Century College

Fall 2013
Tuesday/Thursday 4:00pm- 5:15pm

Course Title: Introduction to Eastern Philosophy

Course Number: 1025.01

Course ID: 001097

Classroom: West Campus, Room 2120

Number of Credits: 3

Instructor Name: Steve Aspenson

Office Number: W

Phone Number: Office651-779-3256; Home 612-200-9327; Cell 612-804-6464

Office Hours: Tuesday, 10:50am-11:50am, and by appointment

Faculty Bio: BS in Biology and Philosophy, UW-La Crosse, 1988; PhD, U of Iowa in 1996. Publications include articles in ethics, medieval philosophy, philosophy of religion, and a textbook, The Philosopher’s Tool Kit. In graduate school I emphasized medieval philosophy and ethical theory.

Required Texts and Supplies: Asian Philosophies, Sixth Edition, John M. Koller

Supplemental Texts: Handouts as needed

Course Objectives: By the end of the course you will be able to identify, explain, and evaluate the main concepts of a number of Eastern philosophical traditions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Confucianism, among others to be determined.


Week 1: Aug 27-29: Hurley 3.1

Week 2: Sep 3-5: Hurley 3.2, 3.3

Week 3: Sep 10-12: QUIZ 1:Hurley 3.1-3.3 (40pts)

Week 4: Sep 17-19 General Introduction to Philosophy

Week 5: Sep 24-26:Hinduism

Week 6: Oct 1-3: Hinduism cont. QUIZ 2: Hinduism

Week 7: Oct 8-10: Islam

Week 8: Oct 15: QUIZ 3: Islam; Jainism;(NO CLASS on the 17th)

Week 9: Oct 22-24: Jainism cont. Buddhism

Week 10: Oct 29-31:Buddhism cont.

Week 11: Nov 5-7: Buddhism cont.;QUIZ 4: Jainism & Buddhism

Week 12: Nov 12-14: Confucianism

Week 13: Nov 19-21:Confucianism cont.

Week 14: Nov 26:(NO CLASS on the 28th);QUIZ 5 Confucianism; Daoism

Week 15: Dec 3-5: Daoism cont.

Week 16: Dec 10-12: QUIZ 6: Daoism; Review for Final

Week 17: Dec 19: Final Exam

Attendance Policy: If you have perfect or near perfect attendance, you are guaranteed 65 of the 75 points available for participation. Strong in-class contributions can make up for lost attendance.

*Student Success Day is a time set aside each semester to support and celebrate student success. This year's Student Success Days will be held on October 9th.

On Student Success day, classes starting before 3:00 PM are not held in order to give students an opportunity to have conferences with their teachers and attend the many success-oriented sessions/activities held throughout the day/evening. Students who have late afternoon (starting at or after 3:00 PM) or evening class (starting at 6:00 PM) on Student Success Day may expect to meet with their teachers during the first hour of class and/or attend seminars and workshops available throughout the day and (usually) from 6:00-6:50 PM. The day's schedule is available several weeks prior to Student Success Day, both in hard copy and on our college's website, so that students and faculty can discuss opportunities for the day.

Academic Honesty:

Academic dishonesty—cheating, plagiarism, and collusion—are serious offenses which undermine the education process and the learning experience for the entire college community.

It is expected that Century College students will understand and adhere to the concept of academic integrity and to the standards of conduct prescribed by the college’s Policy on Academic Honesty. A faculty member who has evidence that students are guilty of cheating or plagiarism will initiate the appropriate disciplinary action. The faculty member may assess a penalty such as a warning, reduction of a passing grade for the course, or a grade of F for the course. (See the Student Conduct Policy handout, Section 2, for further information). The Student Conduct and Academic Honesty Policy is available in the Counseling Center, West Campus, on the Century College website or from the Associate Dean of Student Life, room 2252, West Campus 651-773-1780.

Course Procedures (percentage of time devoted to lecture, lab, discussion, etc.)

This course will consist of lecturing and lots of student exercises at the white board.

