How to Use This Resource Centre

Background and Purpose: A key and ongoing benefit to Health Service Providers is the availability of this Governance Resource Centre that will provide ongoing governance and board effectiveness support.

This support takes the form of articles, reports, templates, tools and frameworks that provide Health Service Providers will the resources needed to more easily and quickly apply and benefit from good governance practices.

Examples of some of the resources that will be available include:

  • mandates and Terms of Reference for Boards, Committees and key leadership roles
  • sample Board and Committee work plans and meeting agendas
  • meeting pre-read material and decision-making frameworks
  • Board and Committee meeting effectiveness criteria and tips
  • New director orientation framework and tools
  • Board, Committee, Chair and individual Director performance evaluation process frameworks and tools
  • articles, studies and reports useful to Boards as they research governance-related topics and practices in the future

In addition to general materials relating to board effectiveness and good governance, the Resource Centre also includes materials used in the Governance Training Workshops held in May and June 2014. These materials include:

  • Full slide deck
  • Case study
  • Pre-read articles

Access to the Governance Resource Centre is available to all Health Service Providers within Mississauga Halton, as well as all participants at the Governance Training Workshops.

The Resource Centre has been sponsored by the Governance to Governance (G2G) with funding provided by the Mississauga Halton Local Health Integration Network. It is part of a broader effort to provide Health Services Providers in this region with governance training and support in response to HSP interest and demand.

If you were not able to attend the governance training workshops, these sessions were held over two half-day sessions and covered governance related topics relating to board structure, board processes and boardroom dynamics and relationships. The Governance Resource Centre was specifically designed to support the workshop learnings by providing the processes, tools and templates for the practical application of the governance theory covered.

Using Resource Materials: The materials included in the balance of the Governance Resource Centre reflect current best practices. To be optimally effective, these materials should be chosen carefully and adapted for your use in your own organization. You are free to download materials and then edit and add to them for your own use.

The resources provided are only suggestions for your consideration and use. Every board should make sure all of the content is relevant to and works for their organization and to adapt as necessary to ensure it does.

Changes and Additions: Only those connected to the Resource Centre as editors are able to make changes online current documents or add to the library of resources.

The Resources will be added to over time and revised as necessary. If you have any suggestions for additions, revisions or other improvements, please contact

We trust this Resource Centre will be a valuable addition to your current governance toolbox.