
  • New technologies
  • Banks and other companies have more money to invest/ lend
  • Individuals are more willing to invest in industry
  • Businesses are making larger profits

For each of these main points you need to make a note of why this would have been beneficial to industry. Remember that notes are brief and to the point.

Use pages 8 and 9 of Peace and war to assist you in this task.

Example of what you are expected to do.

Factor 1: The market grows
  • Population increases. More people to buy products.
  • People have more money. They will want to buy more.
  • New markets. Means more can be sold.
  • Advertising is developed. New markets can be exploited.
  • Competition. Prices will fall and more people can afford to buy things.

For each of the three sets of factors you need to create notes such as these in your book. Label each set of factors clearly and start each point on a new line to make your notes stand out.

Task: For each set of factors state which point is the most important. Make sure that you explain why it is the most important. You should have one paragraph for each set of factors. Then suggest which of the factors is most important and offer reasons why.

Key Question / Why did Businesses grow?
Main Skill / Interpretation

Read through pages 10/ 11 of Peace and War..

Once you have read through the text think about how each of the men achieved growth in their business.

Make notes in your book of the main successes of each of the Darby’s. These notes should address the following:

  • How he increased the market for his product
  • How production was increased
  • How investment influenced the growth of the business

Now study the map below.

Explain why Coalbrookdale was a good place for the Darby’s to build their iron foundry.

Homework: Which of the Darby’s was the most successful? Give reasons for your answer.

This answer should be between one and two pages long. It should be written in paragraphs and ought to include an introduction and a conclusion.

Laisterdyke High School History