Grading Procedures:

200pts from 5 of 6 quizzes at 40 points each (I drop you lowest quiz automatically)

75pts from class participation

100pts midterm exam (You must take this exam to pass the course)

125pts final exam (You must take this exam to pass the course)

500 total points

100% - 90% A

80% - 89% B

70% - 79%C

55% - 69%D

0% - 54%F

Make-ups: must be completed in the Access Center (aka Assessment Center, Testing Center); you are permitted 2 make-up quizzes only, with an automatic 4-point deduction on your second make-up quiz. If you miss the midterm there is an automatic 10-point deduction. A valid excuse is required for making up the midterm without the 10-point penalty (what counts as valid is up to me).

Student’s Right to Know:

Century College is committed to the safety and security of its students and employees, and asks that you read the “Right to Know” information carefully. This information is being supplied to you in compliance with state and federal laws and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities regulations. The Right to Know brochure is available in the Counseling Center, room 2410 west campus, in brochure displays at the main entrances of the east and west campus buildings, by calling 651-779-3929 or on the Century College web site at:


The Access Center is a Student Services office, which provides accommodation, advocacy, support and referral information for students with various types of physical, psychological, or learning disabilities. Based on the individual needs of the students, services may include, but are not limited to, early registration, note-taking, test-taking accommodations, and the provision of sign language interpreters. Services are also available for students with temporary and/or suspected disabilities. Documentation must be provided within the first semester of service.

The Access Center ensures the rights of disabled students and assists Century College in meeting its obligations under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (P.L.93-112, Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Center’s commitment is to remove educational, programmatic and attitudinal barriers, allowing students with disabilities equal access and opportunity to participate fully in all education programs and activities. This is made possible by the provision and arrangement of reasonable accommodations on a campus-wide level. Services provided are based on individual need.

The Center is located in W2460, 651-779-3354 or 651-773-1715 TTY, FAX 651-779-5831.


Century College is deeply committed to your academic success. When you encounter challenges or encounter special needs, we are anxious to work with you to address them. The information below represents some of our key academic support areas, but you are always encouraged to talk to your instructor and/or to a counselor about any problems you face.


The ESOL Lab serves all students for whom English is not a primary language. You must be currently enrolled in ESOL course work. Professional and peer tutoring are available by appointment. Walk-ins will be accommodated as much as possible. In addition, study groups and volunteers work with students in the lab. Welcome to a lab rich in diversity and welcoming to all.


PHONE: 651-747-4039




The Century College Writing Center is an encouraging learning environment where writers from all disciplines come together for mutual support and assistance with invention, drafting, revision, and editing. The Writing Center is staffed by English faculty members, the Writing Center Coordinator, and student tutors. While the Writing Center staff will not proofread students’ papers, they will answer specific questions about grammar, punctuation, and mechanics, and staff will help students identify patterns of errors in their writing. The Writing Center staff can also provide assistance at any point during the writing process by helping students in areas such as development, focus, and organization. Computers, reference materials, and grammar exercises are just a few of the resources available in the Writing Center. All Century College students are welcome. Hours change by semester and are available at the Writing Center website

LOCATION: West 3370

PHONE: 651-779-3400



The Language Laboratory provides opportunities for language students to converse with student native speakers and tutors in both Spanish and French. Additionally, assistance is available to help you with classroom assignments and assigned laboratory work. The Language Laboratory also supports non-credit activities for college community members interested in various language conversation groups and/or participating in the French, Spanish, and Intercultural Clubs.

LOCATION: West 1190

PHONE: 651-779-3978



The Peer Tutoring Program helps you to sharpen your academic skills in various subject areas by working with fellow students recognized by their instructor as having expertise in that particular course. Students are allotted up to 15 hours of free tutoring per class per semester (about one hour a week per subject). You can register for up to three subjects. Applications, schedules, and course listings are available in both the Academic Support Center (W2460) or the East Campus Student Support Center (E2523).

LOCATION: W2460 and E2523

PHONE: 651-748-2606


All Century students are welcome to seek assistance from the Reading/Study Skills Laboratory to become more efficient and successful in the following: vocabulary development, college textbook reading, note-taking, time management, test-taking and study strategies. While all students are welcome to use the Laboratory, students currently enrolled in Reading/Study Skills courses or students who have completed any Reading/Study Skills courses have first priority. A college Lab Assistant and faculty are available to assist students on a walk-in basis. The Laboratory is located in Room 3250 on the West Campus.


PHONE: 651-779-3351